I think we've turned a corner. I didn't think I parked by too many trees yesterday, but I left work to a symphony of bird poop on my car. It must truly be spring if a bunch of diuretic animals are relieving themselves on parked cars. Or one just could be editorializing on me.
Shit happens...
Quit Myspace yesterday. If you're looking for me, best do it here.
Got a free pair of Colbert seats. That is the sign of an upswing.
New TV (with HD) works awesome! I spent saturday morning looking at stuff just because I could. Did some wiring shenanigans so I tried instant Netflix on Sunday. That was too friggin cool for words.
Had a second date with a woman that went so well that we immediately starting thinking of a third.
Other shoe must be getting ready to drop....
(just doing my part for the journal push)
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/01/2008 13:45 #43861
A bird in the hand means poop on the carCategory: random
03/28/2008 10:31 #43814
Snow, now, what the hell?Category: random
Somebody didn't get the memo that there should be no more snow after the St. Patrick's Day parade, especially when my kids are at the ocean and I'm here. That said, some of it does make for an interesting picture, which I would take, if my camera was not with my kids, down by the Ocean, where I am not. I'll take that sentence into the shop and have it back shortly.
The optic beauty did hit me as I was walking into work. If you could ignore the squishing of the slush on the ring road in Delaware Park, it was pretty easy to appreciate how the wet snow basically looked like frosting on the netting in the monkey pens. Any residual dirt was temporarily hidden. My office is over the lion and tiger yards and any landscaping sins are covered up for the time being. The Tiger Cubs' Dad gets the yard to himself in the morning, usually coming out as the office staff is making its way in. Being a bit of a dork I usually stop at the Tiger window before heading upstairs. It was kind of cool to watch him slowly survey the unexpected snow. If a wild animal could truly wonder "What the hell?", he was definitely doing it. Supposed to be warmer tomorrow, but it was an interesting way to start the morning.
On other fronts, I stopped by Wilson Farms on Elmwood on the way in and the beer truck was backing in for a delivery. The driver was talking on his phone whilst parking his Amstel. You'd think given the size of the land yacht he is driving, hands free would be mandatory for phone use.
Knew the Sabres would win last night for one self-involved reason. When I got out of work, my dad was waiting for me at the appt with the new tv I journaled about. High Definition loveliness, indeed. I'm not constantly boob-tubing, but it is so nice to have consistent color once again and all the perks once more. Even cynical old Dad had to admit it was pretty cool.
So, gotta netflix right to it tonight to play with more of the tricks
The optic beauty did hit me as I was walking into work. If you could ignore the squishing of the slush on the ring road in Delaware Park, it was pretty easy to appreciate how the wet snow basically looked like frosting on the netting in the monkey pens. Any residual dirt was temporarily hidden. My office is over the lion and tiger yards and any landscaping sins are covered up for the time being. The Tiger Cubs' Dad gets the yard to himself in the morning, usually coming out as the office staff is making its way in. Being a bit of a dork I usually stop at the Tiger window before heading upstairs. It was kind of cool to watch him slowly survey the unexpected snow. If a wild animal could truly wonder "What the hell?", he was definitely doing it. Supposed to be warmer tomorrow, but it was an interesting way to start the morning.
On other fronts, I stopped by Wilson Farms on Elmwood on the way in and the beer truck was backing in for a delivery. The driver was talking on his phone whilst parking his Amstel. You'd think given the size of the land yacht he is driving, hands free would be mandatory for phone use.
Knew the Sabres would win last night for one self-involved reason. When I got out of work, my dad was waiting for me at the appt with the new tv I journaled about. High Definition loveliness, indeed. I'm not constantly boob-tubing, but it is so nice to have consistent color once again and all the perks once more. Even cynical old Dad had to admit it was pretty cool.
So, gotta netflix right to it tonight to play with more of the tricks
jenks - 03/29/08 16:15
i won't even mention the string of profanities that came out of my mouth when I woke up to that snow. And when I found myself thinking "pretty", I told myself to shut up.
i won't even mention the string of profanities that came out of my mouth when I woke up to that snow. And when I found myself thinking "pretty", I told myself to shut up.
metalpeter - 03/28/08 18:16
I heard the same thing the last time it snowed. It really was pretty out this morning.
