Well that gives a General sense. my next post hopefully will pictures and the story of the flying Shoe Fly tent at Festival Of The arts. Hopefully I'll try to do it in story form. I'm just a little upset cause I had these pictures uploading to facebook and with like two more pictures it fails that is time I could have used here to at least start my next post and put it in draft. Ok I need a movie before true blood.
Little update:
Going to look for the suit on Saturday
I went to see District 9 and thought it was very good. Yes it reminds me of a bunch of Different movies. With out giving any thing away it is a sci-fi action movie.
Before that I saw a wild movie " inglorious Bastards" My quick review is there was a lot of action and a lot of talking but I liked it.
I'm kind of board today looking for something to do, I called but you weren't home.