One of my staff is satan. She has equated not being a meat eater to being healthier in a holier than thou sort of way. While I certainly respect that dietary choice and have cut down siginificantly in my own consumption, avoiding the red meat is a dietary choice, not divine provenence. She has been sick in some form or another since November. I, ultimately being a good guy, gave her a ride to work last week. My reward for a good turn was to begin wishing for my own demise. In her "Superior" way to us carnivores, she passed along some bug that felled the other staffer, me, our Business VP and our overall boss. My direct report might be down for the count by the time anybody reads this. If my kids get it, I may just have to kill her
I've been fighting that bug for a few days now. It kept me from some of my son's birthday festivities and wrecked a guest dj gig for me over the weekend. Damn thing felt like brochitis. Given the lack of return for the drugs I had on hand, it was time to quit fooling around. I went and got myself checked out this morning. Drove over and walking up to the entrance. two employees were smoking right at the door. Jerkasses!! Move away from the fucking door as my respiratory functions are already messed up.
After the obligatory hour wait and the surprisingly happy note that my weight and height are getting along, the good doctor who sounded alarmingly spot on like Apu prescribed me my first z-pack. It's already making some progress. I'm sure having an idea as to what is going on and a map to follow help in the healing process. I tried working yesterday and when standing up at my desk made me utter a very eloquent "Whoa," I knew it was time to surrounder completely. Been a long time since any type of illness has knocked me so on my ass like that. The dearth of decent daytime tv made me want to slap my sickly staff with a strip steak even more. Thank fuck for my dvr and miracles that is an xbox.
My Dad called me earlier to say that mom has successfully beat back her ailments that had her on prednizone, insulin and other whatnot. That really is terrific news, but what came out was "Dad, that is cough, sputter, wheeze, cough, awesome! She must be cough, hack, cough, pound, be really cough,cough, thrilled."
This to shall pass. Drink your juice, kids
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/18/2008 17:35 #43722
Oh yeah, got to have drugsCategory: health
03/14/2008 11:12 #43662
Happy Birthday Number one SonCategory: holiday
Lil devil turns 10 today (Crap I'm old)
03/13/2008 16:01 #43652
I'm not sure what to think now...Category: random
I went out on a semi-blind date in November and it went okay. About a day and half later, I got a note from the other party explaining that she had a nice time, "but...wanted to concentrate on another relationship."
I did call previous to this and that made me wonder. I believe I even journaled about it previously. Essentially I was being test driven. Afterwards, I felt more played that anything else. That kind of sucked to hear, but I wished her well via email and soldiered on.
This week, out of the reasonably clear blued sky, I get a email from her saying, "Well, I'm suddenly single again and am exploring my options and thought I'd see how things were with you. Maybe you'd be up for a glass of wine somewhere"
I got to admit. I'm a little stuck. She's an attractive, well-read sort and we gradually got along okay, but part of me is thinking if I didn't warrant a second look in November, what changed. In essence, I have the lil devil on one shoulder telling me, go, what could a drink or two hurt. That lil angel is saying watch out dude, since you weren't a on the radar, you might not really be on there.
I'd like to trust my gut on this one, but lately my gut has shit for brains.
I did call previous to this and that made me wonder. I believe I even journaled about it previously. Essentially I was being test driven. Afterwards, I felt more played that anything else. That kind of sucked to hear, but I wished her well via email and soldiered on.
This week, out of the reasonably clear blued sky, I get a email from her saying, "Well, I'm suddenly single again and am exploring my options and thought I'd see how things were with you. Maybe you'd be up for a glass of wine somewhere"
I got to admit. I'm a little stuck. She's an attractive, well-read sort and we gradually got along okay, but part of me is thinking if I didn't warrant a second look in November, what changed. In essence, I have the lil devil on one shoulder telling me, go, what could a drink or two hurt. That lil angel is saying watch out dude, since you weren't a on the radar, you might not really be on there.
I'd like to trust my gut on this one, but lately my gut has shit for brains.
jbeatty - 03/15/08 11:03
I say go for it. Going out for a couple of drinks with her could be really great. If you turn her down it could be an opportunity lost.
I say go for it. Going out for a couple of drinks with her could be really great. If you turn her down it could be an opportunity lost.
fellyconnelly - 03/14/08 19:09
YESS!! a cold one for getting the boot!
