The keyboard on this phone is much better than my old one but still not as awesome as the sidekick2. Maybe I just need to get used to it thlught because I can already type really fast on it.
The GPS is nice but like 3 said I don't go anywhere. Okay next step is to watch startrek on it.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/26/2007 17:33 #42289
writing from my new phoneCategory: mobile
11/26/2007 10:09 #42282
My StomachCategory: health
Like right under my stomach has been hurting for about a week now. No matter what I eat, no matter what time of day - it just kind of hurts - sometimes it feels a little better but mostly hurts, especially after I eat. I suppose maybe I should see a doctor, but I keep telling myself that it will go away - hoping it is a flu like symptom because (e:matthew) just had a flu.
Please don't let it be an ulcer ;)
Please don't let it be an ulcer ;)
jim - 11/27/07 23:20
Let me know how it went with the chiropractor, I might go too having some trouble this week myself.
Let me know how it went with the chiropractor, I might go too having some trouble this week myself.
jenks - 11/26/07 19:15
try pepcid or prilosec or something like that and see if it helps. If it does, it could be a refluxy kind of thing.
try pepcid or prilosec or something like that and see if it helps. If it does, it could be a refluxy kind of thing.
james - 11/26/07 14:27
Paul, as a feel-rite alumni you know that you can cure every ailment known to mankind with flax seed oil and colonic irrigation. Preferably simultaneously. ick.
Hope you feel better.
Paul, as a feel-rite alumni you know that you can cure every ailment known to mankind with flax seed oil and colonic irrigation. Preferably simultaneously. ick.
Hope you feel better.
museumchick - 11/26/07 13:30
I think maybe it would be good to go to a doctor. They might be able to give you some meds. to alleviate the pain.
I think maybe it would be good to go to a doctor. They might be able to give you some meds. to alleviate the pain.
11/25/2007 22:05 #42277
Resolution and relationshipsCategory: life
The way the garden looks, is how I feel right now.

I guess at least the new phone is coming tomorrow, although at this point nothing can really make me happy. I think it is time to join the gym again. This time I am going to try Allentown Athletix, which is just around the corner form us.
I got into a huge fight with (e:matthew) yesterday about a random chimney shaft in our bedroom wall that connects to no mantel. Based on previous pictures I had taken with a web cam on a 6 ft USB chord, I thought that the tunnel went down and to the left but what I thought was a "floor" and a tunnel to the left turned out the be an odd brick of the side of the shaft wall.
I thought that brick or whatever it is was the bottom in the usb webcam view and that the hole on the end was a turn to the left.

When I switched to the 7MP camera with flash I got a much better view.

I wish I didn't get so angry about it at 2am last night. Sometimes, I can be a jerk. I am embarrassed for the way I acted but I was so sure I was right.
Anyways, the good news I think we can switch the Den and our bedroom and get a wood or gas burning insert similar to the one that (e:enknot) has at his house and have it be direct vent. This is a much better alternative to the next vented ones that make me ill.
You can see the chimney straight up and it looks easy enough to line it ourselves considering it is just a straight trip up.

I thought someone might find this amusing
Look at the clipart they used in this professional article about the iphone in Europe. It is a freakin' old white ipod on a slide phone, running windows mobile. Seems like no one fact checked that one.

I am switching from qmail to postfix and got my book in the mail today. I am not sure why. I just wanted to try something new and got sick of setting up qmail on the new server although I did it before on the old one.

There has been lots of progress on the new site, don't think I forgot! I just hurt my neck and it is slowing me down, argh.

I guess at least the new phone is coming tomorrow, although at this point nothing can really make me happy. I think it is time to join the gym again. This time I am going to try Allentown Athletix, which is just around the corner form us.
I got into a huge fight with (e:matthew) yesterday about a random chimney shaft in our bedroom wall that connects to no mantel. Based on previous pictures I had taken with a web cam on a 6 ft USB chord, I thought that the tunnel went down and to the left but what I thought was a "floor" and a tunnel to the left turned out the be an odd brick of the side of the shaft wall.
I thought that brick or whatever it is was the bottom in the usb webcam view and that the hole on the end was a turn to the left.

When I switched to the 7MP camera with flash I got a much better view.

