My allergies ramped up this week and for the past two days, I feel like I've been underwater and not in a good way. I tried walking the ring road at Delaware Park at lunchtime and with all the beautiful flora, I looked like a bad break up happened to me on my stroll.
This, too, shall pass...
Skeery driving in this morning. I turned off of Amherst onto Colvin going the Park and this white SUV is following me. I'm sort of groaning anyway as all the walkers who come to the Park for a prework walk all come to that end so there is precious few places to park. As I'm cruising to the last available spots, this SUV is filling my rear view mirror, enought that I'm getting a little afraid that if I stop my little red buggy quickly, I'll be a mitsubishi pancake left in its wake. I see a space to pull into and escape unscathed. Worse part was she wasn't looking for parking, she was just using the park to turn around on Amherst St. I get out of the car and promptly drop a bottle of orange juice which rolls down the curve of the road, under my car and is floating like the good ship lollipop on the other side of my car in the mud puddle by the grass. If that doesn't say omen, I'm not sure what does.
Thank god it's payday so the day recovered quickly. The Zoo runs a fundraiser in July called Wines in the Wild. It's a pricy mini Taste of Buffalo with some spas thrown in for good measure. The chairman was all proud that he got one of the golf stores to come and set up a "Golf Simulator" at this years event. I guess you hit a real ball and then computer generation shows what "happens" next. He was rubbing that in my face, so I responded in kind. I got one of the video game stores to come in and set up a station for people to play "Guitar Hero" and "Rock Band" between stuffing their faces. I think my contribution will be better received.
I took my son to see Iron Man and it was a lot of fun. I was smart enough to be the only guy over 30 of the many to bring a kid with him. To achieve intellectual balance, I went to see Chicago 10 at the Amherst. It will probably be gone tomorrow, but it was an interesting take on late 60's politics. I can say I had some brain food before I go to a special preview of Indiana Jones on Monday.
As soon as I figure out how to post an mp3 to play, I'll put up the cheesy commericial I recorded. It aired on Star 102 a couple of times and since I only got to write part of it, I sounded a little much like "Troy McClure."
Good tv tonight -- got the DVR set to earn its keep, catching Earl, Office, Lost, Grey's and American Chopper while I head off to help fight the No Child left Behind policy. There are some flaws inside them good intentions and stupid me, said I'd write a statement for next week's Buffalo School Board, just got to find some other sap to read it.
Partook of a growler of Alexander Keith's from the Village Beer Merchant and it was quite tasty. Now, that I have the growler fee paid, I may have to head back for a refill.
Think I may have stumbled into a relationship, too -- so far so good.
Good's starting to outnumber the bad.....
Keep passing the open windows, ya'all
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/15/2008 17:04 #44351
Allergies suck and other random notesCategory: random
05/11/2008 16:52 #44310
Happy Mother's DayCategory: holiday
Good times, watch, chuckle knowingly
tinypliny - 05/11/08 17:29
That is SO true! LOL
That is SO true! LOL
metalpeter - 05/11/08 17:16
Thats awesome I think I have seen that someplace before, that is odd since I don't watch to much video on line, but maybe it was the same thing but for a different Holiday but that is awesome.
Thats awesome I think I have seen that someplace before, that is odd since I don't watch to much video on line, but maybe it was the same thing but for a different Holiday but that is awesome.
05/06/2008 14:36 #44255
Gratuitious 400th postCategory: work
Another Zoo baby pic (posted by indirect request of (e:hodown))
Before the rains came Saturday, we had a little fun. When the rains did come, I learned an important fact. Wet purple is not a good look for a man of my years, but check out old frosting face (no,not me)

Never saw a Rhino charge before, but the two ton mother could book. She was a little excited for cake. She charged the cake, skidding considerably to stop herself in time. Who were we to say no?

Too effin cute.
Before the rains came Saturday, we had a little fun. When the rains did come, I learned an important fact. Wet purple is not a good look for a man of my years, but check out old frosting face (no,not me)

Never saw a Rhino charge before, but the two ton mother could book. She was a little excited for cake. She charged the cake, skidding considerably to stop herself in time. Who were we to say no?

