3rd dates are good. That is all
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/11/2008 22:39 #43985
Something in the air04/07/2008 21:58 #43943
Sunny AfternoonCategory: weather
Damn, what a day, spiritually renewing, sunlight on your face for a lengthy period of time. Practically wanted to smoke when the sun went down, settled for a trip to Dairy Queen with number one son. That was after we traipsed up the marina and into the Naval park, resulting in the following Sunny Afternoon photo dump

metalpeter - 04/08/08 20:22
Great pictures thanks for sharing them. I will have to go check out the marina soon again. Hopefully now that it will be open all year long I can go brave it after summer is over and get snowy pictures of the place but lets not put the cart before the horse, I see that they now have two planes last time I was there it was only one.
Great pictures thanks for sharing them. I will have to go check out the marina soon again. Hopefully now that it will be open all year long I can go brave it after summer is over and get snowy pictures of the place but lets not put the cart before the horse, I see that they now have two planes last time I was there it was only one.
tinypliny - 04/08/08 01:19
I love going out to the Marina to see the sun set. It's magical. I think I might try to be there for many many sunsets this coming summer.
I love going out to the Marina to see the sun set. It's magical. I think I might try to be there for many many sunsets this coming summer.
04/04/2008 11:19 #43894
Friday! Friday! Friday!Lacking in cleverness, that is the best I got for today.
Had a pointless 7:30 meeting this morning, so I had to cut out on the hoopla at Mr. Goodbar last night practically old man early (which I know isn't much of a stretch). Nice to see everybody again and finally meet (e:Ajay). Good time, but it's been awhile since I've been out on a school night
My forties haven't taken too much of a toll on my hairline, yet somehow walking from my apartment to my car, the biggest, fattest rain drops managed to find precisely where my hair is the thinnest for two impressive sounding smacks. That kind of nonsense will wake you up.
I walked the ring road at Delaware Park at lunchtime yesterday for the first time in quite awhile. I didn't embarass myself but my knees went to great pains to remind me of how not a kid anymore that I am. It was an interesting reminder how joggers work with clouded thinking. On the inset of the grass is a rarely used trail that was set up for the jogger, smaill gravel that was set on the grass so it is a little softer than running on the asphalt. Do the joggers go for it? No, they stay out on the asphalt. That makes me wonder. Why punish yourself further when the only person that rewards is a spinal specialist? Maybe, it's jealousy as I can't run for shit. But to watch them as I was walking, it seemed like none of them were enjoying their runs so why not reduce the torture a little bit.
Maybe it's me.
There is a certain population of park goer that might need smacked with a bag of hammers. The peeling paint down the middle of the road apparently provides a line that a small population needs to trace as they walk. These folks remind me of the folks who walk the street on snowy days even though the sidewalks are clear. In the park, they follow that painted line, which would be no big deal except cars travel right on the other side of that line. Personally, I have a healthy respect for my right cheek so I don't go where an SUV can smack it. Hug that grass side, people.
Maybe it's me
My Colbert ticket connection collapsed, which kind of sucks, but alas, stuff happens. Gonna be a good weekend anyway. Temperatures are a little more human. Actually went out on a Thursday, gonna drag the kids kicking and screaming to the Art Gallery for free friday, going the movies with a fellow grownup tomorrow night, gonna drag my bike over to the Elmwood bike shop for a tuneup somewhere in between.
Amazing, what a little sun can do.
Had a pointless 7:30 meeting this morning, so I had to cut out on the hoopla at Mr. Goodbar last night practically old man early (which I know isn't much of a stretch). Nice to see everybody again and finally meet (e:Ajay). Good time, but it's been awhile since I've been out on a school night
My forties haven't taken too much of a toll on my hairline, yet somehow walking from my apartment to my car, the biggest, fattest rain drops managed to find precisely where my hair is the thinnest for two impressive sounding smacks. That kind of nonsense will wake you up.
I walked the ring road at Delaware Park at lunchtime yesterday for the first time in quite awhile. I didn't embarass myself but my knees went to great pains to remind me of how not a kid anymore that I am. It was an interesting reminder how joggers work with clouded thinking. On the inset of the grass is a rarely used trail that was set up for the jogger, smaill gravel that was set on the grass so it is a little softer than running on the asphalt. Do the joggers go for it? No, they stay out on the asphalt. That makes me wonder. Why punish yourself further when the only person that rewards is a spinal specialist? Maybe, it's jealousy as I can't run for shit. But to watch them as I was walking, it seemed like none of them were enjoying their runs so why not reduce the torture a little bit.
Maybe it's me.
