What do we know of Joe Biden?
Yes, he is one of the longest serving members of the senate. Yes, he has been a presidential candidate a few times. And yes, I want him and Obama to make sweet, sweet white house love together - ties loose, collar button undone.
But who is the real Joe Biden?
In 1987 Joe moved into a neighborhood Willmington known for a stray dog problem. Six months later no dogs could be found, Joe moved again.
In 1992 Joe introduced a piece of legislation that would ban the sale and ownership of silver daggers.
Joe has never attended a late night meeting while there was a full moon.
This points to a profoundly disturbing suspicion.
Have we let wolfmen infultrate the highest levels of our government?
That totally beats Hillary's choice of Celine Dion.
Only tangentially related: I heard a rumor that Obama's official-unofficial campaign song is 'Move, Bitch!! Get out the Way!'
If it's not true it should be.
- Z
I have a crazy Idea. Every one talks about how mexicans come here and take out jobs and don't learn english. Part of that is because Mexico is a poor country. Why don't we attack Mexico. Think about it for a second if the US took over Mexico companies couldn't move there to save on cheap labor. All companies there would have to pay us taxes and it would help there workers also. The poor mexicans wouldn't come here. There is a lot of crazy stuff that happens at beaches and tropical locations and even family vacations the us gets all that money. We could even set up some Military Bases down there. That would be an incenitive. If we want to fight the war on drugs one of the main places it comes from is now part of our country. We wouldn't change the name of Mexico it would just be a new state. Everyone there would become US citizens most of them want that anyways. When people flee the country they wouldn't be able to hide out there anymore. I'm sure most of the people would be happy if it got rid of all the coruption down there. I say lets attack Mexico, I bet it would cost less then it would to make a better border.
If they want sourthern Cali they have to take western texas with them or no deal.
As far as I'm concerned, they can have southern California. But let's keep the Bay area.
Following (e:jason)'s comment: let's bring back the Fading Glory Mullet.
Mrdeadlier: HA!
mrmike: yes, both are featured heavily on darkwave album covers
jason: the Fading Glory, awesome.
Chico: Don't we have a 150 lease just like Britain has with Hong Kong? We are giving back Cali, right?
I wonder if Hillary would also cook up a lame pretext for war to (essentially) steal territory from Mexico. (See War, Mexican-American, 1846-1848)
Damn. Polk's got himself a specialized mullet, the Fading Glory.
I take it you noticed the similarity between NOSFARATU and Rudy
Is the politically correct term personifest destiny?