After the Intros they had some dancers and then went into the Talent portion I think it was all singing and dancing. I would have loved to see some one do impressions that would have been awesome but no luck, HA.

How Could I forget the St. Pualie Girl. She was amazing she talked about how knowing so many languages was a waste, and how the playmates where trying to look like her, it was a great time.

Now The Talent Portion

I think the dancers where called Center Stage Not 100% on that.

So then Next they Had the Evening wear portion and did the part where they asked them the two questions all in one. That then led to the presenting the awards to the runners up and the winners. You will notice the winner from last Year and That Sexy Beer Maden in those photos also.

Then Here are a few Pictures from after the contest.

I had a great time and I hope the people who went on both days had a good time as well, hope if anyone read down this far that they enjoyed this post and my previous one as well.
Still not sure what flavor I liked the best the most interesting ones where where Choptile Raspberry maybe the Ranch or was it Arizona Ranch from Quaker Stake and Lube they where where covered in white sauce and pretty good.
So which wings did you like best?