YESS!! a cold one for getting the boot!
jason - 03/14/08 18:37
Ok Felly, I believe you, now don't let me forget it but next e-strip party we're both gonna be at, there's a good cold one coming your way!
Ok Felly, I believe you, now don't let me forget it but next e-strip party we're both gonna be at, there's a good cold one coming your way!
fellyconnelly - 03/14/08 18:28
well guys i may not know what the whole story is, but from the little that i know i can say that i HAVVE been the one who was put on the back burner...
Dated a woman who called me up after a couple dates and said that she was sorry but the woman who she had been in love with for quite some time had come around... and I said... well okay... no hard feelings... because I understand how that goes.. i wasn't the one she had pined for... and besides... it had been like two dates, not two months or anything... then i would have been pissed...
if months had passed and that didn't work out and she came back to me, and i wasn't head over heels in love with (e:lauren) by then, well who knows? i wouldn't have held that against her...
well guys i may not know what the whole story is, but from the little that i know i can say that i HAVVE been the one who was put on the back burner...
Dated a woman who called me up after a couple dates and said that she was sorry but the woman who she had been in love with for quite some time had come around... and I said... well okay... no hard feelings... because I understand how that goes.. i wasn't the one she had pined for... and besides... it had been like two dates, not two months or anything... then i would have been pissed...
if months had passed and that didn't work out and she came back to me, and i wasn't head over heels in love with (e:lauren) by then, well who knows? i wouldn't have held that against her...
joshua - 03/14/08 12:11
I don't believe in rewarding shitty behavior - its as simple as that. Other people are more then welcome to do so, but I'd be remiss if I didn't warn them first.
I don't believe in rewarding shitty behavior - its as simple as that. Other people are more then welcome to do so, but I'd be remiss if I didn't warn them first.
jason - 03/14/08 12:07
That seems too slash and burn for me, Josh. You don't want to C-Block yourself completely. It's a glass of wine. Harmless enough, yes? He can still only take it pseudo-seriously and be cautious, yet still go out and enjoy some vino. It ain't a contract.
That seems too slash and burn for me, Josh. You don't want to C-Block yourself completely. It's a glass of wine. Harmless enough, yes? He can still only take it pseudo-seriously and be cautious, yet still go out and enjoy some vino. It ain't a contract.
joshua - 03/14/08 11:59
Mike - no. This isn't about her, its about you and the amount of respect you have for yourself. No self-respecting person would validate or otherwise accept that sort of shitty, wonton petulance. The truth is that SHE should be the one on the back burner, not you. Personally I'd never give a lady like that the time of day. Getting your hopes up with someone like this would be an exercise in masochism. Really Mike, please tell her to call back the guy she ditched you for if she wants a drinking buddy. She did whats best for her and essentially gave you the finger - you should do what is best for you, and at the very least that (IMO anyway) should consist of respecting ones self enough to know when to say no.
Mike - no. This isn't about her, its about you and the amount of respect you have for yourself. No self-respecting person would validate or otherwise accept that sort of shitty, wonton petulance. The truth is that SHE should be the one on the back burner, not you. Personally I'd never give a lady like that the time of day. Getting your hopes up with someone like this would be an exercise in masochism. Really Mike, please tell her to call back the guy she ditched you for if she wants a drinking buddy. She did whats best for her and essentially gave you the finger - you should do what is best for you, and at the very least that (IMO anyway) should consist of respecting ones self enough to know when to say no.
jason - 03/14/08 11:43
I've got a nice, cold beer for any of you ladies who would EVER accept being #2 under these circumstances.
I've got a nice, cold beer for any of you ladies who would EVER accept being #2 under these circumstances.
fellyconnelly - 03/14/08 09:24
hey i totally agree with LC... have a drink with her and ask her what her situation is.. open discussion is always a good thing...
hey i totally agree with LC... have a drink with her and ask her what her situation is.. open discussion is always a good thing...
megan - 03/14/08 09:16
Hmmm. This is a tough one. First of all, what happened in a day and a half with this other guy that made her want to pursue him? If she was just dating that's one thing, but it sounds like it was already a bit more when she went out with you, which I would say is behavior to pay attention to. But I could also be totally wrong.
