Well Here are some of the pictures from me on my way to the fair on Saturday. The trip from last week I could never find a way to take a bunch of pictures and resize them all at the same time so I gave up.
08/18/2009 20:18 #49571
The Fair and odd software Category: photos
Well this time a shrunk some pictures of the fair, I also put some up on my facebook page but haven't had time to put them up on my webshots page hopefully they show up. I can't wait to see (e:tinypliny)'s pictures and I think (e:theecarey) took some also.
On a side note this software is strange. I found where It saves the pictures under my pictures but then you have a 2009 folder and then under that it breaks it down by date but then when I save the pictures I edit it puts each picture in its own folder at the same level as 2009, it is very odd. You would think that a camera company would have the software make more sense.
I think I will go back on Saturday and take more pictures and they will be smaller and hopefully I don't have to go through this again.
jenks - 08/20/09 17:18 but that's also really strange to go up to a total stranger and ask him if he's eating his crawfish right.
jenks - 08/20/09 17:17 Yeah! you have to suck the heads to eat them like a 'real' new orleanian. ;)
metalpeter - 08/19/09 20:10 It was kinda funny as (e:Vincent) was eating those some came over and asked if he was eating those the right way and I said I don't know and he mentioned some way where you rip there heads off. On a sidenote I can't wait to see how (e:Tinypliny) Pictures came out, no pressure or anything.
heidi - 08/18/09 22:39 oooh! Thanks for the pix! A's all annoyed that we missed out on the Temptations tonight.
08/17/2009 20:18 #49561
Tiger Pictures Category: photos
So I really like my new Camera but learning the software is odd. It was a great time at the fair with (e:Vincent) and (e:Tinypliny) and then later meeting up with (e:Theecarey) oh it really was a great time.
Well this is a test also to see if the pictures show up there must be a better way of doing it then how it does it to look them up.
Well it stopped responding so lets see what publish brings me
metalpeter - 08/18/09 19:59 When I have some more time I will try that place out. I think I'm going back to the fair on Saturday I wish I could go thursday night but I don't think that what I want to see would end early enough, but that is ok I've seen that same type of event for a few years in a row. On Saturday we shall try pictures set to 3MegaPixels and see what happens. I did shrink some down and I did upload some on my facebook page but haven't had time to go to webshots and upload them there yet. Figuring out new software is all ways fun (not). I'm going to try posting a few pictures on here that a shrunk and see what happens asuming I can find them.
heidi - 08/17/09 23:15 (e:Metalpeter) - I use Picasa, :::link::: , to edit my photos to post on estrip. It's super easy to use (much easier than kodak easy share, for example) and you don't have to switch every time I change cameras. It stores all my photos and images - from my real camera, my phone, other images that I acquire - allows me to post them at :::link::: and allows me to quickly export smaller-size ones in batches so I can post them on estrip. It has a kinda awkward facebook upload, too. It automatically saves your original files in secret folders so you don't have to worry if you mess up editing something, and you don't have work at saving the new version.
I'm looking forward to your fair photos. A wants to go on Wednesday.
metalpeter - 08/17/09 20:24 Images still aren't showing up they must be to big at 5mp. When I have more time I'll try later.
08/14/2009 19:29 #49538
Saturday Peterazzi hits the Fair Category: peterazzi
Well if anyone cares (I still think sometimes that no one reads this) (and if anyone does that they don't care). I don't know why I feel that way sometimes. The Peterazzi bought a new camera that was a bit more then he planed but it is water Prof and freeze prof and dust prof. Not sure how true that is. It wasn't the really costly ones but was more then the one I thought I was going to get. So I guess the plane is first to find out how to charge the battery and hope that is like an overnight thing. Then Wake up in the morning and find his way to the Fair and see what happens and see how the pictures come out and maybe they will get posted on Sunday we shall see what happens.
metalpeter - 08/15/09 10:44 Looking at the huge tasty looking burger on Facebook reminded me of a feature I want to try there is a food setting (hey did (e:Paul) design this camera) I don't know how well it works but hopefully today I will get to try it out. The only thing is I'm not sure how many pictures and viewing and things the Battery is good for.
metalpeter - 08/15/09 08:56 The Fair get together is a great Idea and that should be a lot of fun Today, looking forward to it.
(e:Theecarey) . I'm not sure if it is really freeze prof. The sign said it was but haven't seen that in the little bit of looking through the book. Now I have a lot of playing around with it to do. It has some setting that I have to try like behind glass. It also has a way that if my vision was great would be amazing with the guide function you can see how the picture will look through different amount of zoom or different lighting. But the pictures are small so it is hard to tell really what they will look like, I don't know if there is anyway to make the pictures bigger but then you would have to do more scrolling and not sure how easy it would be to compare them. In any event playing around and learning it should be fun.
theecarey - 08/15/09 02:05 water proof, freeze proof and dust proof? nice! I hope this new camera is good for the peterazzi! :)
tinypliny - 08/15/09 00:34 (We get have that super-awesome ice cream at Landies on the way back!)
tinypliny - 08/15/09 00:32 Yeah, I hope you see this message! I would love to go to this fair with you and Vincent!
vincent - 08/14/09 22:02 I ran into (e:tinypliny) today and we are seriously contemplating on going. Let me know & I'll drive.
08/12/2009 20:09 #49518
The Fair? Category: peterazzi
So this weekend District 9 opens and I really want to see it. Maybe I'll go see it Sunday will it play Downtown? But Saturday I want to go to Erie County Fair also known as America's Fair and I heard at one time it was called the Hamburg Fair. The Bus Demolition got moved to Thursday and doesn't start til 8pm so Not sure I would make it home so I won't be going to that this year. Yes there are New Things Like there is a Tiger Show, that I have to see. Then there is some kind of like Sea Lion show or something that would be nice, and then you can buy stuff and eat Fried Foods, it is all ways a good time. The only down side is I have to decide what to do about my Camera. I wish I had the money to get one of those really good Water Cameras. They have cheaper ones. I wonder how the zoom works so that no water gets in? I do have a non digital one maybe I could try that one out, it has been so long though. Then I have an Advantax one again here it has been a long time. Both of those would need a test. The odd thing is though to put those pictures on line you need to get a disc for each roll of film, that seems odd. I could go get a cheap Camera (saw one at Office Max add that doesn't look to bad) but then, on the other hand I would love to get one with like a 5 or 6x Optical zoom. I have to make my mind up quick Sat. Morning will be here quick.
vincent - 08/12/09 22:07 I am thinking of going this weekend as I think I'll be out of town next week. Is anyone else interested?
but that's also really strange to go up to a total stranger and ask him if he's eating his crawfish right.
Yeah! you have to suck the heads to eat them like a 'real' new orleanian. ;)
It was kinda funny as (e:Vincent) was eating those some came over and asked if he was eating those the right way and I said I don't know and he mentioned some way where you rip there heads off. On a sidenote I can't wait to see how (e:Tinypliny) Pictures came out, no pressure or anything.
mmmm, crawfish.
oooh! Thanks for the pix! A's all annoyed that we missed out on the Temptations tonight.