02/13/2008 16:40 #43315
For fans of R.KellyIf you've ever seen R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" and hoped for a diagram of all the relationships today is your lucky day. Andrew Kuo has mapped out all of R. Kelly’s characters from his “Trapped in the Closet".
PS I totally stole this from the NYT. Odd I know.
02/13/2008 12:23 #43311
effing dudesIssue #1 with dudes:
So last night it snowed for the first time all winter. It was actually kinda nice. Since it was a wet heavy snow I knew (from my many Buffalo winters dealing with various types of snow) that if I didn't shovel it as it came down it would freeze and be a huge pain to shovel later on. So after work I run some errands, thinking that surely my landlord would shovel by the time I got home at 8pm. Nope. Keep in mind:
1. My landlord is a guy
2. He owns a shovel
3. I rent
4. It's in my lease that he is responsible for ALL snow removal
5. I live/share a sidewalk with TWO guys.
Figuring if I only have to shovel once a year I'd suck it up and do it. I go to shovel and both of my male neighbors watch me out their windows. My landlord lets me borrow his shovel w/o so much as a "thanks for doing the job I'm suppossed to be doing". He actually walks by me with his dogs as I'm shoveling the walk way he uses and doesn't say a thing.
Issue #2 with dudes:
Today some guy looses his phone in a car. Somehow I get pulled into finding it. He tells me the car company is "coach". So I track down the car company "Boston Coach". I find someone to help me and track down the driver with phone. The driver wants to know when to drop off the phone. I interrupt the meeting to give a phone update, as I was asked to do. The guy who lost the phone actually wants me to go wait outside in the pouring rain for an unspecified amount of time for the driver who could be anywhere in Manhattan for this phone. Are you kidding me?!
Moral of my rant: I'm so effing sick of doing shit for dudes who should be doing these things for themselves.
02/12/2008 11:55 #43294
Michael Brown Part IIOk it gets even better. I did a little bit o research on him and I can not believe the job he now has. Ok, let's just all remember that he basically was responsible for the largest fuck up of disaster recovery in the history of America. So with that on his resume this company decided to hire him and put him in charge of (prepare yourself) MORE DISASTER RECOVERY. Holy shit. Really? Read below (prepare to sit in amazement):
Cotton was acquired by Charys in December 2006. Cotton is a group of disaster recovery firms specializing in fire and water restoration services ranging from initial project assessment and planning, through catastrophe management reconstruction, restoration and environmental remediation. The corporate headquarters are located in Houston, TX.
Wow, just wow.
02/07/2008 17:23 #43234
Celebrity InteractionCategory: celebs
Ok so I was going to label this post celebrity sighting, but it's more of a celebrity interaction situation. And by celebrity I mean dude who basically f'd everyone after Hurrican Katrina. Michael Brown is in our office. I had no idea it was actually him until I was in our copy room and someone was like "ooo Michael Brown is flirting with you girls".
So yeah that about the most exciting thing thats happened to me this week.
02/04/2008 12:26 #43172
Mario Lopez- AgainMario just can't get the dance out of his pants. See below:
you MUST post the link so i can read...i need to know how the midget is connected to the pastor...i just have a feeling...
I do like the first Trapped in the closet video. I meant to watch the entire story and all the videos play out either IFC or Sundance had them all on as a movie type thing but I allways seem to miss it.