I wish I didn't get so angry about it at 2am last night. Sometimes, I can be a jerk. I am embarrassed for the way I acted but I was so sure I was right.
Anyways, the good news I think we can switch the Den and our bedroom and get a wood or gas burning insert similar to the one that (e:enknot) has at his house and have it be direct vent. This is a much better alternative to the next vented ones that make me ill.
You can see the chimney straight up and it looks easy enough to line it ourselves considering it is just a straight trip up.

I thought someone might find this amusing

Look at the clipart they used in this professional article about the iphone in Europe. It is a freakin' old white ipod on a slide phone, running windows mobile. Seems like no one fact checked that one.

I am switching from qmail to postfix and got my book in the mail today. I am not sure why. I just wanted to try something new and got sick of setting up qmail on the new server although I did it before on the old one.

There has been lots of progress on the new site, don't think I forgot! I just hurt my neck and it is slowing me down, argh.
tinypliny - 11/28/07 20:12
I read this journal and I have the same burning question as Carolinian! Why was the direction of the shaft tunnel important? Is it some Vaastu/Feng Shui thing?
I read this journal and I have the same burning question as Carolinian! Why was the direction of the shaft tunnel important? Is it some Vaastu/Feng Shui thing?
carolinian - 11/26/07 13:02
Why were you fighting over where the shaft lead? Was there a practical reason, or was it just for the sake of the argument?
Why were you fighting over where the shaft lead? Was there a practical reason, or was it just for the sake of the argument?
fellyconnelly - 11/26/07 08:18
yeah the new phone will totally make youf eel better
yeah the new phone will totally make youf eel better
jenks - 11/26/07 05:18
Sorry you had a crappy day. I bet new electronics *will* help you feel better, though. (always works for me!)
Sorry you had a crappy day. I bet new electronics *will* help you feel better, though. (always works for me!)
11/24/2007 19:33 #42273
Bored to death, christmas marketCategory: buffalo
paul 18:51 I am so bored
imk2 18:52 i never hear you say that youre bored
paul 18:52 haha, i have never been bored unitl tonight i think
paul 18:53 I couldn't describe
paul 18:52 because there was some new feeling
paul 18:52 i thought I wanted to kill myself
paul 18:53 and then it hit me that I was bored
We went to the broadway market this afternoon. It was lame. Maybe we went at the wrong time but I will surely never go back to find out.
The way there was so pretty. I love traveling down sycamore. It is by far the most scenic view of Buffalo.
(e:terry) says they are developing som enew village here that he read baout on Buffalo rising.

No seriously, it makes me want to do a documentary about the history of advertising signs that rusted out.

While this pretty church is dead, every single other non-burned down, non-boarded up warehouse and crappy house is some other sect of freaky Christianity with blacked out windows.

This is what I expect in a Christmas Market.

Then we got there...

and this is what it was.

Back over to elmwood
We got new glasses today at Elmwood Specs. I had the same prescription. My only problem with the place was that the doctor brought her dog with her. I was very allergic to that kind of poodley dog so it wasn't so horrible but if it had been a cat, I think I might have died.

Why did stache or whoever owns this building paint the half timbering over? It seems really trashy.

I hope elmwood doesn't become sycamore ever.

tinypliny - 11/28/07 20:19
Now we know where that orange door on Stache's came from. The residents of the "monastery" were so impoverished that they had to sell their door.
Now we know where that orange door on Stache's came from. The residents of the "monastery" were so impoverished that they had to sell their door.
tinypliny - 11/28/07 20:17
You know, that orange building looks like it could have been a glorious Thai Monastery in its hey days.
You know, that orange building looks like it could have been a glorious Thai Monastery in its hey days.
imk2 - 11/24/07 20:59
i used to work every chirstmas and easter at those two stands you have pictured. god, they worked us to death. 4:30-5:00am until 8pm with not one break in between, not even lunch. they would let us scarf down some bread while standing up and shoo us back to work. i guess 12 year olds are easy to manipulate like that.
i used to work every chirstmas and easter at those two stands you have pictured. god, they worked us to death. 4:30-5:00am until 8pm with not one break in between, not even lunch. they would let us scarf down some bread while standing up and shoo us back to work. i guess 12 year olds are easy to manipulate like that.
11/24/2007 12:59 #42269
ThanksgivingCategory: holiday
This is a little late but I have been so busy setting up the new server. So here it goes.
There is finally snow everywhere, He is some on the front windshield of the car on the way to my mothers for thanksgiving.