There is no harm in going out for a drink (ONE drink). The problem is that this girl seems like the type that a) cannot be alone, or b) cannot stand the lack of attention that results from being alone... I've seen this happen to my guy friends.
They'll have some girl in their life that always comes back for self-validation when they've been dumped by another guy.
But hey, if you liked her, what's the harm in figuring out just how much?
just never go into a situation without remembering the background.
Hmmm. This is a tough one. First of all, what happened in a day and a half with this other guy that made her want to pursue him? If she was just dating that's one thing, but it sounds like it was already a bit more when she went out with you, which I would say is behavior to pay attention to. But I could also be totally wrong.
There is no harm in going out for a drink (ONE drink). The problem is that this girl seems like the type that a) cannot be alone, or b) cannot stand the lack of attention that results from being alone... I've seen this happen to my guy friends.
They'll have some girl in their life that always comes back for self-validation when they've been dumped by another guy.
But hey, if you liked her, what's the harm in figuring out just how much?
just never go into a situation without remembering the background.
ladycroft - 03/14/08 04:00
So I see a few things in your post that you might have missed, which are good things. Your first date- you went on one. Then she told you she was working on a relationship so she couldn't see you anymore. She was honest and upfront, she didn't 'play' you.
Going on a single date with someone doesn't mean you are THE only person they might be going on dates with. That is WHY we date before getting into a relationship. Does it mean you weren't 'good enough' for her? Absolutely not. It means that at that point in time another man was also interesting and rather than toy both of you around she chose to focus on one. That's kind of how it all works, if we're so lucky to not be toyed around!
So things didn't work out with the guy she chose to focus on. Then she contacts you again, which clearly means you were interesting to her from the start. Are you going to punish her because she chose to focus on another guy and not you? Are you going to punish her because she's skipped all the small talk and asked you out for wine to see if things between the two of you would still generate good vibes? Or would you rather punish yourself by saying 'she didn't pick me first so I'm not going out with her'. It was just one date. Did she REALLY do something bad to you or are you just feeling low? Dating isn't all or nothing, so go have some fun!
So I see a few things in your post that you might have missed, which are good things. Your first date- you went on one. Then she told you she was working on a relationship so she couldn't see you anymore. She was honest and upfront, she didn't 'play' you.
Going on a single date with someone doesn't mean you are THE only person they might be going on dates with. That is WHY we date before getting into a relationship. Does it mean you weren't 'good enough' for her? Absolutely not. It means that at that point in time another man was also interesting and rather than toy both of you around she chose to focus on one. That's kind of how it all works, if we're so lucky to not be toyed around!
So things didn't work out with the guy she chose to focus on. Then she contacts you again, which clearly means you were interesting to her from the start. Are you going to punish her because she chose to focus on another guy and not you? Are you going to punish her because she's skipped all the small talk and asked you out for wine to see if things between the two of you would still generate good vibes? Or would you rather punish yourself by saying 'she didn't pick me first so I'm not going out with her'. It was just one date. Did she REALLY do something bad to you or are you just feeling low? Dating isn't all or nothing, so go have some fun!
jason - 03/13/08 16:35
Just a base, gut, non-thinking reaction here, so don't pay too much attention......
Even the "new" hello she sent is enough to put you off your fucking dinner. I mean, nothing really is quite as charming as telling a guy you're exploring your options. Gee, thanks, that makes me really want to try and go all out for you, knowing that I'm an option.
Tacos for dinner, versus pasta...that is an option, and you are a man. That is some fucking hubris. What if she suddenly gets bored, or as it usually works, she goes back to the other dude? I wouldn't have any confidence whatsoever that she's serious about pursuing something.
But, a glass of wine is only a glass of wine, and I guess I don't see any harm in it. Mine is only an unfiltered, not very well thought out gut reaction, remember. If I were in your position I probably would go, but I wouldn't try too hard. Feel it out. She has to woo you this time to some extent.
Just a base, gut, non-thinking reaction here, so don't pay too much attention......
Even the "new" hello she sent is enough to put you off your fucking dinner. I mean, nothing really is quite as charming as telling a guy you're exploring your options. Gee, thanks, that makes me really want to try and go all out for you, knowing that I'm an option.
