So today my mommy dearest calls me on her way to work to discuss a "issue" she has been having. She tells me that all Sarah does is quote me. "Well Jessica says this, Jessica says that, Jessica told me you were going to make me color your hair in the garage.."
My mom is sick of hearing my tidbits of wisdom via the littlest ho. The first thing that comes to mind is: awesome- warms the cockles of my heart. i so often take for granted having siblings and being the oldest. now that we are all grown up (i use this term very loosely) i forget that there is the possibility that they may still look up to me- if even in a small way. the second thing that comes to mind is: of course- i live in new york, i listen to npr every morning, read the nytimes and thus am superior and have far more wisdom than the normal, non city dwelling, human

this link proves it.
nice nails. :)
and christine (from facebook/HS) says hi. dan and i have joked that buffalo is only 3 degrees of separation and that we must have a link somehow- maybe it's you two.
Hm, ironically someone who wrote this blog did that to my finger, trying to rip a hello kitty pillow out of my hand. At least we have twinsie gimped fingers out of it.