Two passes for tonight's preview of the new Indiana Jones movie were tossed on my desk a few days ago and after watching a large portion of the Sci Fi showings, I made plans to go, easily done since who is free on a Monday evening. I drove over to the Regal after work and saw people in line at 5:30 for a 7:00 show. I was going to exchange my pass for a ticket and go drink at Wild Wings for an hour or so.
I walked in and thought this is ridiculous. The movie is going to play for next few months, including downtown on thursday where the popcorn is so much better. What is to be gained by shoehorning myself into an overstuffed theater? Not a damn thing, only thing to be gained by going to a preview is that Jeff Simon might be in the next seat hating whatever is going on on the screen. I know of no one who would be impressed by getting in tonight. Give me the real butter of the Market Arcade.
Instead of fighting for a seat I didn't want all the badly, guinness and wings at the Anchor Bar were a much better solution.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/19/2008 19:57 #44394
I'm a bad geekCategory: film
05/16/2008 13:49 #44367
Hi, I'm Troy McClureAnd you might remember me from such crappy Zoo commercials like "The Lemurs ate my Ice Cream" and "No, monkeys really aren't coming out of your butt." My job sometimes has me doing some very silly things. At some point, I'll have to dish about being Johnny Bravo at a Bisons game.
Rare multiple post kind of a day. This is beyond cheesy and I only got to write part of it, and you can tell when I have to shift from one paper to the next. It aired a couple times on Star 102 on Wednesday. I think I'll keep my day job.
Rare multiple post kind of a day. This is beyond cheesy and I only got to write part of it, and you can tell when I have to shift from one paper to the next. It aired a couple times on Star 102 on Wednesday. I think I'll keep my day job.
05/16/2008 11:44 #44360
eye rubber
mrmike - 05/16/08 14:00
I want to say Impact, but that isn't quite right
I want to say Impact, but that isn't quite right
empireoflight - 05/16/08 12:15
What font is that??
What font is that??
05/15/2008 17:04 #44351
Allergies suck and other random notesCategory: random
My allergies ramped up this week and for the past two days, I feel like I've been underwater and not in a good way. I tried walking the ring road at Delaware Park at lunchtime and with all the beautiful flora, I looked like a bad break up happened to me on my stroll.
This, too, shall pass...
Skeery driving in this morning. I turned off of Amherst onto Colvin going the Park and this white SUV is following me. I'm sort of groaning anyway as all the walkers who come to the Park for a prework walk all come to that end so there is precious few places to park. As I'm cruising to the last available spots, this SUV is filling my rear view mirror, enought that I'm getting a little afraid that if I stop my little red buggy quickly, I'll be a mitsubishi pancake left in its wake. I see a space to pull into and escape unscathed. Worse part was she wasn't looking for parking, she was just using the park to turn around on Amherst St. I get out of the car and promptly drop a bottle of orange juice which rolls down the curve of the road, under my car and is floating like the good ship lollipop on the other side of my car in the mud puddle by the grass. If that doesn't say omen, I'm not sure what does.
Thank god it's payday so the day recovered quickly. The Zoo runs a fundraiser in July called Wines in the Wild. It's a pricy mini Taste of Buffalo with some spas thrown in for good measure. The chairman was all proud that he got one of the golf stores to come and set up a "Golf Simulator" at this years event. I guess you hit a real ball and then computer generation shows what "happens" next. He was rubbing that in my face, so I responded in kind. I got one of the video game stores to come in and set up a station for people to play "Guitar Hero" and "Rock Band" between stuffing their faces. I think my contribution will be better received.
I took my son to see Iron Man and it was a lot of fun. I was smart enough to be the only guy over 30 of the many to bring a kid with him. To achieve intellectual balance, I went to see Chicago 10 at the Amherst. It will probably be gone tomorrow, but it was an interesting take on late 60's politics. I can say I had some brain food before I go to a special preview of Indiana Jones on Monday.
As soon as I figure out how to post an mp3 to play, I'll put up the cheesy commericial I recorded. It aired on Star 102 a couple of times and since I only got to write part of it, I sounded a little much like "Troy McClure."