There is a certain population of park goer that might need smacked with a bag of hammers. The peeling paint down the middle of the road apparently provides a line that a small population needs to trace as they walk. These folks remind me of the folks who walk the street on snowy days even though the sidewalks are clear. In the park, they follow that painted line, which would be no big deal except cars travel right on the other side of that line. Personally, I have a healthy respect for my right cheek so I don't go where an SUV can smack it. Hug that grass side, people.
Maybe it's me
My Colbert ticket connection collapsed, which kind of sucks, but alas, stuff happens. Gonna be a good weekend anyway. Temperatures are a little more human. Actually went out on a Thursday, gonna drag the kids kicking and screaming to the Art Gallery for free friday, going the movies with a fellow grownup tomorrow night, gonna drag my bike over to the Elmwood bike shop for a tuneup somewhere in between.
Amazing, what a little sun can do.
tinypliny - 04/08/08 01:59
That was some hilarious bitchin'... Haha.
Though I don't run either (and I think running is for masochists), I think running on the asphalt might be a bit better than running on softer ground. You would get more spring and it would be easier to bounce your feet back and forward to the next step. Doesn't running get harder as you move from a harder to softer surface - mud or sand, for instance?
That was some hilarious bitchin'... Haha.
Though I don't run either (and I think running is for masochists), I think running on the asphalt might be a bit better than running on softer ground. You would get more spring and it would be easier to bounce your feet back and forward to the next step. Doesn't running get harder as you move from a harder to softer surface - mud or sand, for instance?
imk2 - 04/07/08 20:10
oh i've been waiting to hear a report on ajay's goodbar visit. how come no one has mentioned it? or did they and i just missed it. who went? anyone take any pictures??
oh i've been waiting to hear a report on ajay's goodbar visit. how come no one has mentioned it? or did they and i just missed it. who went? anyone take any pictures??
ladycroft - 04/05/08 04:33
but there's always scrabulous!
but there's always scrabulous!
04/01/2008 13:45 #43861
A bird in the hand means poop on the carCategory: random
I think we've turned a corner. I didn't think I parked by too many trees yesterday, but I left work to a symphony of bird poop on my car. It must truly be spring if a bunch of diuretic animals are relieving themselves on parked cars. Or one just could be editorializing on me.
Shit happens...
Quit Myspace yesterday. If you're looking for me, best do it here.
Got a free pair of Colbert seats. That is the sign of an upswing.
New TV (with HD) works awesome! I spent saturday morning looking at stuff just because I could. Did some wiring shenanigans so I tried instant Netflix on Sunday. That was too friggin cool for words.
Had a second date with a woman that went so well that we immediately starting thinking of a third.
Other shoe must be getting ready to drop....
(just doing my part for the journal push)
Shit happens...
Quit Myspace yesterday. If you're looking for me, best do it here.
Got a free pair of Colbert seats. That is the sign of an upswing.
New TV (with HD) works awesome! I spent saturday morning looking at stuff just because I could. Did some wiring shenanigans so I tried instant Netflix on Sunday. That was too friggin cool for words.
Had a second date with a woman that went so well that we immediately starting thinking of a third.
Other shoe must be getting ready to drop....
(just doing my part for the journal push)
metalpeter - 04/01/08 17:48
I'm not really a fan of his, but that being said I was hoping to go see him, my mother is a fan and it is on her birthday but she didn't want to go cause it is out at UB and for some other reason I didn't get. I'm sure he will be great, have a great time. On a side note I wish I had the money for a good HD set. I have heard some sports are really good on them you just have to find a good team to watch, hey maybe a Penguins game.
I'm not really a fan of his, but that being said I was hoping to go see him, my mother is a fan and it is on her birthday but she didn't want to go cause it is out at UB and for some other reason I didn't get. I'm sure he will be great, have a great time. On a side note I wish I had the money for a good HD set. I have heard some sports are really good on them you just have to find a good team to watch, hey maybe a Penguins game.
drew - 04/01/08 14:08
If this woman isn't a Colbert fan, I would be happy to go with you. I might even buy you beers!
If this woman isn't a Colbert fan, I would be happy to go with you. I might even buy you beers!
james - 04/01/08 14:05
If I may offer some advice before the third date. Chicks dig cars Pollocked with bird poo....but it might be the opposite. I can't quite remember.
If I may offer some advice before the third date. Chicks dig cars Pollocked with bird poo....but it might be the opposite. I can't quite remember.
jason - 04/01/08 13:51
Same woman from the previous Journal? Either way, good for you!
Same woman from the previous Journal? Either way, good for you!
Well I wish you luck on the 4th date and hope that it gets to the point where you don't need to count them anymore.
Sweet! I'm glad you had a nice date.
rock on!