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10/07/2009 18:55 #49956

Test of some pictures of Fair
Category: photos
Picasa is still very new to me and not sure when I did export why it tried to do it to all my pictures. I'm guessing there is some way to select them and only do the ones that you want. Well as a test I'm going to put up some of the ones from the first day at the fair with (e:Vincent) and (e:tinypliny) and see how that works.











































Well Looks like it only copied one album now to find the other one I want it to copy for the next post, this is plenty of pictures for a test.

10/04/2009 14:01 #49926

Video Test hope it works
So I signed up for You Tube Lets see if this works. Again it is video of some of the art that is on my walls, yes it is a bit shaky. But this is also a test to see how I can upload video on here.

(e:tinypliny) thanks for the idea.

10/04/2009 12:49 #49923

How Do I upload Video?

So I have a few pictures I want to post that I have to shrink. I took a video with my camera just to test it out on (e:strip) and when I go to upload it it shows as a picture on the file but when I open it up (e:strip) doesn't see it. It plays on Windows Media Player and the file type ends in .avi . I'm wondering if anyone knows how I post it here. I don't have a Youtube account.
metalpeter - 10/04/09 13:33
Maybe I will try YouTube then not sure how big the video is but it is only about 2 minutes.
tinypliny - 10/04/09 13:24
Hey (e:metalpeterrrrr)rrrrrr! Youtube is your best bet. You can set up an account in 20 seconds flat (assuming you haven't forgotten the password to your email account ;-)). Youtube pretty much accepts all format and variable lengths/sizes.

I have uploaded .flv and .swf videos to (e:strip) before - using the same upload button as the photos. They need to be under 5 MBs (or something close, I don't remember exactly). This is a tough size for videos more than a few minutes long.

09/27/2009 12:24 #49866

Changing West side
Category: buffalo
So this Morning I had to get some Cat Food. Let me explain. It is my sis's cat but with her baby now the cat would try to get out and it was just a bit to much, the cat is pretty spoiled and craves lots of attention and adventure. So the cat moved into the mothers house, but that isn't why I wrote this.

So I'm barley awake and walk down to Connecticut st. Now for those who know that Area there have been a lot of Changes. They used to Have the Italian Festival over there and once it moved to Hertel it did come back for one year. Years ago I guess there where a lot of of fires (not sure if I was alive then or not) known as Italian Lightning. But ever since I was very young there was this mural on a side of this building, it was a landmark. It was dark I was coming home from a show (later in life) from the showplace you say that mark and knew where you where. Well it is almost gone.

It was early and I didn't feel like roaming around Near the college so this is all I got.






Well Off to go watch some pregame Hope I haven't missed the pick section yet.

09/26/2009 12:08 #49857

Movies and lost post (reading found)
Category: entertainment
So Yesterday was an interesting day. It started out with a nice Hot shower. Now to most people showers are quick and over in like 5 minutes, well unless they are with someone else, then they end in 3 minutes, HA. But not for me I have to enjoy it and make sure I'm clean. I don't like to take them but once I'm in I'm good. Part of that is since it is relaxing you mind goes other places, you just can't help it. Again this assumes you don't have a cutie pie in their with ya. But Yesterday I had all these great thoughts and I lost them It was going to be an interesting Blog. The only thing I can really remember is that it was about Baths Vs. Showers and can't remember where that lead me. I do remember this though that the problem with Baths is that you sit in your own dirty water. What about Bubble Baths and candles yeah that is all nice and romantic and stuff but when you are done how do you get all the bubbles off, and again if not alone I'm sure there is all sorts of other things you have to clean off, HA. I was also thinking I need to play around with my Camera and see about video and seeing if I can make one and download it and upload it. If I did it from the shower that would be cool. Of course from shoulders up. If I was a chick everyone would be hoping the camera slipped and they saw lots of great stuff and then they would hope it lands in the water and does and up shot for all the talking. But being a guy everyone would look away and Hope that doesn't Happen.