Tacos for dinner, versus pasta...that is an option, and you are a man. That is some fucking hubris. What if she suddenly gets bored, or as it usually works, she goes back to the other dude? I wouldn't have any confidence whatsoever that she's serious about pursuing something.
But, a glass of wine is only a glass of wine, and I guess I don't see any harm in it. Mine is only an unfiltered, not very well thought out gut reaction, remember. If I were in your position I probably would go, but I wouldn't try too hard. Feel it out. She has to woo you this time to some extent.
03/05/2008 09:14 #43559
Morning Peep ShowCategory: porn

This is pretty dumb, but it made me laugh. Explains why it might be sticky in those places.
paul - 03/11/08 23:52
That is so freakin cute. I love peeps.
That is so freakin cute. I love peeps.
megan - 03/06/08 14:33
ooh I love the amorphousness of the chick dudes. They might as well be drooling...
ooh I love the amorphousness of the chick dudes. They might as well be drooling...
james - 03/05/08 10:24
HA! That is very amusing.
HA! That is very amusing.
fellyconnelly - 03/05/08 09:53
haha oh yeah this made me laugh too.. thanks mrmike
haha oh yeah this made me laugh too.. thanks mrmike
03/07/2008 11:11 #43574
Buddhas of my musical youthCategory: music
My Ipod is a very schizophrenic place. I listen to a little bit of everything. Everything from Sonic Youth to Billie Holliday to the National (thanks Jenks) to Eric Clapton and back again. But there are some signposts that become iconic in your musical lexicon. I've never been too concerned with being cool, mostly because I was never very good at it, especially when it came to tunage. Listen to what moves you.
In my early teens, it seemed like everybody has a copy of Hotel California, Rumors, Led Zeppelin number 2 and 4, Who's Next, you get the idea. When I was 13, 14 is when I started venturing to shows and the first significant one I attended was when Bruce Springsteen played Shea's Buffalo (I know this was before most of you were born for as (e:Drew) pointed out recently, I am really old). It was one of those holy shit evenings. I had two one or two other shows at that point and they were fun. My best friends big brother knew somebody so somehow the four of us were in the third row off to the right hand side of the stage. No opening act, just three and a half hours of musical bliss. You walked away going, "Okay, I get it now. They should all be like this." I was sold, that undescribable something something played out in front of me. I had a used copy of Born to Run that I liked a little but seeing it live sealed the deal. Got Darkness on the Edge of Town when it came out the following week and never looked back.
When he came back two years later to play the Aud, we returned. Same thing at the beginning of the hype for Born in the Usa and so on. I don't make a big effort to make repeated viewings. Other favorites like REM and U2, I've seen three times but I didn't do much work. Either Bruce's records have come around at the right time in life to nudge me to the shows or the shows themselves have fueled interest, or the occasional, now increasing amount of downloadable boot legs have made it a prequisite to see where things are when the man comes to town. I know that's not cool, but fuck you, do I mock the amount of Journey you have on your cd shelf. See, bugger off then.
So, it's a little bittersweet. I went to the last show he did at HSBC arena and had godawful tickets, only to have a "Man in black" come up and to my party and relocate us to the front row on one side of the stage. How you can not like that? When he played Darien Lake, I nearly went without, only to find Ticketmaster releasing good seats the day of the show, so off I went. I go with the trust the art, not the artist. Actually did meet the man at a book trade show(?), bought him a beer and we chatted for a few minutes about the Yankees for a few moments (see, I'm not starstruck, just have favorites) before mutually moving on.
I blame the bittersweetness on my automobile. I had to deal with over $800 in car repairs since January, an automotive clusterfuck of epic proportions. So, the discretionary income, which is never large, took a huge hit. First ticket price I paid was $5.00. This year's price was 95.00. Given car repairs and the upcoming birthday mad rush, I had to say no this time around. The arena now charges a $15.00 convenience fee. Convenient for who, exactly?
Number one son's birthday is next week and he doesn't charge that much, but the windmills are tilting in his favor.
Sorry, boss, I have to sit this one out. I'll wait for the download. It's been a nice run, but you're charging too much this time.
Thanks for the fun along the way.
UPDATE at 5:30 Friday: An Acquantice calls with a ticket with no strings, by 6 I'm in the Arena lobby, free ticket in hand.
