I'm ready for my night out on the tiz-own. I wish it was a sister night out. I remember how much fun it is to get ready with the little ho. Who else is going to keep my fashion up to date? I'm off the the beer place with 100s of beer (thanks to
(e:jenks)!). Here is me all dolled up!
PS Im not stoned. My allergies are just mega out of control. I'm allergic to Bush.
i love ny. but i think you should move to a more friendly city like dc, and get married and, have babies!!!!!!!!!!!
(e:joshua) I have never been to NYC but and I can't speak for the girl. But if someone does what they are supposed to do and you say thank you in can imply like what they did was a big deal when it is in fact what they do and that can be insulting. In fact what my other guess is that no one ever says that so when someone does she doesn't know how to react.
Oh - once in Penn Station I thanked a cashier for hooking me up with a fork so I could eat my food. She actually looked offended by my thanks... what kind of place breeds this sort of hostility?
Your reasoning is exactly why I'd never live in NYC. IMO people act like caged animals there. Besides, in consideration of how expensive it is to live there, I can think of at least 3 cities I'd rather be than NYC if I have to splash tons of cash on living expenses.