As I'm sure you've gathered I've started working out regularly and with a trainer. When I turned 30 I was the heaviest I'd ever been. I was terribly unhappy with my self. I had wanted to turn 30 and be fab, but it didn't really happen that way. Then I turned 31 and I was in the same place as when I turned 30. Finally I decided to do something about it. I joined a gym 3 blocks from my house and started pouring all my expendable income into training sessions. I wasn't buying clothes or going out, so I might as well spend the money on improving myself.
Here I am 4 months later and a totally different person. Or maybe the old me has returned, I'm not sure. Either way what I can tell you is I actually like me again. I started buying clothes in a size smaller than I previously was. I try things on and I actually feel like I look ok. Beyond the self esteem boost, I just feel better. I sleep better. My back never hurts. I'm happier. I feel stronger.
I still hate the gym and I'm no where near where I want to be, but I'm well on my way. Its just been a really long time since I've accomplished something and I'm really proud of me!
Hodown's Journal
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05/04/2008 20:24 #44233
Work Out05/01/2008 21:48 #44213
Ok this is really funnyYou may or may not know my great interest in blogs. Especially funny blogs. Well I just read this on jezebel and it was WAY too funny not to post. So see the picture below with caption taken directly from :

Dude has on a pink shirt with floral cuffs, and he's FREAKING out about SJP. I think it's safe to say that this is the gayest this guy has acted since he started having anal sex with other men.

Dude has on a pink shirt with floral cuffs, and he's FREAKING out about SJP. I think it's safe to say that this is the gayest this guy has acted since he started having anal sex with other men.
- I just want to point out I'm not mocking being gay (I think we all know I totally heart them. I like to think of them as my target audience). I'm pointing out the hilarity of anyone obsessed with SJP and Sex In The City (which i initially liked but now am so over).
tinypliny - 05/04/08 09:10
Hey, I like that shirt. Its so pretty!
Hey, I like that shirt. Its so pretty!
joshua - 05/02/08 11:37
Wow - when a gay guy says 'Damn that is GAAAAAAY!" you know its time to pay attention. What could be added to the shirt to make it a geoffrey shirt?
Wow - when a gay guy says 'Damn that is GAAAAAAY!" you know its time to pay attention. What could be added to the shirt to make it a geoffrey shirt?
paul - 05/02/08 10:35
That is the gayest shirt. I would say it is almost a geoffrey shirt.
That is the gayest shirt. I would say it is almost a geoffrey shirt.
04/28/2008 11:39 #44168
Request for help!Category: vacation
Last week I decided I wanted to take a vacation. I did some research and figured out with my time requirements and budget Washington DC was the place for me. I've also always had a strong interest in politics and our nation and its development. So I'm totally excited to go. I've booked a sweet room at a seemingly nice hotel right downtown. I figured from there I'd be set. Wrong.
Everything is free to visit (sweet) but also complicated and involves months long planning. You have to request a white house visit 3 months in advance through a congressman, same with the pentagon and Congress. Ok so cross those off my list. Next I figure I'll just visit the monuments. Also free, also require tickets months in advance. The next time I can get tickets for the Washington Monument is June 20th. Ok now I'm stuck. I'm fo so going. I have my train ticket and hotel is paid for. There's no turning back. Has anyone else ever taken a DC vacation? Any helpful suggestions? I'm a bit nervous now about what to do where to go. I mean touring the various neighborhoods could be fun but really I want to see the same junk as everyone else and play tourist. Helppppp!
Everything is free to visit (sweet) but also complicated and involves months long planning. You have to request a white house visit 3 months in advance through a congressman, same with the pentagon and Congress. Ok so cross those off my list. Next I figure I'll just visit the monuments. Also free, also require tickets months in advance. The next time I can get tickets for the Washington Monument is June 20th. Ok now I'm stuck. I'm fo so going. I have my train ticket and hotel is paid for. There's no turning back. Has anyone else ever taken a DC vacation? Any helpful suggestions? I'm a bit nervous now about what to do where to go. I mean touring the various neighborhoods could be fun but really I want to see the same junk as everyone else and play tourist. Helppppp!
travisp - 05/07/08 15:17
I know some good restaurants. I can see you like eating.
I know some good restaurants. I can see you like eating.
fellyconnelly - 04/29/08 08:53
oo i also hear there is a nifty spy museum which sounded cool. i'm sure its part of the smithsonian though.
oo i also hear there is a nifty spy museum which sounded cool. i'm sure its part of the smithsonian though.
drew - 04/29/08 08:37
Yes. Go to the brickskeller. Awesome experience. Giant beer list and knowledgeable staff.
