Chris Morris is the funniest man alive.
Check out this State of the Union address he spliced together. I peed myself three times watching it.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/26/2008 18:34 #43045
State of the Union01/25/2008 20:08 #43034
Boycott Chuck NorrisCategory: politics
Now that Grandpa Fred's presidential bid/nap is over what is his staff up to?
Much bigger and more noble work apparently.
A former communications staffer has launched Boycott Chuck Norris to fight the disease which is Chuck Norris.
Chuck has been a very public supporter of whackjob Mike Huckabee. In fact, when the Huckster won the Iowa caucus his wife was not up on stage with him, but Chuck was there.
Huckabee, is fucking crazy. Seriously fucking crazy. He believes in a literal biblical interpretation of reality. There is no evolution and he said if elected he would rewrite the constitution to be in line with god's word. In the early 90's he called for the quarantining of people with AIDS. He has continually likened homosexuality to necrophilia and bestiality.
Chuck is free to get in bed with whomever he wants. But, as the site says
all I got to say is, thanks, 20 years ahead of you on that one.
Much bigger and more noble work apparently.
A former communications staffer has launched Boycott Chuck Norris to fight the disease which is Chuck Norris.
Chuck has been a very public supporter of whackjob Mike Huckabee. In fact, when the Huckster won the Iowa caucus his wife was not up on stage with him, but Chuck was there.
Huckabee, is fucking crazy. Seriously fucking crazy. He believes in a literal biblical interpretation of reality. There is no evolution and he said if elected he would rewrite the constitution to be in line with god's word. In the early 90's he called for the quarantining of people with AIDS. He has continually likened homosexuality to necrophilia and bestiality.
Chuck is free to get in bed with whomever he wants. But, as the site says
I want you to join me in boycotting all of the products that Chuck Norris endorses and some of the national companies that run advertisements on the show in which he starred and currently rerunning on the USA cable network, Walker, Texas Ranger.
all I got to say is, thanks, 20 years ahead of you on that one.
metalpeter - 01/26/08 13:10
First of all sorry I don't think so. USA is a great network (granted I don't watch it that much other then Wrestling) why boycott it cause it has a chuck norris show on. That is like burning down a High School with all the kids in side of it cause there are 3 terrorists in it. OH wait that is what we did with Iraq, I know that wasn't the intent but man what a botch job that was. Second of all I love Pepsi and Mountain dew and he does an ad for them. Not to mention they own Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza hut so we should then boycott all of them again I don't think so. Well maybe we should just boycott his movies, um wait he hasn't done any in like 15 years, oh well. Seems to me like the boycott idea is going down in flames very quickly.
In terms of interperating the bible literaly there are a few problems with that.
1) Adam and Eve where the first people on earth. That means that what happened there was all fact and not a symbol and there were not multiple gardens of eden. So to have more humans brothers and sisters had to fuck each other and or mom and dad.
2) Tower of Bable stroy. That thing where the tower falls and god makes everyone speak different languages untill they all can speak the language of god. That would mean one of two things only people who speak god's language can talk to each other or that every nationality is supposed to stay seperate untill they die and they speak god's word in heaven .
I know that I don't know his belief system but I do know that if you follow the bible exactly word for word you run into allot of problems and this is only from two parts I mentioned. I guessing like allot of people in this world he has his own ideas that the bible supports and then he doesn't follow the parts that don't support his beliefs and that is his right to do so.
First of all sorry I don't think so. USA is a great network (granted I don't watch it that much other then Wrestling) why boycott it cause it has a chuck norris show on. That is like burning down a High School with all the kids in side of it cause there are 3 terrorists in it. OH wait that is what we did with Iraq, I know that wasn't the intent but man what a botch job that was. Second of all I love Pepsi and Mountain dew and he does an ad for them. Not to mention they own Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza hut so we should then boycott all of them again I don't think so. Well maybe we should just boycott his movies, um wait he hasn't done any in like 15 years, oh well. Seems to me like the boycott idea is going down in flames very quickly.
In terms of interperating the bible literaly there are a few problems with that.
1) Adam and Eve where the first people on earth. That means that what happened there was all fact and not a symbol and there were not multiple gardens of eden. So to have more humans brothers and sisters had to fuck each other and or mom and dad.
2) Tower of Bable stroy. That thing where the tower falls and god makes everyone speak different languages untill they all can speak the language of god. That would mean one of two things only people who speak god's language can talk to each other or that every nationality is supposed to stay seperate untill they die and they speak god's word in heaven .
I know that I don't know his belief system but I do know that if you follow the bible exactly word for word you run into allot of problems and this is only from two parts I mentioned. I guessing like allot of people in this world he has his own ideas that the bible supports and then he doesn't follow the parts that don't support his beliefs and that is his right to do so.
mike - 01/26/08 00:39
if only his show wasn't so amazing and impossible to look away from....
if only his show wasn't so amazing and impossible to look away from....
01/25/2008 15:21 #43031
Deep BreathSo,
Now that I am out of student teaching I have to do a lot of work. I have a part time job that pays well enough and has a very flexible schedule. But the tricky thing is getting a career going.
I know next to nothing about technical writing. But I can explain things to people well and I love to write, so that might be fun. Jim is going to help me put some samples on a web site. I would do things like explain how to use a complex function on the flickr web site. Adding video would be awesome. I was born to be a star! A star who explains how to edit out the face of your ex-wife from photos. In a world full of podcasts why not aim for untold internet stardom and prove Warhol's axiom true.
Telling professional adults that I quit has been mixed. Most have told me it was a good idea, some have told me I should stick it out.
But I never did like to listen to authority figures.
Now that I am out of student teaching I have to do a lot of work. I have a part time job that pays well enough and has a very flexible schedule. But the tricky thing is getting a career going.