I heard the same thing the last time it snowed. It really was pretty out this morning.
james - 03/28/08 13:34
This is the last snow fall of the year. It is. It is. Oh god it better be,
This is the last snow fall of the year. It is. It is. Oh god it better be,
03/24/2008 10:00 #43777
Hi-def rumblingsCategory: potpourri
I'm a little worried about my level of shallowness, but this impending arrival has me a little childishly excited.

The long overdue tax return showed up on saturday and this order was placed a little bit ago. My current set had something go catty wompus with the G in the RGB of the display so for a every few minutes of actual color, you get the sepia toned version of the Simpsons.
It does beg an interesting question. Can you throw out a TV these days? It's a happy dilemna, just not one I expected to have to answer.
Downside of having to work during Spring Break: Kids and their Mom are off for some sun to a relatives Condo in Ocean City, MD and the same relatives house in Rappahanock, VA. Darling eldest child gave me the "Geez, Dad, If you didn't have to earn a living and stuff, you could come." She almost sounded sincere when she wished I could tag along.
Finishing off the final bouts of whatever brochnial nonsense felled me the past week, I enjoyed the free HBO and considerable napping. Drove out for easter dinner with the rents and presented the youngins with Easter Itunes Cards. Number one son got one for game stop since I stepped in there once or twice resently.
Provided the "tension" addled work day doesn't knock me for too much of a loop today, I may head over to the Central Terminal Party and watch the shenanigans, after I get the new TV stand built. Yay!
I'm so shallow

The long overdue tax return showed up on saturday and this order was placed a little bit ago. My current set had something go catty wompus with the G in the RGB of the display so for a every few minutes of actual color, you get the sepia toned version of the Simpsons.
It does beg an interesting question. Can you throw out a TV these days? It's a happy dilemna, just not one I expected to have to answer.
Downside of having to work during Spring Break: Kids and their Mom are off for some sun to a relatives Condo in Ocean City, MD and the same relatives house in Rappahanock, VA. Darling eldest child gave me the "Geez, Dad, If you didn't have to earn a living and stuff, you could come." She almost sounded sincere when she wished I could tag along.
Finishing off the final bouts of whatever brochnial nonsense felled me the past week, I enjoyed the free HBO and considerable napping. Drove out for easter dinner with the rents and presented the youngins with Easter Itunes Cards. Number one son got one for game stop since I stepped in there once or twice resently.
Provided the "tension" addled work day doesn't knock me for too much of a loop today, I may head over to the Central Terminal Party and watch the shenanigans, after I get the new TV stand built. Yay!
I'm so shallow
tiburon1724 - 03/24/08 21:52
Just got mine 2 weeks ago, it's GREAT!!! Enjoy!!
Just got mine 2 weeks ago, it's GREAT!!! Enjoy!!
james - 03/24/08 14:16
be warmed by the glow of HD consumerism. We all know it is satisfying. ^_^
be warmed by the glow of HD consumerism. We all know it is satisfying. ^_^
03/18/2008 17:35 #43722
Oh yeah, got to have drugsCategory: health
One of my staff is satan. She has equated not being a meat eater to being healthier in a holier than thou sort of way. While I certainly respect that dietary choice and have cut down siginificantly in my own consumption, avoiding the red meat is a dietary choice, not divine provenence. She has been sick in some form or another since November. I, ultimately being a good guy, gave her a ride to work last week. My reward for a good turn was to begin wishing for my own demise. In her "Superior" way to us carnivores, she passed along some bug that felled the other staffer, me, our Business VP and our overall boss. My direct report might be down for the count by the time anybody reads this. If my kids get it, I may just have to kill her
I've been fighting that bug for a few days now. It kept me from some of my son's birthday festivities and wrecked a guest dj gig for me over the weekend. Damn thing felt like brochitis. Given the lack of return for the drugs I had on hand, it was time to quit fooling around. I went and got myself checked out this morning. Drove over and walking up to the entrance. two employees were smoking right at the door. Jerkasses!! Move away from the fucking door as my respiratory functions are already messed up.