Yes. Go to the brickskeller. Awesome experience. Giant beer list and knowledgeable staff.
jenks - 04/29/08 06:34
oh yeah! vincent reminds me- there's a bar called the Brickskeller... I can't remember exactly where it is- I want to say dupont-ish- but they have about five hundred beers. literally. the menu is a book. It's worth going just for that.
oh yeah! vincent reminds me- there's a bar called the Brickskeller... I can't remember exactly where it is- I want to say dupont-ish- but they have about five hundred beers. literally. the menu is a book. It's worth going just for that.
vincent - 04/28/08 23:46
When I go to D.C./NoVa I end up staying for free with my college buddy & lean towards Virginia. Adams Morgan, DuPont & G-town are all pretty much good bets. Although I would go to Adams Morgan at Night and Georgetown during the day.
If you are downtown kinda of Chinatown way go to Gordon Birsch. It's be the best Hamburger you'll ever have. Plus if you're into micro brews they have some fantastic stuff on tap there. It's right inside the Marriott. Trust me I had a rocking time when I was there last month.
When I go to D.C./NoVa I end up staying for free with my college buddy & lean towards Virginia. Adams Morgan, DuPont & G-town are all pretty much good bets. Although I would go to Adams Morgan at Night and Georgetown during the day.
If you are downtown kinda of Chinatown way go to Gordon Birsch. It's be the best Hamburger you'll ever have. Plus if you're into micro brews they have some fantastic stuff on tap there. It's right inside the Marriott. Trust me I had a rocking time when I was there last month.
iriesara - 04/28/08 15:21
I went to DC for the Tibetan Freedom Festival in...mmm, 98? mm, maybe 97 as I was pregnant in 98. Anyway, I had very little money, took the bus there, and had no tickets for anything or plans at all. If you're going by yourself, this advice will probably not apply, but I had a damn good time taking some mushrooms at about 10pm & walking around the entire mall & surrounding areas until 8 in the of the coolest trips I've ever had, and you can take that both ways....
I guess the bottom line is, just enjoy yourself. There's enough to be had & seen without any agenda or plans whatsoever. I recommend a good pair of walking shoes & an open mind to good things....I'm sure you've got the open mind part, the good walking shoes? not sure....(j/k)
BTW, there's a total funky nasty greasy spoon that (according to the rage at that time) people love called the Waffle Stop, or Waffle Spot? No, I think Stop. Great little "real people" dive. Had a perfect coming down breakfast there that hit the spot. Don't remember where it is, although I walked everywhere, so it can't be too out of the way. I think maybe by Ford's theatre, where Lincoln was killed? could be wrong...anyway, have fun!
I went to DC for the Tibetan Freedom Festival in...mmm, 98? mm, maybe 97 as I was pregnant in 98. Anyway, I had very little money, took the bus there, and had no tickets for anything or plans at all. If you're going by yourself, this advice will probably not apply, but I had a damn good time taking some mushrooms at about 10pm & walking around the entire mall & surrounding areas until 8 in the of the coolest trips I've ever had, and you can take that both ways....
I guess the bottom line is, just enjoy yourself. There's enough to be had & seen without any agenda or plans whatsoever. I recommend a good pair of walking shoes & an open mind to good things....I'm sure you've got the open mind part, the good walking shoes? not sure....(j/k)
BTW, there's a total funky nasty greasy spoon that (according to the rage at that time) people love called the Waffle Stop, or Waffle Spot? No, I think Stop. Great little "real people" dive. Had a perfect coming down breakfast there that hit the spot. Don't remember where it is, although I walked everywhere, so it can't be too out of the way. I think maybe by Ford's theatre, where Lincoln was killed? could be wrong...anyway, have fun!
james - 04/28/08 13:52
You can make a whole vacation out of the Smithsonian.
What is up with these tickets? I have never heard of this before.
You can make a whole vacation out of the Smithsonian.
What is up with these tickets? I have never heard of this before.
jenks - 04/28/08 13:11
yeah, I've never heard of tickets for the washington memorial. But even if you can't climb it, you can go walk around. The roosevelt mem is cool too, and kennedy etc. If it's a nice day, it's gorgeous to just hang out on the Mall.
Oh and the zoo!! It's free. I could spend all day. it's in woodley park- right off the red line. As far as walking around- I agree with adams morgan and dupont. Georgetown is cool too, but not accessibly by metro so it's kind of a PITA.
Oh, and as far as the white house... Just go hang out at some bars on the hill and hit on some intern or something. I'm sure he'll give you tickets. ;)
(I'm semi-serious... I had a friend who worked for a senator and he got me in.)
yeah, I've never heard of tickets for the washington memorial. But even if you can't climb it, you can go walk around. The roosevelt mem is cool too, and kennedy etc. If it's a nice day, it's gorgeous to just hang out on the Mall.
Oh and the zoo!! It's free. I could spend all day. it's in woodley park- right off the red line. As far as walking around- I agree with adams morgan and dupont. Georgetown is cool too, but not accessibly by metro so it's kind of a PITA.
