Yes, he is one of the longest serving members of the senate. Yes, he has been a presidential candidate a few times. And yes, I want him and Obama to make sweet, sweet white house love together - ties loose, collar button undone.
But who is the real Joe Biden?
In 1987 Joe moved into a neighborhood Willmington known for a stray dog problem. Six months later no dogs could be found, Joe moved again.
In 1992 Joe introduced a piece of legislation that would ban the sale and ownership of silver daggers.
Joe has never attended a late night meeting while there was a full moon.
This points to a profoundly disturbing suspicion.

Have we let wolfmen infultrate the highest levels of our government?
He's really Mr Belding, senator
I have a nagging compulsion to get creative and paint some handlebars on Biden's face. Just something I do.