"85% of all Sudanese are below the absolute poverty level (which means their lives are in danger because they do not have enough money to provide food, water, and shelter for themselves)." 
(e:ajay,42342), I can't believe that story either

about the British teacher who was working in Sudan, and let her students name a class teddybear Muhammed. She is now in hiding under death threats from angry mobs learned her lesson about helping poor people in third world countries.
I think it is time we just give up hope on all the ones that have fundamentalist religions of any nature and poverty combined, which is about all of them. Its a hopeless case, I say let them all fight each other to death or eat themselves. Someday when everyone else is goin g to heaven, I am going to be judged for that statement.
I can't really believe it but I am really over the top sick of religious freaks getting all angry about stupid shit. It is a teddybear. I don't care what some crazy, obsessive compulsive person wrote down in a book ages ago and you believe - it is a freakin' teddybear and you people are whackos. Don't you have better things to worry about - like where your food is?
I am so angry about this I am about to rename Basra - muhammed in protest - an he is just a dirty, eat his own shit kind of beast.
I'm kinda digging facebook. I just started using my account this week and one person I haven't seen in 9 years and one I haven't seen in 7 contacted me. So it's nice to have in order to find people that I normally wouldn't know how to get in touch with.
Where else can I meet hot chicks but on Facebook?
I definitely wasn't comparing, they are totally different in scale and purpose as you pointed out. I was just saying I wouldn't join facebook with all its recent privacy issues. Rest assured estrip does not care what you buy when you are online and leaves it up to you to tell your friends and family.
Facebook has it's place. It's in no way a blogging site like (e:strip). However, it does a very good job of helping contact old friends, and has lots of time-wasting games and crap.
To compare Facebook and (E:strip) is pointless, as the two sites are completely different in purpose and design. The only common ground I see is they both take members and the both allow pictures.
So, I like facebook for what it's good at, locating old friends and spitting out trivia quizzes. I like (e:strip) for discussion.
If I were looking for social networking, I'd look to neither website, as no website can replace real human interaction and conversation.
I have never used face book my self. But from what I know of it, it was a great idea. Notice I said was. First of all you had to have and edu adress meaning you had to be at a college or university. I think that is where it should have stayed. From what I read it was a pretty good way to meet people from school or find someone in your class who had the notes you missed or interact how ever or keep in touch with friends who went to different schools. I'm guessing the people who ran it at sometime decided they wanted to be more like myspace and that is a bad idea.
estrip rules, facebook drools!
no really i hate them too.. good job for standing your ground. speaking of which i should probably check mine....
yea, facebook kinda sucks. go (e:strip)!
alright dinosaur Paul. But when people stop having real friends and only have digital friends you are going to be a lonely, lonely man... just like everyone else.