My mom is sick of hearing my tidbits of wisdom via the littlest ho. The first thing that comes to mind is: awesome- warms the cockles of my heart. i so often take for granted having siblings and being the oldest. now that we are all grown up (i use this term very loosely) i forget that there is the possibility that they may still look up to me- if even in a small way. the second thing that comes to mind is: of course- i live in new york, i listen to npr every morning, read the nytimes and thus am superior and have far more wisdom than the normal, non city dwelling, human

Not a lower life form per se. Maybe just not as fully evolved as me.
Seriously though you are awesome.
ps. grown up is so overrated, and im really not there yet, so yes, use it veeeery loosely.
i don't know how i feel about this. it's like you love me, and whatnot, but as a lower life form? maybe i should just accept this and move on. but something is my heart is saying, "does not compute."
My sister told me once that she admires me and is proud of me... i was floored. I guess I had never even thought of it. But it really, really touched me.
Even though, like you, I absolutely SHOULD be worshipped, it's always nice to hear. ;)