After the obligatory hour wait and the surprisingly happy note that my weight and height are getting along, the good doctor who sounded alarmingly spot on like Apu prescribed me my first z-pack. It's already making some progress. I'm sure having an idea as to what is going on and a map to follow help in the healing process. I tried working yesterday and when standing up at my desk made me utter a very eloquent "Whoa," I knew it was time to surrounder completely. Been a long time since any type of illness has knocked me so on my ass like that. The dearth of decent daytime tv made me want to slap my sickly staff with a strip steak even more. Thank fuck for my dvr and miracles that is an xbox.
My Dad called me earlier to say that mom has successfully beat back her ailments that had her on prednizone, insulin and other whatnot. That really is terrific news, but what came out was "Dad, that is cough, sputter, wheeze, cough, awesome! She must be cough, hack, cough, pound, be really cough,cough, thrilled."
This to shall pass. Drink your juice, kids
I've been fighting that bug for a few days now. It kept me from some of my son's birthday festivities and wrecked a guest dj gig for me over the weekend. Damn thing felt like brochitis. Given the lack of return for the drugs I had on hand, it was time to quit fooling around. I went and got myself checked out this morning. Drove over and walking up to the entrance. two employees were smoking right at the door. Jerkasses!! Move away from the fucking door as my respiratory functions are already messed up.
After the obligatory hour wait and the surprisingly happy note that my weight and height are getting along, the good doctor who sounded alarmingly spot on like Apu prescribed me my first z-pack. It's already making some progress. I'm sure having an idea as to what is going on and a map to follow help in the healing process. I tried working yesterday and when standing up at my desk made me utter a very eloquent "Whoa," I knew it was time to surrounder completely. Been a long time since any type of illness has knocked me so on my ass like that. The dearth of decent daytime tv made me want to slap my sickly staff with a strip steak even more. Thank fuck for my dvr and miracles that is an xbox.
My Dad called me earlier to say that mom has successfully beat back her ailments that had her on prednizone, insulin and other whatnot. That really is terrific news, but what came out was "Dad, that is cough, sputter, wheeze, cough, awesome! She must be cough, hack, cough, pound, be really cough,cough, thrilled."
This to shall pass. Drink your juice, kids
ladycroft - 03/19/08 15:08
seriously. some good port wine works wonders.
seriously. some good port wine works wonders.
metalpeter - 03/18/08 19:45
Avoiding read meat is healthier then eating it. But it is more complicated then just that. A virus or Bug is a bug and if you are around it long enough you will catch it. I assume you got the same thing most people have. I have had it two weeks and now feel good but just can't get rid of the cough so I got some more drugs that maybe will help that or maybe not. Hope you get better cause as you said daytime TV is very bad.
Avoiding read meat is healthier then eating it. But it is more complicated then just that. A virus or Bug is a bug and if you are around it long enough you will catch it. I assume you got the same thing most people have. I have had it two weeks and now feel good but just can't get rid of the cough so I got some more drugs that maybe will help that or maybe not. Hope you get better cause as you said daytime TV is very bad.
james - 03/18/08 17:43
So many vegetarians, and legions more vegans think that their choice in consumption = better health. So while they waste away from a b-vitamin deficiency every virus they come across incubates in their weak ass immune system. Viruses they cough up onto everyone else....
feel better soon.
So many vegetarians, and legions more vegans think that their choice in consumption = better health. So while they waste away from a b-vitamin deficiency every virus they come across incubates in their weak ass immune system. Viruses they cough up onto everyone else....
feel better soon.
I'm not really a fan of his, but that being said I was hoping to go see him, my mother is a fan and it is on her birthday but she didn't want to go cause it is out at UB and for some other reason I didn't get. I'm sure he will be great, have a great time. On a side note I wish I had the money for a good HD set. I have heard some sports are really good on them you just have to find a good team to watch, hey maybe a Penguins game.
If this woman isn't a Colbert fan, I would be happy to go with you. I might even buy you beers!
If I may offer some advice before the third date. Chicks dig cars Pollocked with bird poo....but it might be the opposite. I can't quite remember.
Same woman from the previous Journal? Either way, good for you!