Good tv tonight -- got the DVR set to earn its keep, catching Earl, Office, Lost, Grey's and American Chopper while I head off to help fight the No Child left Behind policy. There are some flaws inside them good intentions and stupid me, said I'd write a statement for next week's Buffalo School Board, just got to find some other sap to read it.
Partook of a growler of Alexander Keith's from the Village Beer Merchant and it was quite tasty. Now, that I have the growler fee paid, I may have to head back for a refill.
Think I may have stumbled into a relationship, too -- so far so good.
Good's starting to outnumber the bad.....
Keep passing the open windows, ya'all
This, too, shall pass...
Skeery driving in this morning. I turned off of Amherst onto Colvin going the Park and this white SUV is following me. I'm sort of groaning anyway as all the walkers who come to the Park for a prework walk all come to that end so there is precious few places to park. As I'm cruising to the last available spots, this SUV is filling my rear view mirror, enought that I'm getting a little afraid that if I stop my little red buggy quickly, I'll be a mitsubishi pancake left in its wake. I see a space to pull into and escape unscathed. Worse part was she wasn't looking for parking, she was just using the park to turn around on Amherst St. I get out of the car and promptly drop a bottle of orange juice which rolls down the curve of the road, under my car and is floating like the good ship lollipop on the other side of my car in the mud puddle by the grass. If that doesn't say omen, I'm not sure what does.
Thank god it's payday so the day recovered quickly. The Zoo runs a fundraiser in July called Wines in the Wild. It's a pricy mini Taste of Buffalo with some spas thrown in for good measure. The chairman was all proud that he got one of the golf stores to come and set up a "Golf Simulator" at this years event. I guess you hit a real ball and then computer generation shows what "happens" next. He was rubbing that in my face, so I responded in kind. I got one of the video game stores to come in and set up a station for people to play "Guitar Hero" and "Rock Band" between stuffing their faces. I think my contribution will be better received.
I took my son to see Iron Man and it was a lot of fun. I was smart enough to be the only guy over 30 of the many to bring a kid with him. To achieve intellectual balance, I went to see Chicago 10 at the Amherst. It will probably be gone tomorrow, but it was an interesting take on late 60's politics. I can say I had some brain food before I go to a special preview of Indiana Jones on Monday.
As soon as I figure out how to post an mp3 to play, I'll put up the cheesy commericial I recorded. It aired on Star 102 a couple of times and since I only got to write part of it, I sounded a little much like "Troy McClure."
Good tv tonight -- got the DVR set to earn its keep, catching Earl, Office, Lost, Grey's and American Chopper while I head off to help fight the No Child left Behind policy. There are some flaws inside them good intentions and stupid me, said I'd write a statement for next week's Buffalo School Board, just got to find some other sap to read it.
Partook of a growler of Alexander Keith's from the Village Beer Merchant and it was quite tasty. Now, that I have the growler fee paid, I may have to head back for a refill.
Think I may have stumbled into a relationship, too -- so far so good.
Good's starting to outnumber the bad.....
Keep passing the open windows, ya'all
paul - 05/16/08 12:28
Allergies do suck. It is one of the things that makes me want to live in aluminum foil lined box.
Allergies do suck. It is one of the things that makes me want to live in aluminum foil lined box.
05/11/2008 16:52 #44310
Happy Mother's DayCategory: holiday
Good times, watch, chuckle knowingly
tinypliny - 05/11/08 17:29
That is SO true! LOL
That is SO true! LOL
metalpeter - 05/11/08 17:16
Thats awesome I think I have seen that someplace before, that is odd since I don't watch to much video on line, but maybe it was the same thing but for a different Holiday but that is awesome.
Thats awesome I think I have seen that someplace before, that is odd since I don't watch to much video on line, but maybe it was the same thing but for a different Holiday but that is awesome.
I will admit I have never really gone to a preview. Granted it is a preview and not a premiere but the thing that is supposed to be the thing about the Preview is that you see it before a lot of other people then you can tell people about it, then there is that exclusive thing about it. Granted it isn't like being a test audience or private screening but it might be nice to have been the first (e:peep) to see it, but I do get the not wanted to be crowded thing. It sounds like you still had a great time not going.
mm guiness. good choice!