Too effin cute.
tinypliny - 05/07/08 23:44
mrmike, you are awesome as well.
(Since I have spared no one who posted in the last 24 hours from the awesome onslaught, you have fully earned the awesome title by posting the awesome cake pictures!)
Re: (e:jon)
mrmike, you are awesome as well.
(Since I have spared no one who posted in the last 24 hours from the awesome onslaught, you have fully earned the awesome title by posting the awesome cake pictures!)
Re: (e:jon)
metalpeter - 05/07/08 18:19
Well in the name of trying to get fame for the Zoo and in the name of science I have an idea. This time have the cake where they can see it and smell out right out side of there habitat and see if they try to escape. If they do but are not able to get it then the zoo is built well and you learn something, if they get out then the zoo gets on the news, I'm kidding of course unless you try this when the zoo is closed, still kidding but it would be interesting to find out. That being said if I ever go to a safari park i won't take the chance of having cake in the car. Seriously though nice pictures and I learned something new toady.
Well in the name of trying to get fame for the Zoo and in the name of science I have an idea. This time have the cake where they can see it and smell out right out side of there habitat and see if they try to escape. If they do but are not able to get it then the zoo is built well and you learn something, if they get out then the zoo gets on the news, I'm kidding of course unless you try this when the zoo is closed, still kidding but it would be interesting to find out. That being said if I ever go to a safari park i won't take the chance of having cake in the car. Seriously though nice pictures and I learned something new toady.
lizabeth - 05/07/08 00:33
Hahaha, I didn't know rhinos would eat cake, either! That's awesome!
Congrats on 400 posts!
Hahaha, I didn't know rhinos would eat cake, either! That's awesome!
Congrats on 400 posts!
hodown - 05/06/08 18:05
Thanks. baby zoo animals i love them !!
Thanks. baby zoo animals i love them !!
james - 05/06/08 14:48
oh! And happy 400!
oh! And happy 400!
james - 05/06/08 14:45
Rhinos will eat cake?
Rhinos will charge and eat cake?
You are blowing my mind!
Rhinos will eat cake?
Rhinos will charge and eat cake?
You are blowing my mind!
05/05/2008 10:00 #44238
Sunday in the Park Photo DumpCategory: pics
05/03/2008 09:26 #44224
Babyshowers in ThunderstormsCategory: work
Never been a party to this kind of party before. My employment has sometimes taken me to strange lengths, but I'm uselessly hoping the rain holds off long enough for the baby shower for this.

Her name is Clover and she isn't going to cute very long being a Rhino, but we're tossing her a party at the Zoo provided the thunderstorms hold off. Wet Rhino, nothing spells par-tay. Pray for late rain peeps.
Things I do for my work....

Her name is Clover and she isn't going to cute very long being a Rhino, but we're tossing her a party at the Zoo provided the thunderstorms hold off. Wet Rhino, nothing spells par-tay. Pray for late rain peeps.
Things I do for my work....
mike - 05/06/08 20:13
hodown - 05/05/08 21:52
Who knew a baby rino was so effing adorable?! Keep posting pictures of baby zoon animals- i love them :)
Who knew a baby rino was so effing adorable?! Keep posting pictures of baby zoon animals- i love them :)
tinypliny - 05/04/08 08:58
What kind of gifts does she get? :) I have never seen a Rhino kid before; thanks for posting!! Those eyes look so human - almost like a cross between an elephant and a cow!
What kind of gifts does she get? :) I have never seen a Rhino kid before; thanks for posting!! Those eyes look so human - almost like a cross between an elephant and a cow!
james - 05/03/08 11:42
Baby animals can do that, turn all letters into caps and add excessive exclamation points. But she super cute.
Can you pull some strings and let me cuddle her?
Baby animals can do that, turn all letters into caps and add excessive exclamation points. But she super cute.
Can you pull some strings and let me cuddle her?
paul - 05/03/08 10:48
She is really cute, almost looks like a mini-elephant
She is really cute, almost looks like a mini-elephant
libertad - 05/03/08 09:47
She is really cute.
She is really cute.
Allergies do suck. It is one of the things that makes me want to live in aluminum foil lined box.