So I have no idea what I want to dress up as. Well I have some ideas but they wouldn't work for a bunch of reasons.
I wish I could go as a few Characters from Truebllood. The problem is none of them are really distinctive.
I would love to go as an NHL Goalie. That would be awesome except for the cost of everything and walking around in the equipment and carring the net. Do they make water bottles that shoot alcohol out of.
I do have a thing for Vampires and that might be cool but I was one last year. To Bad I don't have some really booby girl then we could really do the costume up.
I don't like political costumes, but who knows.
I could all ways get a cowboy Hat, tear up some Jeans and some sun glasses and dye yellow streaks in it and be Rob Zombie.
I guessing I'll go as what ever I like at party city. But wish I could come up with something really cool.
Metalpeter's Journal
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10/14/2009 20:17 #50017
Hallloween ?10/10/2009 19:21 #49982
ZombielandCategory: movies
I went to see zombieland today and had a great time. I thought it was good and violent. Plus there where hot Chicks. Plus it was very funny, not sure if it was supposed to be, but others laughed as well. Plus there was a part I liked after the credits. I can't say anything about it other then that it goes back to part of the movie. Woody played a great role in this he really did.
Also for you fans of Horror I saw a preview for Nightmare On Elm street, it looks really good. I don't think it is the story going on, but maybe it is, I'm guessing it is a remake or a different take on the story. Oh Yeah Legion looks amazing also. Hey nothing like a movie where you have people fighting Angles sent by god to wipe out Humans.
I thought I would share some pictures of the changing Elmwood area from before the movie. The KFC is supposed to be coming down but not sure when. There is a new place across from the redone laundry place. I admit I should have got a picture of that also.

Also for you fans of Horror I saw a preview for Nightmare On Elm street, it looks really good. I don't think it is the story going on, but maybe it is, I'm guessing it is a remake or a different take on the story. Oh Yeah Legion looks amazing also. Hey nothing like a movie where you have people fighting Angles sent by god to wipe out Humans.
I thought I would share some pictures of the changing Elmwood area from before the movie. The KFC is supposed to be coming down but not sure when. There is a new place across from the redone laundry place. I admit I should have got a picture of that also.

metalpeter - 10/11/09 10:19
I thought it was Funnier then "The Hangover". I liked the hangover but the problem was that most of the funny parts where just longer versions of what was shown in all the previews. Well except for how it ended with the pictures and some other stuff. I did see Superbad but never would have known Jules from it was Wichita, maybe I need to go back and re watch superbad( assuming it is still on cable). In Terms of the Main Kid I have seen him in other stuff but can't think of what movies or shows. I want to say in a show called Freaks and Geeks but that might not be right.
I thought it was Funnier then "The Hangover". I liked the hangover but the problem was that most of the funny parts where just longer versions of what was shown in all the previews. Well except for how it ended with the pictures and some other stuff. I did see Superbad but never would have known Jules from it was Wichita, maybe I need to go back and re watch superbad( assuming it is still on cable). In Terms of the Main Kid I have seen him in other stuff but can't think of what movies or shows. I want to say in a show called Freaks and Geeks but that might not be right.
jenks - 10/11/09 09:20
I saw zombieland last night too- enjoyed it. And yes, we stayed to watch all the credits to check on the music- and had that little bonus. Glad we saw it.
And it took me a minute to figure out who Wichita was, but it was driving me nuts... til I finally realized she's Jules from Superbad.
The main kid reminds me of Michael Cera.
Someone described it as "the funniest movie since the hangover"... not sure if I'd go that far. But I definitely liked it.
I saw zombieland last night too- enjoyed it. And yes, we stayed to watch all the credits to check on the music- and had that little bonus. Glad we saw it.
And it took me a minute to figure out who Wichita was, but it was driving me nuts... til I finally realized she's Jules from Superbad.
The main kid reminds me of Michael Cera.
Someone described it as "the funniest movie since the hangover"... not sure if I'd go that far. But I definitely liked it.
10/10/2009 19:02 #49981
1st vlogCategory: vlog
The thing with that above video is that it is like 22 minutes long and it is of me doing a video blog from my shower. Sorry to you girls and boys there is no nudity and that is also a blessing to you all as well. It seems either the water is to loud or I'm not loud enough. Now there are other ways to shoot video but not sure how really, I guess different quality?
I mostly talked about relaxing in the shower and how that is important. That lead into how cameras might alter reality on TV and for Documentaries. Hey check it out for a few and maybe pause it or fast forward it or what ever. One thing I did wind up wondering about is if there is a market to get people to watch police cameras from other cities? Cities have web cams so why not set up a way that people can watch those over the internet.
metalpeter - 10/11/09 10:13
I don't expect anyone to watch any thing I put on YouTube. The reason I did that is that when you upload stuff to (e:strip) that little box doesn't see the video. The last camera I had I think shot videos in quicktime and they couldn't be found by (e:strip) either. It is to bad they took it down. I assumed that when I uploaded it I didn't get any warning message so I thought it might stay up. I prefer blog to vlogging and don't think I would do it much. It was more of an idea of something I might try. ON a side note there is no way this video is going up on facebook. That being said it is nice to know that I do have a way to put of videos, not sure what I would video, not like they let me backstage at strip clubs or anything.
I don't expect anyone to watch any thing I put on YouTube. The reason I did that is that when you upload stuff to (e:strip) that little box doesn't see the video. The last camera I had I think shot videos in quicktime and they couldn't be found by (e:strip) either. It is to bad they took it down. I assumed that when I uploaded it I didn't get any warning message so I thought it might stay up. I prefer blog to vlogging and don't think I would do it much. It was more of an idea of something I might try. ON a side note there is no way this video is going up on facebook. That being said it is nice to know that I do have a way to put of videos, not sure what I would video, not like they let me backstage at strip clubs or anything.
vincent - 10/10/09 23:12
Ah man they yanked you for being over 10 min :-(
I've been thinking of buying a real camera myself, but as a bit too shy to vlog. I guess the only way I could do it is to turn off the comments.
Ah man they yanked you for being over 10 min :-(
I've been thinking of buying a real camera myself, but as a bit too shy to vlog. I guess the only way I could do it is to turn off the comments.
10/07/2009 19:12 #49957
worked SaturdayCategory: photos.
So Work got a little bit crazy so, some people worked on Saturday. Not much to say there really but on my way I had my camera and tried to take a few shots I think they came out good. (yes they where on facebook also). I couldn't post them here because they where to big but here they are.
Well they all didn't get posted I just figured here I should publish all of them in a bunch. Here that makes more sense on there a did them one at a time.

