04/29/2008 09:47 #44181
When the logo doesn't turn outCategory: funny
04/26/2008 16:22 #44157
We are a backwards thinking peopleCategory: random
I got into a discussion with one of my staffers about the racial state of Buffalo and how divisive this city can be. What got us on the topic was the latest production to come to the Zoo. For a few weeks, this guy had been pestering my staffer to come and shoot for a show he has on local access. He wanted to do a music video, conveniently sending the lyrics for an 8:30 shoot over at a few hours before hand.
It actually went pretty well. The song was a hip hop piece, pro conservation, ecology and education and was pretty good. I don't know if they will get anywhere truly, but it was fun to watch. I knew it was going to be problematic as their cd was corrupted and wouldn't play. So, for the sake of lip synching, the mc had to work with captured audio of a cell phone. Dude did pretty well because that had to have been tough. They staged the same thing a few times around the Zoo for editing sake. The shots at the gorilla pen had me in stitches as two of the gorillas sat down outside the glass as the music is playing, just chillin' watching the camera. Finally the one male gorilla threw himself at the window to announce his presence. Scared the shit out of performers and crew.
Anyway, they finished all the shots that they needed for the video and quickly worked up staged question and answer to help in promoting the video. By this time, the Zoo is coming alive with field trips and I saw these two field trip Moms watching us from a distance and both had tha t "omigod, theres ethnic folk there" looks on their faces. Like the playground wasn't safe. You like to think that we are beyond such expressions, but it was unmistakable that those folks that the playground area was something to be regarded with suspicion.
That kind of shit makes me a little nuts. Only parallel I can think of was a number of years ago. My ex (who's black) and I (who's so not) were in Sweet Tooth partaking of some of their gastrointestinal delights and we are getting looked upon with disgust by this septagenarian who just can't comprehend that the races could come together, especially over ice cream. She wasn't even being subtle with the dismay. Finally, my lovely spouse shouting "What are we naked?' and that broke the old bitty's concentration.
More thngs change, more some perceptions stay the same. We all just folks, wish more folks could see it like that.
04/25/2008 15:16 #44138
Okay, I wasted my Friday per e:JimCategory: tgif
After dealing with a video production crew who was so prepared for their music video shoot, they ran their audio off a cell phone, this was a nice diversion.
04/22/2008 14:47 #44100
The Upsides of DownsidesCategory: work
The winds can blow pretty fast around here. The Doghouse might just have a doggy door in back. With all the suburban kids on break last week, all hands were on deck. For parts of four days, I spent a good chunk of the day directing traffic, trying to get people into the Zoo a little faster.
While in the midst of that crush, I got what I assumed to be a sales call from a guy wanting me to create a special discount. I thought it might have conflicted with an existing discount and politely declined. Turned out it was the pet project of a board member so, of course, it was turned into a thing. I hear my boss defending me to said board member, only to come tear me a new one for not talking to her first. I still kick myself pretty hard when stuff like that happens. That combined with the boss asking somebody else about the website when I’m sitting right there left my self-esteem eagerly awaiting the end of the week.
I come in yesterday determined to turn things around with a memo of proactive suggestions for the gate staff and show it to the boss for her blessing. Suddenly, I’m smart again. I guess you got to enjoy the moments for what they are. I just had a newspaper salesperson in my office, telling me I should approach corporate partners for more money after they have already given money to advertise with her paper. The way she talked down to me was like I was a little kid caught joyriding in Mom’s car. A little patronization goes a long way.
Anybody else get caught up in the traffic stop at Delaware and Forest last night. A bunch of the local gendarmes were checking license, registration and inspection last night on the right home. Weirdness. I’ve seen those types of stops before, but they are usually on one of the toll booths. I’m not sure why Delaware was picked other than it is a popular escape route for the suburbanites.
Thanks to a clueless landlord, I had to hightail to the laundry mat at Elmwood and Auburn and caught a look of the flashing blue light of surveillance shining down on us from the light standard near Willy Farms. Do I feel safer? No, not really considering the fact that I wasn’t thinking I was in much peril before the hanging of the new strobe light. All these high end stores and we still have blue light specials.
Nice day outside.
04/17/2008 15:30 #44037
How it looks after last night's debateCategory: politics
Crazy german mardi gras floats....
And recently the British Office of Government Commerce simply rotated their logo 90 degrees. Making it a great disaster
These are great.
Where did you find these, they are insane? You have to think they were semi intentional - as it would be hard to not look at them, the way you are "not supposed to."