So I'm barley awake and walk down to Connecticut st. Now for those who know that Area there have been a lot of Changes. They used to Have the Italian Festival over there and once it moved to Hertel it did come back for one year. Years ago I guess there where a lot of of fires (not sure if I was alive then or not) known as Italian Lightning. But ever since I was very young there was this mural on a side of this building, it was a landmark. It was dark I was coming home from a show (later in life) from the showplace you say that mark and knew where you where. Well it is almost gone.
It was early and I didn't feel like roaming around Near the college so this is all I got.

Well Off to go watch some pregame Hope I haven't missed the pick section yet.
I like Helen Mirren. She doesn't give a shit about eating a burger.
I just wish I was the guy who got to but the Body Paint On Rebeca , she was so hot as she all ways is. But I could count her in the big group of actors who are in big time movies who always look and sound the same. Yes DeNiro was amazing in stardust. But to me that was all about the character he still kinda sounded like him.
Most people think Denzel is amazing. I have seen what I thought where great performances like in Malcolm X. But all his acting is kinda like that. Jim Carey is an over actor for sure, but his stuff is funny. Even when he does serious stuff ( I give him credit for trying it) He still comes off as Jim Carey.
In Terms of the actors you Mention I've heard the names but don't now much of their work. Jennifer Garner I haven't seen much of. Gillian Anderson I have all ways liked but have only seen her X-Files stuff.
The Point I was trying to make is that there are some great actors out there who can make you believe (most of them come from the theatre back ground) they are someone they aren't . They know how to sound like a brit and walk like a brit and be a brit. But then if they do some war movie they can make you think they are french or a Nazi. But the thing is that in "Hollywood" once you make it big and are a star, you just act as your self. Since that is what everyone does than Megan Fox is at the same level as everyone else. She nor Wesly snipes nor most leading actors are going to be asked To dance to some old Jazz music and talk Cajun and be convicing.
So, (e:metalpeter), nice countering but who says Denzel Washington is a good actor? (Well, I am aware many do, but that legion does not include me.) I don't like the others you listed as well (and Jim Carrey and a dozen others who are pretty much the same all the time)
What do you think of these actors:
-- Billy Crudup
-- Gillian Anderson
-- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
-- Jennifer Garner
-- Rufus Sewell
-- Ryan Gosling
-- Helen Mirren
-- John Simm
-- Gael GarcÃa Bernal
DeNiro had an interesting part in Stardust - that was very much "unlike" him.
The example you give for Megan Fox needs to be more convincing because it sounds the same as saying that Rebecca Romijn (Mystique) in X-Men was a great actress because she was unrecognizable in that blue bodysuit.
First of all she Isn't a porn star. In the 3 movies I've seen her in there was no real nudity. Yes she unzipped her top but they didn't show her boobs they then go down to her legs, and well of course nothing in transformers There is one scene where you see her ass swimming but that is about it.
In Terms of acting she acts just as well as any Hollywood actor. Most actors all they do is replay them selves in every movie, or at least once they are stars. As great as everyone thinks Denzel Washington is, he does that dramatic style in every movie, you want a movie where the guy sounds like that you get him. If you want someone who is weird and Crazy you Get Jeff Goldblum, If you want just nuts then Jack Niclohson is your man. Sam Jackson is one of my favorite actors and he is the same way, when he started out he wasn't. Everyone Says DeNiro is great but he talks and walks the same in every movie. So most of the time acting is just if you like how a person talks and acts. Most people in movies talk in interviews the same way they do in movies and have all the same expressions, there are exceptions but for the most part it is true.
That being TV and Movies are Different so this doesn't apply as much to TV. Perfect example is Kiefer Sutherland. I have seen him cry and then be on the other extreme end and it works. Facial acting is much more important on TV. In Terms of in Wrestling it is a big part of the act.
Now On to Megan Fox Herself. She did show some emotions and in this movie they where believable now when she was in "monster form" I'll call it, you could tell. She looked like a different person but that could have been set up by how they filmed it or it could have been her it is hard to tell.
Megan Fox is pr0n$tar.
Give me at least one example of a scene or even a BIT of a scene where she is actually showing off any kind of acting skill and not her body. I am not going to believe she actually is an actress unless I see proof.