After Work I took these shots of the sky. What I like and also what I don't like is that you can't tell where you are. Reason I like it, is sky pictures should just be of the sky. Often times a bad building takes away from it. But that is also what I don't like. I wish i could have got a nice looking building or hot chick or some type of thing to make them more then just pictures of the sky. Well hopefully some likes these.

Well they all didn't get posted I just figured here I should publish all of them in a bunch. Here that makes more sense on there a did them one at a time.

After Work I took these shots of the sky. What I like and also what I don't like is that you can't tell where you are. Reason I like it, is sky pictures should just be of the sky. Often times a bad building takes away from it. But that is also what I don't like. I wish i could have got a nice looking building or hot chick or some type of thing to make them more then just pictures of the sky. Well hopefully some likes these.

metalpeter - 10/08/09 18:43
In the one picture it does look very dark. If we work on Sat. I start later in the day but not much. It was a pretty close to 7AM, not sure the exact time.
In the one picture it does look very dark. If we work on Sat. I start later in the day but not much. It was a pretty close to 7AM, not sure the exact time.
ladycroft - 10/08/09 12:55
what time do you go in?? it looked like 4am!
what time do you go in?? it looked like 4am!
10/07/2009 18:55 #49956
Test of some pictures of FairCategory: photos
Picasa is still very new to me and not sure when I did export why it tried to do it to all my pictures. I'm guessing there is some way to select them and only do the ones that you want. Well as a test I'm going to put up some of the ones from the first day at the fair with (e:Vincent) and (e:tinypliny) and see how that works.

Well Looks like it only copied one album now to find the other one I want it to copy for the next post, this is plenty of pictures for a test.

Well Looks like it only copied one album now to find the other one I want it to copy for the next post, this is plenty of pictures for a test.
Well there are some chicks that if I could pull it off could be pretty cool. But I can't really think of any off hand that would work. That being said there are a few problems.
1. Don't want to wear a dress
2. My shaver leaves slight hair
3. Been Called mam by mistake (people assume with the long hair) Hello ever heard of any metal band, or ever watched wrestling or even seen a couple country singers, ARGH.
4. What do I do if some dude hits on me?
5. What if some chick thinking I'm a chick hits on Me?
Who Knows Maybe with a New Nightmare on Elmstreet I could go as Freedy?
One example of the girl that might work if it didn't cost so much is a goth/Fetish chick. Dark black Shiny out fit or some style of clothes lots of fake Tattoos and that fetish hair. Only one problem once I saw how hot I was I wouldn't be able to leave, HA.
I wonder if any places have costumes for members of the Magesterim in the New Twilgiht Movie. Any thing authentic like star wars or things like that, that can be used for conventions also are often pricy. Make in an Animee and it really goes up. Ah who knows.
i second tiny. you should go as a chick, have someone curl up your hair a little bit and make sure you shave :)
I say, YOU should be the booby girl.