Hodown's Journal
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04/06/2008 17:14 #43925
BloggingCategory: life
A few weeks back I got a shiny new black mac book. I was sure this was somehow going to change my life. Yeah that didn't happen. I've discovered that everyone locks their wi-fi networks, meaning I never use my laptop. Today I got the sudden urge to break my baby out and actually blog. Due to the lack of wi-fi I was forced to go the the local bar. So here I sit:

03/14/2008 17:42 #43670
Black MacBookCategory: apple
I bought a new Black MacBook yesterday. I had Apple transfer over the data from my old laptop to my new baby. I just got it back this afternoon. I can not wait to get it home and fondle it.
lilho - 03/14/08 18:45
welcome to black mac land!!!
welcome to black mac land!!!
03/03/2008 17:30 #43542
Adventures in working with Douchy PeopleCategory: work
Just now I got an urgent call. One of the gentlemen asshats I work with could not find his driver. Mr. Asshat's flight was 45 minutes late, thus the driver was forced to relocate to another spot at the airport where he could idle. Now I'm no world traveler, but I assumed the driver was idling in a lot when I got this most urgent call. Mr. Asshat was furious that his driver was not in baggage claim waiting to take his bags from him and escort him to the car. I calmly suggested he call the car service and ask to be connected to the driver and the driver could then locate Mr. Asshat and all would be right with the world. This logical solution was not acceptable. So I called the driver, got his location- 2nd island near departures- and passed the information along. I was then informed that "the airport is not a beach and I needed to get landmarks and exact locations" and then I was hung up on. Well fuck you Mr. Asshat. That will be the first, last and only time I ever so much as lift a finger beyond my exact job description to help you.
kookcity2000 - 03/03/08 23:06
thats a shame for a grown-ass man to act like that
thats a shame for a grown-ass man to act like that
paul - 03/03/08 22:31
What a jerk! That is so unreal!
What a jerk! That is so unreal!
02/27/2008 13:16 #43481
EspressoRemember like 5 days ago when I was all hearts over the espresso machine in my office. Well I should have thought back to 1996 when I had (and I quote) "the stomach of a 50 yr old man who had drank and smoked his whole life" from too much coffee.
I started drinking like 5 espresso shots a day and boy was that a bad idea. It was free and I was mesmorized by the shiny new toy in our office kitchen.
Lesson to be taken away from this:
Just because it's all you can drink espresso, it doesn't mean you literally have to drink all you can.
I started drinking like 5 espresso shots a day and boy was that a bad idea. It was free and I was mesmorized by the shiny new toy in our office kitchen.
Lesson to be taken away from this:
Just because it's all you can drink espresso, it doesn't mean you literally have to drink all you can.
flacidness - 02/28/08 09:47
ever try just eating the beans??? mmmm!
ever try just eating the beans??? mmmm!
02/27/2008 13:09 #43480
Zubaz are backCategory: fashion
Remember those awesome horrific pants from the early 90's? Well they are back. Just in case you missed them or your red/white/blue Bills tribute Zuba's are so worn out from wear you need new ones.

metalpeter - 02/28/08 19:49
I always liked them in fact I have (not sure where) some ones with green on them and a top that matches them. There was a wrestler who wore them "The Sandman" and after wrestling he would pull cans of beer out of his pockets. They really are great for working out, what they where made for I assume. Then they caught on they used to even have a deal with the NFL and made pants in all the team colors.
I always liked them in fact I have (not sure where) some ones with green on them and a top that matches them. There was a wrestler who wore them "The Sandman" and after wrestling he would pull cans of beer out of his pockets. They really are great for working out, what they where made for I assume. Then they caught on they used to even have a deal with the NFL and made pants in all the team colors.
Prob some troll. Who knows? Either way I'm in Dc and having an amazing time!!!
hmm ok just read a little more, and I was posting prematurely, b/c I am clearly not overreacting, and it is NOT COOL.
I was hoping it was some inside joke or something.
fucking troll.
Sorry Jess.
uhhhh WTF is that?? Who is travisp?
Am I overreacting, or is that not cool?
Your hair does look cute. It takes the focus off your face
Your hair looks cute.
you're cute! ;)
New mac looks good on you
Quick!! Get back on the blogging wagon, you are missing out on the $30K - $70K payouts, insane work-weeks, TV dinners and bonus MIs!