Well that is all time will let me put up. I really need to like get a laptop, but I doubt it would have enough memory and then all those moblile plans are like around $40 a month. Maybe I should just get my own computer, but then I need a desk, How is time warner for internet?
Now That (e:mrmike) mentions it it seems like a few of the guys where a bit big for this. But I guess the point is that (didn't see them do the stuff in the kids area) how did they perform the duels? I'm guessing that is how they got picked.
In terms of the internet thing, I have no idea what I'm going to do or when. But I do need to in some form figure out what I want to do Computer wise. I even like those options of one of those tiny computers that are made to like just go on line. The problem is on the adds they even say you have to get a two year plan for the internet service. As nice as it would be to travel with it, I don't see how it would be useable to save pictures on and then upload them on line?
I really wanted to go to MIA, too. It had been on my calendar for months but when the day finally arrived, I was driving from Bloss to Buffalo and then realized that if I did that, I wouldn't be able to accomplish any of the long list of tasks I had for Sunday. School sucks! (Not really, it's much better this semester than last year, but I resent the amount of time and energy it requires.)
Wow, Darth Vader really let himself go. MIA is a great happening. If I didn't have an event at work, I so would have been there.
There are a few classes of internet expense with Time Warner. I don't remember them all (thankfully)but you can choose based on speed. I think the regular prices start around 19.00 a month, but there are lots of promotions floating around.