package lab_04c; /** * * @author visco */ public class Main { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Student Score Grade"); int[] scores = {76,91,80,55,71,98,70,88,69,60}; String[] names = { "Suzie Q", "Peggy Forsnacht", "Boy George", "Flea", "Captain Hook", "Nelson Mandela", "he Might Thor", "Oedipa Maas", "Uncle Sam", "The Tick"}; String[] grades = new String[scores.length]; System.out.println("Name Grade Score"); for(int x=0;x<scores.length;x++){ int score = scores[x]; String grade = ""; if(score < 60){ grade = "F"; } else if (score < 70){ grade = "D"; } else if (score < 80){ grade = "C"; } else if (score < 90){ grade = "B"; } else { grade = "A"; } grades[x] = grade; System.out.println(names[x]+" "+score+" "+grade); } String[] possibleGrades = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "F"}; int[] frequency = {0,0,0,0,0}; double total=0; Student: for(int student=0;student<scores.length;student++){ Grades: for(int g=0;g<possibleGrades.length;g++){ if(grades[student] == possibleGrades[g]){ frequency[g]++; } } total += scores[student]; } System.out.println(" Statistics:"); for(int g=0;g<possibleGrades.length;g++){ System.out.println("Total "+possibleGrades[g]+"s: "+frequency[g]); } System.out.println(" The mean score was : "+(total/scores.length)); } }
Paul's Journal
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12/04/2007 10:13 #42391
Does this seem like advanced Java, lol?Category: programming
Still sitting in java class. I swear this is as procedural as it gets. I followed the instructions exactly.
12/02/2007 21:13 #42365
I am not joining facebook everCategory: facebook
I was really surprised to get this AIM message from Zack Schneider today. I assume it was some auto-generated bullshit from facebook. I extra especially would not be interested in facebook considering the latest developments with privacy issues and it clear involvement in the excesses advertising world, puke - 

I am probably never joining another keep track of my friend and keep a journal, picture gallery kind of thing ever again. If there is some feature I really need I will just make it for myself here or I don't really need it.
I made it this far and I really just don't see any reason to spread myself any thinner than I already am. Especially considering that I am not looking to network for a job or lover and there is no one I don't talk have contact with that I really am interested in ever talking to except maybe my friend Yvonne in Germany who I never manage to talk to.

I am probably never joining another keep track of my friend and keep a journal, picture gallery kind of thing ever again. If there is some feature I really need I will just make it for myself here or I don't really need it.
I made it this far and I really just don't see any reason to spread myself any thinner than I already am. Especially considering that I am not looking to network for a job or lover and there is no one I don't talk have contact with that I really am interested in ever talking to except maybe my friend Yvonne in Germany who I never manage to talk to.
jbeatty - 12/04/07 19:53
I'm kinda digging facebook. I just started using my account this week and one person I haven't seen in 9 years and one I haven't seen in 7 contacted me. So it's nice to have in order to find people that I normally wouldn't know how to get in touch with.
I'm kinda digging facebook. I just started using my account this week and one person I haven't seen in 9 years and one I haven't seen in 7 contacted me. So it's nice to have in order to find people that I normally wouldn't know how to get in touch with.
ajay - 12/04/07 18:12
Where else can I meet hot chicks but on Facebook?
Where else can I meet hot chicks but on Facebook?
paul - 12/04/07 16:29
I definitely wasn't comparing, they are totally different in scale and purpose as you pointed out. I was just saying I wouldn't join facebook with all its recent privacy issues. Rest assured estrip does not care what you buy when you are online and leaves it up to you to tell your friends and family.
I definitely wasn't comparing, they are totally different in scale and purpose as you pointed out. I was just saying I wouldn't join facebook with all its recent privacy issues. Rest assured estrip does not care what you buy when you are online and leaves it up to you to tell your friends and family.
scott - 12/04/07 16:01
Facebook has it's place. It's in no way a blogging site like (e:strip). However, it does a very good job of helping contact old friends, and has lots of time-wasting games and crap.
To compare Facebook and (E:strip) is pointless, as the two sites are completely different in purpose and design. The only common ground I see is they both take members and the both allow pictures.
So, I like facebook for what it's good at, locating old friends and spitting out trivia quizzes. I like (e:strip) for discussion.
If I were looking for social networking, I'd look to neither website, as no website can replace real human interaction and conversation.
Facebook has it's place. It's in no way a blogging site like (e:strip). However, it does a very good job of helping contact old friends, and has lots of time-wasting games and crap.
To compare Facebook and (E:strip) is pointless, as the two sites are completely different in purpose and design. The only common ground I see is they both take members and the both allow pictures.
So, I like facebook for what it's good at, locating old friends and spitting out trivia quizzes. I like (e:strip) for discussion.
If I were looking for social networking, I'd look to neither website, as no website can replace real human interaction and conversation.
metalpeter - 12/03/07 16:51
I have never used face book my self. But from what I know of it, it was a great idea. Notice I said was. First of all you had to have and edu adress meaning you had to be at a college or university. I think that is where it should have stayed. From what I read it was a pretty good way to meet people from school or find someone in your class who had the notes you missed or interact how ever or keep in touch with friends who went to different schools. I'm guessing the people who ran it at sometime decided they wanted to be more like myspace and that is a bad idea.
I have never used face book my self. But from what I know of it, it was a great idea. Notice I said was. First of all you had to have and edu adress meaning you had to be at a college or university. I think that is where it should have stayed. From what I read it was a pretty good way to meet people from school or find someone in your class who had the notes you missed or interact how ever or keep in touch with friends who went to different schools. I'm guessing the people who ran it at sometime decided they wanted to be more like myspace and that is a bad idea.
fellyconnelly - 12/03/07 06:38
estrip rules, facebook drools!
no really i hate them too.. good job for standing your ground. speaking of which i should probably check mine....
estrip rules, facebook drools!
no really i hate them too.. good job for standing your ground. speaking of which i should probably check mine....
james - 12/02/07 21:43
alright dinosaur Paul. But when people stop having real friends and only have digital friends you are going to be a lonely, lonely man... just like everyone else.
alright dinosaur Paul. But when people stop having real friends and only have digital friends you are going to be a lonely, lonely man... just like everyone else.
12/01/2007 22:21 #42357
Phones And BacteriaCategory: mobile
No, bacteria did not eat my phone thank god because I love it. I am able to get 1360kbps on ATT's new HSPDA 3G network in Buffalo. Thats so fast.