Oh, and as far as the white house... Just go hang out at some bars on the hill and hit on some intern or something. I'm sure he'll give you tickets. ;)
(I'm semi-serious... I had a friend who worked for a senator and he got me in.)
drew - 04/28/08 12:17
ditto adam's morgan. Also, wait in line early to go to the holocaust memorial. Powerful sad, but worth it.
ditto adam's morgan. Also, wait in line early to go to the holocaust memorial. Powerful sad, but worth it.
mrmike - 04/28/08 12:09
Been there a few times. Smithsonian is all free to see that stuff. Georgetown is a good time for a little bit of what Elmwood wants to be when it grows up. There is an area called Adams Morgan which has a little bit of everything to it. Got to see it to be believed. Dupont Circle district can be fun to wander. If you're looking for something artsy, Arlington can be cool too. The Torpedo Factory museum is a fun waste o time.
Been there a few times. Smithsonian is all free to see that stuff. Georgetown is a good time for a little bit of what Elmwood wants to be when it grows up. There is an area called Adams Morgan which has a little bit of everything to it. Got to see it to be believed. Dupont Circle district can be fun to wander. If you're looking for something artsy, Arlington can be cool too. The Torpedo Factory museum is a fun waste o time.
paul - 04/28/08 12:09
(e:southernyankee) lives there. When we went she took us to see all the monuments an I don't remember anything about tickets. I would talk with her.
(e:southernyankee) lives there. When we went she took us to see all the monuments an I don't remember anything about tickets. I would talk with her.
chico - 04/28/08 11:55
The Vietnam Memorial is heavy, but an absolute must-see.
The Vietnam Memorial is heavy, but an absolute must-see.
04/26/2008 10:26 #44151
post work outCategory: workout
So I made it through the work out. I made the mistake of saying the work out wasnt that bad. that was not smart because the work out then started involving these incline crunches and this sort of hanging thing where you bring your legs up to your chest. im actually suprised my body can do that. Anyways below is the post work out moi:

travisp - 05/07/08 15:17
Make it stop!
Make it stop!
lilho - 04/26/08 22:36
snaggle tooth. raaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
snaggle tooth. raaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
paul - 04/26/08 11:40
I was hoping for pics more like (e:paul,32576) back when i had some healthy going on. Warning nudity.
I was hoping for pics more like (e:paul,32576) back when i had some healthy going on. Warning nudity.
04/21/2008 09:49 #44076
FetishCategory: sex
No not mine, but someone elses who clearly has a few very specific ones:

- note: you want to click on that link. It invloves latex, puppets and 1970's masks.
tinypliny - 04/21/08 21:03
Yikes. Liquid latex? What the hell is that? Its got to be carcinogenic.
Yikes. Liquid latex? What the hell is that? Its got to be carcinogenic.
james - 04/21/08 11:47
That is what I love about humanity. Everything, everywhere, from that innocent Ms.Piggy childhood memory to a rib eye steak is someone's sexual fetish.
Everything turns someone's crank. Everyone gets someone off. It is beautiful.
That is what I love about humanity. Everything, everywhere, from that innocent Ms.Piggy childhood memory to a rib eye steak is someone's sexual fetish.
Everything turns someone's crank. Everyone gets someone off. It is beautiful.
paul - 04/21/08 10:12
Wow, that is a little bit insane. I guess people have all kinds of weird fetishes though. I doubt he is even alone on that one.
Wow, that is a little bit insane. I guess people have all kinds of weird fetishes though. I doubt he is even alone on that one.
At least you wont get diabetes.
Really? Proud of THAT? Maybe you need an updated picture.
Thanks! This is such an inspiring post. Though I am not going to be hopping on the gym boat, I am certainly going to be hopping on the pursue-your-goals-vigorously-and-with-a-passion boat. Starting today, Starting NOW!
way to go!!!
I'm glad you are feeling so good about yourself. Can't wait to work out again myself. Just hope I stick with it myself and don't let myself get too busy or too lazy.
Congrats :)
Who is the old you? I like who you are anyway Jessica. I hope the old you isn't much different than the you I do know. I know what you mean though - I struggle with the same thoughts sometimes and its hard to build confidence when people have negative thoughts about themselves.
You are a great girl... NOBODY I know keeps it real like you do. Nobody gets weirder gifts from the opposite sex then you do either. I hope someday this improves - I will never forget the cheese assortment. Once I was given a rock from the Grand Canyon from a girl, and this may be debatable, but if I had to choose between the rock and the cheese I'd choose the rock. What kind of freaky bastard thinks up a gift like that to give a girl?
I hate the gym too. The difference is that you are doing something about it! If you stick with it I think you'll have an explosion of inner and outer confidence. I wonder which will be worth more to you - the better health or the feeling you get when you realize you set out to conquer an aspect of yourself you wanted to improve... and actually did it!
Keep it up! You're inspiring me to get my butt moving.
Personal trainers are totally worth the money. Congrats.
Congrats on the restored self confidence and self image! You SHOULD be proud of yourself. :O)
Thats awesome. I am going to join the gym again soon and try sand stick with it this time.
Good for you.