UPDATE at 11:30 Friday night: post concert afterglow, it was sooo good, one of those events you can just lose yourself in the hugeness of it all. Wound up dancing a couple numbers with some anonymous woman, high fiving some new freinds and just letting the tunes take you away, that for a few hours, "It's alright." Definitely had a time.
Still grinning.
In my early teens, it seemed like everybody has a copy of Hotel California, Rumors, Led Zeppelin number 2 and 4, Who's Next, you get the idea. When I was 13, 14 is when I started venturing to shows and the first significant one I attended was when Bruce Springsteen played Shea's Buffalo (I know this was before most of you were born for as (e:Drew) pointed out recently, I am really old). It was one of those holy shit evenings. I had two one or two other shows at that point and they were fun. My best friends big brother knew somebody so somehow the four of us were in the third row off to the right hand side of the stage. No opening act, just three and a half hours of musical bliss. You walked away going, "Okay, I get it now. They should all be like this." I was sold, that undescribable something something played out in front of me. I had a used copy of Born to Run that I liked a little but seeing it live sealed the deal. Got Darkness on the Edge of Town when it came out the following week and never looked back.
When he came back two years later to play the Aud, we returned. Same thing at the beginning of the hype for Born in the Usa and so on. I don't make a big effort to make repeated viewings. Other favorites like REM and U2, I've seen three times but I didn't do much work. Either Bruce's records have come around at the right time in life to nudge me to the shows or the shows themselves have fueled interest, or the occasional, now increasing amount of downloadable boot legs have made it a prequisite to see where things are when the man comes to town. I know that's not cool, but fuck you, do I mock the amount of Journey you have on your cd shelf. See, bugger off then.
So, it's a little bittersweet. I went to the last show he did at HSBC arena and had godawful tickets, only to have a "Man in black" come up and to my party and relocate us to the front row on one side of the stage. How you can not like that? When he played Darien Lake, I nearly went without, only to find Ticketmaster releasing good seats the day of the show, so off I went. I go with the trust the art, not the artist. Actually did meet the man at a book trade show(?), bought him a beer and we chatted for a few minutes about the Yankees for a few moments (see, I'm not starstruck, just have favorites) before mutually moving on.
I blame the bittersweetness on my automobile. I had to deal with over $800 in car repairs since January, an automotive clusterfuck of epic proportions. So, the discretionary income, which is never large, took a huge hit. First ticket price I paid was $5.00. This year's price was 95.00. Given car repairs and the upcoming birthday mad rush, I had to say no this time around. The arena now charges a $15.00 convenience fee. Convenient for who, exactly?
Number one son's birthday is next week and he doesn't charge that much, but the windmills are tilting in his favor.
Sorry, boss, I have to sit this one out. I'll wait for the download. It's been a nice run, but you're charging too much this time.
Thanks for the fun along the way.
UPDATE at 5:30 Friday: An Acquantice calls with a ticket with no strings, by 6 I'm in the Arena lobby, free ticket in hand.
UPDATE at 11:30 Friday night: post concert afterglow, it was sooo good, one of those events you can just lose yourself in the hugeness of it all. Wound up dancing a couple numbers with some anonymous woman, high fiving some new freinds and just letting the tunes take you away, that for a few hours, "It's alright." Definitely had a time.
Still grinning.
metalpeter - 03/07/08 15:39
To bad you are not going. I have to admit $95 is a lot of money for a ticket. I thought most of the fee's were waved if you bought the tickets at the arena. I know over the interentet they also add and internet charge. I guess the ticket companies have to make there money also.
To bad you are not going. I have to admit $95 is a lot of money for a ticket. I thought most of the fee's were waved if you bought the tickets at the arena. I know over the interentet they also add and internet charge. I guess the ticket companies have to make there money also.
seriously. some good port wine works wonders.
Avoiding read meat is healthier then eating it. But it is more complicated then just that. A virus or Bug is a bug and if you are around it long enough you will catch it. I assume you got the same thing most people have. I have had it two weeks and now feel good but just can't get rid of the cough so I got some more drugs that maybe will help that or maybe not. Hope you get better cause as you said daytime TV is very bad.
So many vegetarians, and legions more vegans think that their choice in consumption = better health. So while they waste away from a b-vitamin deficiency every virus they come across incubates in their weak ass immune system. Viruses they cough up onto everyone else....
feel better soon.