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04/18/2008 10:55 #44044

Why is Mario Lopez haunting me
I opened my NY Magazine on the way to work today and saw a full page ad for Mario Lopez and some other dance thing he is doing. Then I checked my favorite blog and was hit in the face with:


Mario why are you stalking me via the media?

  • Also Paul get well soon.
fellyconnelly - 04/19/08 08:07
he IS everywhere... and did you see him attempt to dance during 'americas next top dance group?' ha!
lilho - 04/18/08 13:50
ummm, he's such a little fame whore. but congrats to him, of all of the saved by the bell cast, he has held on the longest. ps. i saw the pic on jezebel as well.

04/15/2008 17:14 #44018

Things that make me want to punch people
Category: comcast
I just spent 45 minutes on the phone with COMCAST CABLE to get internet. The woman I orginally was working with *seemed great. Got me a great deal, friendly and *seemed like she knew what she was doing.

I was put on hold for 20 minutes so she could schedule an appointment (the package I wanted didn't come with self-install). Next thing I know James thanks me for calling Comcast and wants to know how he can help. WTF?! I just spent 45 minutes going over shit with another operator. Apparently she never finished my job order and I was dumped back in the que. James also informed me the package she was offering me was down-grading my cable which is not an option. Huh? For the rest of my life I have to have digital cable? According to James yes I need to keep those useless 100 extra channels in order for Comcast to also charge me $60 for basic internet. I'd rather spend that $60 a month at my local coffee shop and get free wifi. Fuck you COMCAST.
joshua - 04/15/08 22:40
I wonder if that has to do with the whole elimination-of-analog-cable-next-year thing.
metalpeter - 04/15/08 17:24
Well I see Comcast is the same as Adeplhia and then Time Warner that when ever you get more services it is free but when you get rid of stuff they call it downgrading and charge you for it, It is Complete and utter bullshit!!!!

04/09/2008 20:50 #43966

I'm obsessed
Category: black mac book
with taking my own picture. I used to think it was so narcissistic, now i realize i was just jealous.

ps- no dirty comments i know what that picture looks like. also i just ordered a fruit bowl and the server gave me a spoon to eat it with. i hate spoons. just because it comes in a bowl doesn't mean it has to be eaten with a spoon. fuck spoons.

tinypliny - 04/10/08 21:39
Yeah, I think there is something wrong with my monitor, because your picture turned out fine at another monitor. Nice haircut! :)
tinypliny - 04/10/08 09:24
Please tell me my monitor is not dying? All I can see is a luminous blue silhouette of eye-shades, and what I can only imagine is a cellphone with an antenna/straw sticking out of a beverage glass. Is the picture very dark or something??

04/08/2008 15:33 #43953

Holy Crap
Category: humor
In response to "stuff white people like" I give you:

Below is a small excerpt:

Seriously, have you ever been to a reeally broke ass country? Do you see people jogging? Probably not, but let's say on the off-chance that you do. Do you think they paid money to have the right to run? If you see someone running in a third-world better run with them, because that means some shit is going down. That's probably why Kenyans are so good at marathons - they only have one speed when they're running: Stay Alive. Let's put it this way, there is no fucking Nicaraguan Marathon every year. And if there is, it's because some douche from Seattle or somewhere started one for him and all his friends to go to.

Also: Facebook is still blowing my mind. Where do I even begin? How come no one forced me to join back in 1999?
tinypliny - 04/09/08 09:24
Great find. Love reading venomous riling that I am too wimpy to write about.
vincent - 04/09/08 00:07
I love the rant about Hipsters

"Here is a perfect example: thrift store clothes. The stuff you are buying (overpriced, I might add) from a thrift store(or vintage) was shit that was hot 20 years ago, but you rationalize it by saying “it’s ironic.” You just picked up the scraps of some guy who is now 30 but wore that stuff when he was 17…oh wait you are 30 also. High school hipsters I get, but old hipsters? There ain’t shit hip about a 45 year-old in skinny jeans. Why don’t you just go to the kids you hated in high school's old houses and raid their childhood closets? That way you can wear the very clothes of those that were such “jerks” to you in high school. How is that shit for ironic?"

This is what I tell my Ex all the time when we talk about what they wear. I always tell her, "I didn't like those clothes back then, I sure don't like them now!"

04/07/2008 17:41 #43938

Category: social networks
I just joined facebook and it's blowing my mind!

  • disclaimer just because I have caved to facebook does not mean in any way shape or form that i will cave to myspace.

mike - 04/08/08 18:43
why are we not friends yet? i just wrote a journal about my facebook social profile
jenks - 04/08/08 01:03
why is it blowing your mind?
has YOUR ENTIRE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS come out of the woodwork, like mine? definitely freaks me out.
james - 04/07/08 21:46
I just joined facebook a week or so ago. Half of my friends are estrippers. It will bring you to the verge of fun!
lilho - 04/07/08 20:42
sweet! can we be friends??