I forgot to tak any pictures of all the amazing food for once. I was so hungry I forgot about tthe camera. After dinner my Dad got out al the liquor, considering they don't drink very much , a lot of it was quasi vintage.

Don't the instructions on the back of this bacadi bottle seem kind of redundant.

I discovered that Peach Snapps and Cointreau makes a slightly stronger fuzzy navel - minus orange orange juice. I think Cointreau is my new favorite liquor.

The whole family played games minus me and the kids. I don't really like games very much.

The kids played with their webkins
on the computer. WHy didn't I think of making something like that.

We made little turkey stickers.

I got all my old yearbooks which has plenty of blog fodder. As an example, this yearbook entry by (e:oda) formerly known as emily.

There is finally snow everywhere, He is some on the front windshield of the car on the way to my mothers for thanksgiving.

I forgot to tak any pictures of all the amazing food for once. I was so hungry I forgot about tthe camera. After dinner my Dad got out al the liquor, considering they don't drink very much , a lot of it was quasi vintage.

Don't the instructions on the back of this bacadi bottle seem kind of redundant.

I discovered that Peach Snapps and Cointreau makes a slightly stronger fuzzy navel - minus orange orange juice. I think Cointreau is my new favorite liquor.

The whole family played games minus me and the kids. I don't really like games very much.

The kids played with their webkins

We made little turkey stickers.

I got all my old yearbooks which has plenty of blog fodder. As an example, this yearbook entry by (e:oda) formerly known as emily.

tinypliny - 11/28/07 20:24
Why would anyone want to dress up cows???? I can't think of any good reasons right now.
And why are all these whiskeys/liquors tagged silver label, gold label etc. One can clearly see that it's no such thing. It's a plain white paper label.
Why would anyone want to dress up cows???? I can't think of any good reasons right now.
And why are all these whiskeys/liquors tagged silver label, gold label etc. One can clearly see that it's no such thing. It's a plain white paper label.
libertad - 11/25/07 20:15
Mike told me about your Dad going crazy with the liquor. Wo ho ho (e:oda)....Hitler and burning bodies?
Mike told me about your Dad going crazy with the liquor. Wo ho ho (e:oda)....Hitler and burning bodies?
metalpeter - 11/24/07 16:17
That is really crazy. I can't understand why someone would write that in a year book, cause wouldn't they just say they didn't want to write anything. but see then at the end it sounds positive so it sounds like all the craziness was just in good fun. I say that you should leave high school back in High School myself. Even if it was great for you I'm sure you will bring out demons of someone else. I have to add that those pies look really good.
That is really crazy. I can't understand why someone would write that in a year book, cause wouldn't they just say they didn't want to write anything. but see then at the end it sounds positive so it sounds like all the craziness was just in good fun. I say that you should leave high school back in High School myself. Even if it was great for you I'm sure you will bring out demons of someone else. I have to add that those pies look really good.
imk2 - 11/24/07 13:57
go to hell and burn to a crisp....can i eat you skin and all? anyways, isn't she a veggie? all i can say is wow.
go to hell and burn to a crisp....can i eat you skin and all? anyways, isn't she a veggie? all i can say is wow.
mrdeadlier - 11/24/07 13:25
My mother-in-law has purchased 6 or 7 Webkinz for my kids at this point. Once a week or so Chrissy or myself will sit down with Delaney and play the games with her and help her dress them up "virtually" and stuff. Stay away from Cash Cow and Cash Cow 2, though. CRACK.
My mother-in-law has purchased 6 or 7 Webkinz for my kids at this point. Once a week or so Chrissy or myself will sit down with Delaney and play the games with her and help her dress them up "virtually" and stuff. Stay away from Cash Cow and Cash Cow 2, though. CRACK.
lilho - 11/24/07 13:07
long live hitler????
long live hitler????
If only people were as enthusiastic about one thing in their lives as you are with phones.
Okay, the cell phone is nice, but it really didn't help my stomach feel any better ;(