So On the second day of Elmwood Festival of the arts I watched a bunch of Dancing. I admit pictures of Dancing don't tell the tale very well. You kinda have to see the entire thing. The 3 companies I saw where all pretty good. I wish I could remember the name of the one company that had some humor. They had like people yelling and other things and had a girl cary a guy they where very good. Well not sure how many pictures will go up but here are some of them.

Lovely out fits aren't they? But before I forget there is something that I need to talk about. When I first got there to watch the dancers Sam Hoyt was there with a dog and a bunch of people had dogs over on the grass. Now some people might say so what. He wasn't there with a sign he wasn't there with some oh come meet me a big fucking shot, oh look at me I'm Special like how like say Chuck Shummer does, he was there just as a regular person. I think if more people in Public Office did this things might be a lot better. This goes for peoples ideas who you like and don't like, when you go someplace go as your self you don't need TV cameras and big signs that is the same way Mayor Brown (yes he had a bunch of people with him) did it at the Garden walk and he waited in line on "Little" Summer just like everyone else. That is how he should have handled the East Side Shooting rash. Just Show up as your self and be a man, don't do the lets show up for 5 minutes and look good for the cameras. Ok back to pictures again.

In Terms of the art (assuming anyone made it this far or at all) that is Drew Morrison (not sure if that is how he spells it) the one with the wood frame is the one I bought I have two others above it but you can only see the one here. I don't know what I like about his art but I like it.
(e:Vincent) and you are SO MUCH fun! I need to tag along with you guys more. Hmmm... where will you be jogging next (e:Vincent)? You owe me tea!