I am not a Hillary hater. She isn't my candidate of choice but I still like her well enough. But she is having a rough, rough day.
Between thursday and tomorrow she has gone from the inevitable candidate to barely alive. Obama leads her by double digit numbers in New Hampshire (tomorrow's primary) and South Carolina (the next big, important show). This means he has gone from distant second place to the clear front runner in four days. Let me say that again in a new paragraph for full emphasis.
In four days Hillary has gone from the Democratic candidate for a presidential election she was sure to win to a hail mary strategy to win a few unimportant primary states.
You have to feel some compassion for her. It is different from Mitt Romney who is an empty suit that tried to buy the election. Hillary was a genuinely good candidate with a very good chance at winning.
Today she choked up with tears when a woman asked her how she stays so upbeat.
Then we had her husband Bill, doing his best borscht belt comic impression, say "I can't make younger, taller, male. There are a lot of things I can't do. But if you want a president and need one she would be by far the best". Is that the best you could do Bill?
But the worst thing to happen to her campaign happened today. She played the race card in the worst way in the history of the game. Here is what she said
Dr. King's dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act. It took a president to get it done."
So, she likens Obama to Martin Luther King, Jr. and her to Lyndon Johnson. She says MLK's contributions to American civil rights were less than President Johnson's. She likens her self to a one term president with a mixed legacy. Who is running her campaign and why are they still working for her? That is not how the race card works. You do not liken your opponent to one of the most beloved and respected of Americans and then try to say you are better than them. That is setting the bar absurdly high.
Well, at least she has her Senate seat.
Is that Feathers that Doogie is riding?
oh... my...
planet unicorn HEY!
His character in Harold and Kumar was a riot.