Before the rains came Saturday, we had a little fun. When the rains did come, I learned an important fact. Wet purple is not a good look for a man of my years, but check out old frosting face (no,not me)

Never saw a Rhino charge before, but the two ton mother could book. She was a little excited for cake. She charged the cake, skidding considerably to stop herself in time. Who were we to say no?

Too effin cute.
mrmike, you are awesome as well.
(Since I have spared no one who posted in the last 24 hours from the awesome onslaught, you have fully earned the awesome title by posting the awesome cake pictures!)
Re: (e:jon)
Well in the name of trying to get fame for the Zoo and in the name of science I have an idea. This time have the cake where they can see it and smell out right out side of there habitat and see if they try to escape. If they do but are not able to get it then the zoo is built well and you learn something, if they get out then the zoo gets on the news, I'm kidding of course unless you try this when the zoo is closed, still kidding but it would be interesting to find out. That being said if I ever go to a safari park i won't take the chance of having cake in the car. Seriously though nice pictures and I learned something new toady.
hoorah 400 post!
Hahaha, I didn't know rhinos would eat cake, either! That's awesome!
Congrats on 400 posts!
Your posts are a pleasure!! Here's to 40000 more!!!
Awesome photos!
Thanks. baby zoo animals i love them !!
oh! And happy 400!
Rhinos will eat cake?
Rhinos will charge and eat cake?
You are blowing my mind!