I know next to nothing about technical writing. But I can explain things to people well and I love to write, so that might be fun. Jim is going to help me put some samples on a web site. I would do things like explain how to use a complex function on the flickr web site. Adding video would be awesome. I was born to be a star! A star who explains how to edit out the face of your ex-wife from photos. In a world full of podcasts why not aim for untold internet stardom and prove Warhol's axiom true.
Telling professional adults that I quit has been mixed. Most have told me it was a good idea, some have told me I should stick it out.
But I never did like to listen to authority figures.
james - 01/26/08 19:44
Thanks Mike. I need a little encouragement right now.
Thanks Mike. I need a little encouragement right now.
mike - 01/26/08 19:07
Good luck! I am sure you will find something better than teaching, especially if that was just supposed to be temporary for you. At least you like the job you have now!
Good luck! I am sure you will find something better than teaching, especially if that was just supposed to be temporary for you. At least you like the job you have now!
james - 01/26/08 16:19
yup, I am out of there.
If I stuck it out I wasn't going to be able to find a job around here anyway. And I never really wanted teaching to be a long term career, just something to segue into something else.
This means I need to re apply to UB where I am nearly done with my MA. I had to put it off for a few years to get my certification. But now I am a semester away from it.
Right now I am working on making myself marketable as a technical writer or editor. I have a part time job currently that doesn't make me just dead weight. So, I am really, really happy I am out of there. Academic educational theory is super fun, but teaching in practice is like a drill to the brain. So, I picked a good time to get out before I was in a career I hated.
yup, I am out of there.
If I stuck it out I wasn't going to be able to find a job around here anyway. And I never really wanted teaching to be a long term career, just something to segue into something else.
This means I need to re apply to UB where I am nearly done with my MA. I had to put it off for a few years to get my certification. But now I am a semester away from it.
Right now I am working on making myself marketable as a technical writer or editor. I have a part time job currently that doesn't make me just dead weight. So, I am really, really happy I am out of there. Academic educational theory is super fun, but teaching in practice is like a drill to the brain. So, I picked a good time to get out before I was in a career I hated.
jenks - 01/26/08 16:09
whoa- you really quit?
congrats? i guess?
so what does this mean? are you still in school?
whoa- you really quit?
congrats? i guess?
so what does this mean? are you still in school?
01/23/2008 21:55 #43005
Well, there goes thatCategory: fucking damn it
I fucking hate student teaching.
We will see if I finish next week.
Then I will beat myself up for the next month and drink too much.
Then, I will do something else.
God damn it what a waste of time.
We will see if I finish next week.
Then I will beat myself up for the next month and drink too much.
Then, I will do something else.
God damn it what a waste of time.
paul - 01/25/08 20:56
And now you don't have to remain internet anonymous anymore!!
And now you don't have to remain internet anonymous anymore!!
metalpeter - 01/24/08 17:23
Not that I'm in teaching so I don't really know anything. But from what I remember from school the rant of respect went Teacher, Aide, regular sub, Sub, and then at the very bottom Student Teacher. Of course some of that is based on the age of the kids you have also.
Not that I'm in teaching so I don't really know anything. But from what I remember from school the rant of respect went Teacher, Aide, regular sub, Sub, and then at the very bottom Student Teacher. Of course some of that is based on the age of the kids you have also.
jim - 01/24/08 10:21
Relax and enjoy your day now that it's done, love. :)
Relax and enjoy your day now that it's done, love. :)
jason - 01/24/08 09:17
Oh, I know what will make you feel better for a short while, other than the drink - talking about the Clinton/Obama slapfight!
Oh, I know what will make you feel better for a short while, other than the drink - talking about the Clinton/Obama slapfight!
jason - 01/24/08 09:13
Being frustrated is okay, but don't let it distract you from finding what you really want to do. Worrying about it is senseless after a while. Hang in there, pal.
Being frustrated is okay, but don't let it distract you from finding what you really want to do. Worrying about it is senseless after a while. Hang in there, pal.
paul - 01/23/08 22:29
I have switched careers so many times. You will find something. Hang in there.
I have switched careers so many times. You will find something. Hang in there.
jim - 01/23/08 22:22
You'll find something, James. Don't worry :)
You'll find something, James. Don't worry :)
james - 01/23/08 22:18
sure, just not in a school.
sure, just not in a school.
janelle - 01/23/08 22:14 still want to be a teacher? still want to be a teacher?
01/20/2008 16:47 #42963
Sick Day
I have a horrible cold. The cold medicine got me through last nights lovely dinner with (e:pmt). I would have loved some sushi, but my palate has gone to hell with this cold. If we had gone to Korean House I am sure some pickled fish heads would have been able to penetrate the phlegm barrier.
fellyconnelly - 01/21/08 09:46
you definetely look like a billboard sign for some type cold and cough medicine.
you definetely look like a billboard sign for some type cold and cough medicine.
james - 01/21/08 08:58
jbeatty: You are my gastronomic hero.
Paul: Yesterday the damn burst and all this phlegm started pouring out. Thankfully that was after we hung out with you cats.
jbeatty: You are my gastronomic hero.
Paul: Yesterday the damn burst and all this phlegm started pouring out. Thankfully that was after we hung out with you cats.
paul - 01/21/08 03:01
That is a great picture of you - I had no idea you were eve sick.
That is a great picture of you - I had no idea you were eve sick.
jbeatty - 01/21/08 00:24
You say this in jest, but fish heads are really delicious.
You say this in jest, but fish heads are really delicious.
terror, burning with hot irons... AWESOME
That is pretty flawless, I love how everyone always claps and cheers, it's just like watching the real thing.
That was fucking brilliant!