Also for you fans of Horror I saw a preview for Nightmare On Elm street, it looks really good. I don't think it is the story going on, but maybe it is, I'm guessing it is a remake or a different take on the story. Oh Yeah Legion looks amazing also. Hey nothing like a movie where you have people fighting Angles sent by god to wipe out Humans.
I thought I would share some pictures of the changing Elmwood area from before the movie. The KFC is supposed to be coming down but not sure when. There is a new place across from the redone laundry place. I admit I should have got a picture of that also.

I thought it was Funnier then "The Hangover". I liked the hangover but the problem was that most of the funny parts where just longer versions of what was shown in all the previews. Well except for how it ended with the pictures and some other stuff. I did see Superbad but never would have known Jules from it was Wichita, maybe I need to go back and re watch superbad( assuming it is still on cable). In Terms of the Main Kid I have seen him in other stuff but can't think of what movies or shows. I want to say in a show called Freaks and Geeks but that might not be right.
I saw zombieland last night too- enjoyed it. And yes, we stayed to watch all the credits to check on the music- and had that little bonus. Glad we saw it.
And it took me a minute to figure out who Wichita was, but it was driving me nuts... til I finally realized she's Jules from Superbad.
The main kid reminds me of Michael Cera.
Someone described it as "the funniest movie since the hangover"... not sure if I'd go that far. But I definitely liked it.