Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/10/2009 19:02 #49981
1st vlogCategory: vlog
The thing with that above video is that it is like 22 minutes long and it is of me doing a video blog from my shower. Sorry to you girls and boys there is no nudity and that is also a blessing to you all as well. It seems either the water is to loud or I'm not loud enough. Now there are other ways to shoot video but not sure how really, I guess different quality?
I mostly talked about relaxing in the shower and how that is important. That lead into how cameras might alter reality on TV and for Documentaries. Hey check it out for a few and maybe pause it or fast forward it or what ever. One thing I did wind up wondering about is if there is a market to get people to watch police cameras from other cities? Cities have web cams so why not set up a way that people can watch those over the internet.
10/07/2009 19:12 #49957
worked SaturdayCategory: photos.
So Work got a little bit crazy so, some people worked on Saturday. Not much to say there really but on my way I had my camera and tried to take a few shots I think they came out good. (yes they where on facebook also). I couldn't post them here because they where to big but here they are.
Well they all didn't get posted I just figured here I should publish all of them in a bunch. Here that makes more sense on there a did them one at a time.

After Work I took these shots of the sky. What I like and also what I don't like is that you can't tell where you are. Reason I like it, is sky pictures should just be of the sky. Often times a bad building takes away from it. But that is also what I don't like. I wish i could have got a nice looking building or hot chick or some type of thing to make them more then just pictures of the sky. Well hopefully some likes these.

Well they all didn't get posted I just figured here I should publish all of them in a bunch. Here that makes more sense on there a did them one at a time.

After Work I took these shots of the sky. What I like and also what I don't like is that you can't tell where you are. Reason I like it, is sky pictures should just be of the sky. Often times a bad building takes away from it. But that is also what I don't like. I wish i could have got a nice looking building or hot chick or some type of thing to make them more then just pictures of the sky. Well hopefully some likes these.

metalpeter - 10/08/09 18:43
In the one picture it does look very dark. If we work on Sat. I start later in the day but not much. It was a pretty close to 7AM, not sure the exact time.
In the one picture it does look very dark. If we work on Sat. I start later in the day but not much. It was a pretty close to 7AM, not sure the exact time.
ladycroft - 10/08/09 12:55
what time do you go in?? it looked like 4am!
what time do you go in?? it looked like 4am!
10/07/2009 18:55 #49956
Test of some pictures of FairCategory: photos
Picasa is still very new to me and not sure when I did export why it tried to do it to all my pictures. I'm guessing there is some way to select them and only do the ones that you want. Well as a test I'm going to put up some of the ones from the first day at the fair with (e:Vincent) and (e:tinypliny) and see how that works.

Well Looks like it only copied one album now to find the other one I want it to copy for the next post, this is plenty of pictures for a test.

Well Looks like it only copied one album now to find the other one I want it to copy for the next post, this is plenty of pictures for a test.
10/04/2009 14:01 #49926
Video Test hope it worksSo I signed up for You Tube Lets see if this works. Again it is video of some of the art that is on my walls, yes it is a bit shaky. But this is also a test to see how I can upload video on here.
(e:tinypliny) thanks for the idea.
(e:tinypliny) thanks for the idea.
10/04/2009 12:49 #49923
How Do I upload Video?So I have a few pictures I want to post that I have to shrink. I took a video with my camera just to test it out on (e:strip) and when I go to upload it it shows as a picture on the file but when I open it up (e:strip) doesn't see it. It plays on Windows Media Player and the file type ends in .avi . I'm wondering if anyone knows how I post it here. I don't have a Youtube account.
metalpeter - 10/04/09 13:33
Maybe I will try YouTube then not sure how big the video is but it is only about 2 minutes.
Maybe I will try YouTube then not sure how big the video is but it is only about 2 minutes.
tinypliny - 10/04/09 13:24
Hey (e:metalpeterrrrr)rrrrrr! Youtube is your best bet. You can set up an account in 20 seconds flat (assuming you haven't forgotten the password to your email account ;-)). Youtube pretty much accepts all format and variable lengths/sizes.
I have uploaded .flv and .swf videos to (e:strip) before - using the same upload button as the photos. They need to be under 5 MBs (or something close, I don't remember exactly). This is a tough size for videos more than a few minutes long.
Hey (e:metalpeterrrrr)rrrrrr! Youtube is your best bet. You can set up an account in 20 seconds flat (assuming you haven't forgotten the password to your email account ;-)). Youtube pretty much accepts all format and variable lengths/sizes.
I have uploaded .flv and .swf videos to (e:strip) before - using the same upload button as the photos. They need to be under 5 MBs (or something close, I don't remember exactly). This is a tough size for videos more than a few minutes long.
I don't expect anyone to watch any thing I put on YouTube. The reason I did that is that when you upload stuff to (e:strip) that little box doesn't see the video. The last camera I had I think shot videos in quicktime and they couldn't be found by (e:strip) either. It is to bad they took it down. I assumed that when I uploaded it I didn't get any warning message so I thought it might stay up. I prefer blog to vlogging and don't think I would do it much. It was more of an idea of something I might try. ON a side note there is no way this video is going up on facebook. That being said it is nice to know that I do have a way to put of videos, not sure what I would video, not like they let me backstage at strip clubs or anything.
Ah man they yanked you for being over 10 min :-(
I've been thinking of buying a real camera myself, but as a bit too shy to vlog. I guess the only way I could do it is to turn off the comments.