I just remembered what my post was going to be about, this won't be as good as what was in my head but it will have to do. I Have read on line from some of you guys that Reading Rainbow has been canceled and that is to bad. I think it is very important that kids be taught that reading is fun. I think the way that happens is to be read to first.

In My case when I was in school reading often seemed like a chore. What I mean was it was something you had to do for class. You didn't get to pick what you wanted to read. Plus most classes other then like math you need to read for. Hey maybe I'm just more of a visual person. The thing is reading should be fun and kids shouldn't be brought up on only movies and TV. Reading early helps with spelling and having a good vocabulary.

When I was a kid a read "Where the Wild things are" hey most kids if they didn't it was read to them. I don't remember much of it, but I'm so going to see the movie. Some might think this turning books into movies is a new thing but it isn't at all, it has been going on for a long time. The first example in terms of time that I know of is James Bond. I never read any of the stories or books but love all the movies. I admit I haven't seen really any of the old ones and don't remember much from the ones I saw as a kid. But what I can say is that if no one ever wrote them then we wouldn't have the movies.

Some other examples that come to Mind are things like "Puff The Magic Dragon", Harold and the Purple Caryon and there where a bunch of other kids books that got turned into animated movies. I wonder though if getting someone to watch the movies can get them to read the book, I think it can. In fact what often happens now is when a movie comes out based on a book they put a picture from the movie on the book cover. The other thing that happens is they often come out with a new book, and that book is the movie version of that book.

One Can't forget about Comic Books. Visually they are great and often they appeal to kids who normally wouldn't want to read like a book. I think as first reading they are a bad idea. Yes they do teach that you need to follow order. If you read the panels wrong the story makes no sense. Yes it gives people a sense of waiting and not instant gratification. You buy a book one month read the story then next month get the next issue. Of course some people buy a bunch of issues at once just like how some people wait for a TV show to come out on DVD so they can see it all at once with out the wait. But the downside is that they are so visual compared to how much writing there is that it can teach to read in short amounts and that the art work is the most important aspect. Comics are now a great source for movie companies to get material from.

I really like TrueBlood and think it is a great show. But the only reason it became a show is because the books where good or sold a lot of copies. So what I'm saying is that if people only watch TV and movies and don't read then there will be a lot of great shows and movies that never happen. But that isn't reason enough. Also if people don't read then you also won't have people writing anything either.

Again I'm sure this sounded much better in my head then on this blog.

So (If anyone is still here) after my shower yesterday I went downtown to buy Sabres Tickets. I knew there where 5 games I wanted to go to, so I wound up getting a mini pack. I just wish I would have got them sooner so I would have been closer but I think my seat worked out good. But there is still this other part of me that goes well I could have used the money this way or that way but I will have a great time. First game turns out is on Sweetest day (now if I could only blow myself I could be my own date, HA), and just to be clear I only got one ticket so I don't have any extras.

Next I was off to go see 9. I liked it. But I thought it was going to be more. It also seemed very short. After that I saw Surrogates. Wow what a great movie. First of all Bruce Willis so it is one of his style of movies and they are all ways fun. Then there is that Sci-Fi thing so it has the sci-fi message about robots and them not being the same as humans. Yes it felt like an animee like how irobot did. So it was a good sci-fi movie with a story and great action and a twist not sure how many or what one would count but I give it two thumbs up.
metalpeter - 09/26/09 15:00
I can admit I didn't think that people thought they felt cleaner taking a bath vs. Shower in fact that is something I never thought of for either one, but that is a big factor. In Terms of the time element that is very true I forgot about the fact that in a bath making sure it is very clean is very important. Generally a bath is supposed to be more relaxing, there are some people who read in them. I have even heard rumors of drinking things like coffee. Of course that is one thing you wouldn't want to spill, would Tea be worse since I've heard it stains things. I hope to hear more imput on this post, we shall see what happens.
libertad - 09/26/09 13:14
I like to take baths. I feel cleaner after a bath than a shower. When I take a bath, I don't even use soap usually just sprinkle in some baking soda and a splash of vinegar because they are conditioners. I haven't had a bath in a while though because they are kind of time consuming, especially cause I feel the need to scrub out the tub before hand.