That being said I don't know if these guys take money or what there deal is. I don't think it is a protest I think they are trying to give there Message.

There are so many kinds of wings that it is tough to decide what kind to try. It is also important to me at least that just because two places have the same type of wing they may taste different.

That Mojito Stuff is Very good, I had never even heard of it before but it sure went down nice. Well here are some more of the sites.

I think I Need to Touch on those ladies in the Ref tops. First of all I think they where all, pretty hot. The ones had huge amazing boobs they where looking pretty nice. I think they worked for one of the places since there was a name on the shirts. I never did walk in a way that we where face to face that would have made a great shot but I never got it.

One place as above shows that I had to try was Quaker Steak and Lube. Hey the girls there where pretty cute. Not sure if I got the Ranch or The Arizona Ranch but it was very good and had a white sauce on it. Well (assuming anyone is reading this) are some more shots.

I made Sure to get up close so I could see the Chicken wing Eating Championship. There was a lot of media there and I'm in a couple pictures on facebook along with the rest of the crowd. Before the event started you can see some of the Eaters like Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas and back there with them is Robby Takac, he didn't compete.

I also Like how everyone who competes gets their own intro. I few times the MC of the thing had to cut off the music guy so he could finish we was really good.

The Guy with the White shirt is from the Buffalo Area Jim Reeves I think his name is. The Big Black Guy Is "badlands Booker" and then They say Sonya "The Black Widow " Thomas is the underdog. Well let the eating begin.

One Question I have is how do you decide who wins? Remember when you where a kid and some kid claimed he ate all these wings. But you take a look and his wings are tiny. Or what happens is that he doesn't pop the bones apart so there is all this meet left on them. Well because of this the way it works is that each tray weighs so much and after the 12 minutes they go and weigh how much is left and subtract it out. I'm not a judge so Not sure if that is how it really works. Ok here is your winner, that I'm guessing (assuming some one is reading this) you all ready heard about.

So Last Year I missed the Miss Buffalo wing Contest so I don't know how it went. But the Year before was great they had tasting and questions and a lovely lady won who worked at the Anchor Bar not sure how she spelled her name it was like Luchetta. But this year is was more of a beauty contest with the winner becoming miss buffalo and being sponsered by the wing fest. It was a great time anyways that will be the next post.
Still not sure what flavor I liked the best the most interesting ones where where Choptile Raspberry maybe the Ranch or was it Arizona Ranch from Quaker Stake and Lube they where where covered in white sauce and pretty good.
So which wings did you like best?