05/05/2008 21:21 #44248
Random Google SearchNow that I have my laptop all I do is play on it. I'm sitting here thinking "what can I look up?". I decide to google Sarah. Number #2 & #3 on google turned up this:
(e:strip) blah blah Sarah Ann Ho loves getting her spank on
"Get your spank on ho style"
It's very appropriate.
05/04/2008 20:24 #44233
Work OutAs I'm sure you've gathered I've started working out regularly and with a trainer. When I turned 30 I was the heaviest I'd ever been. I was terribly unhappy with my self. I had wanted to turn 30 and be fab, but it didn't really happen that way. Then I turned 31 and I was in the same place as when I turned 30. Finally I decided to do something about it. I joined a gym 3 blocks from my house and started pouring all my expendable income into training sessions. I wasn't buying clothes or going out, so I might as well spend the money on improving myself.
Here I am 4 months later and a totally different person. Or maybe the old me has returned, I'm not sure. Either way what I can tell you is I actually like me again. I started buying clothes in a size smaller than I previously was. I try things on and I actually feel like I look ok. Beyond the self esteem boost, I just feel better. I sleep better. My back never hurts. I'm happier. I feel stronger.
I still hate the gym and I'm no where near where I want to be, but I'm well on my way. Its just been a really long time since I've accomplished something and I'm really proud of me!
05/01/2008 21:48 #44213
Ok this is really funnyYou may or may not know my great interest in blogs. Especially funny blogs. Well I just read this on jezebel and it was WAY too funny not to post. So see the picture below with caption taken directly from www.jezebel.com :
Dude has on a pink shirt with floral cuffs, and he's FREAKING out about SJP. I think it's safe to say that this is the gayest this guy has acted since he started having anal sex with other men.
- I just want to point out I'm not mocking being gay (I think we all know I totally heart them. I like to think of them as my target audience). I'm pointing out the hilarity of anyone obsessed with SJP and Sex In The City (which i initially liked but now am so over).
04/28/2008 11:39 #44168
Request for help!Category: vacation
Last week I decided I wanted to take a vacation. I did some research and figured out with my time requirements and budget Washington DC was the place for me. I've also always had a strong interest in politics and our nation and its development. So I'm totally excited to go. I've booked a sweet room at a seemingly nice hotel right downtown. I figured from there I'd be set. Wrong.
Everything is free to visit (sweet) but also complicated and involves months long planning. You have to request a white house visit 3 months in advance through a congressman, same with the pentagon and Congress. Ok so cross those off my list. Next I figure I'll just visit the monuments. Also free, also require tickets months in advance. The next time I can get tickets for the Washington Monument is June 20th. Ok now I'm stuck. I'm fo so going. I have my train ticket and hotel is paid for. There's no turning back. Has anyone else ever taken a DC vacation? Any helpful suggestions? I'm a bit nervous now about what to do where to go. I mean touring the various neighborhoods could be fun but really I want to see the same junk as everyone else and play tourist. Helppppp!
04/26/2008 10:26 #44151
post work outCategory: workout
So I made it through the work out. I made the mistake of saying the work out wasnt that bad. that was not smart because the work out then started involving these incline crunches and this sort of hanging thing where you bring your legs up to your chest. im actually suprised my body can do that. Anyways below is the post work out moi:
ok, this is not appropriate. at all. i think that me being a teacher, that i better get married or change my name, because who is going to want a teacher who likes to get her spank on.
as for the other link, i have zero clue what that is all about. crazzzzzzzzy.
oh dear.
On Y! Search, you get this link: :::link:::
Quote: "... when comes to ladies..i'm done looking cause i already have the one that will be there, through thick and through thin. So, sorry ladies... i'm interested in ms. sarah ann ho. ..."
So is (e:lilho) not telling us something?