I almost killed a bunch of people trackng my driving with the built in GPS. I guess that is why they have the don't use while driving warning.
I bought some bacteria for my stomach. We will see how that goes.

The company that makes my phone it HTC. I found this graphic on some forum. It eplains how I feel about my phone.

I almost killed a bunch of people trackng my driving with the built in GPS. I guess that is why they have the don't use while driving warning.
I bought some bacteria for my stomach. We will see how that goes.

The company that makes my phone it HTC. I found this graphic on some forum. It eplains how I feel about my phone.

fellyconnelly - 12/02/07 10:41
bouncy bouncy bouncy
bouncy bouncy bouncy
metalpeter - 12/02/07 08:38
I love that little graphic that is so hot bouncing up and down with her purple hair. I don't know as it helps to Sell Phones but I'm sure it can't hurt.
I love that little graphic that is so hot bouncing up and down with her purple hair. I don't know as it helps to Sell Phones but I'm sure it can't hurt.
drew - 12/02/07 07:33
your phone makes you sore? 'cause she's gotta be after doing that over and over and over.
your phone makes you sore? 'cause she's gotta be after doing that over and over and over.
tinypliny - 12/01/07 23:14
1,360 kbps = 170 KBps - that's faster than my DSL.
BTW, do you eat at regular intervals? Are there huge gaps between your breakfast, lunch and dinner?
1,360 kbps = 170 KBps - that's faster than my DSL.
BTW, do you eat at regular intervals? Are there huge gaps between your breakfast, lunch and dinner?
11/30/2007 22:34 #42350
Patrick Oneill Chiropratic on BidwellCategory: health
I went to Patrick Oneill Chiropractic on Bidwell in order to get my neck fixed as per my previous post. I just did it on a whim. I had never been to a chiropractor before and had no real idea of what it was going to be like. No one recommended him to me. I just saw the sign on his office.

It seems to have fixed my neck. Even the Chiropractor wouldn't believe it. Seriously, it made such a difference.
Here's the hitch. I went back today for a follow up and it didn't do anything new. Then he asked to schedule another appointment for next week but now I am feeling diminishing returns. So I ask myself, is going the first time like getting high the first time when you are a kid and then you always try to go back to that place but never can until you just give up or die. If that is the case then I would just quit now before I have to deal with years of chiropractic costs - not that it is very expensive.
$50 for the first appointment and $35 for follow-ups.

It seems to have fixed my neck. Even the Chiropractor wouldn't believe it. Seriously, it made such a difference.
Here's the hitch. I went back today for a follow up and it didn't do anything new. Then he asked to schedule another appointment for next week but now I am feeling diminishing returns. So I ask myself, is going the first time like getting high the first time when you are a kid and then you always try to go back to that place but never can until you just give up or die. If that is the case then I would just quit now before I have to deal with years of chiropractic costs - not that it is very expensive.
$50 for the first appointment and $35 for follow-ups.
tinypliny - 12/01/07 23:27
I think you should pin-point the source of this neck pain. An overwhelming majority is due to wrong posture and stooping over work and working on desks with the wrong height. Instead of spending all this money on fixing the neck pain, I would recommend getting a ergonomic assessment of your work-spaces both at the office and at home.
I think you should pin-point the source of this neck pain. An overwhelming majority is due to wrong posture and stooping over work and working on desks with the wrong height. Instead of spending all this money on fixing the neck pain, I would recommend getting a ergonomic assessment of your work-spaces both at the office and at home.
mike - 12/01/07 11:45
you should keep going for maintenance i think. at least periodically. It is a small price to pay for a healthy back!
you should keep going for maintenance i think. at least periodically. It is a small price to pay for a healthy back!
11/30/2007 22:33 #42349
Other StuffCategory: elmwood
We ate at JP Bull Feathers in the basement for lunch. For some reason I never eat there, but it was quite tasty.

The elmwood sign almost blew off in the wind storm

I had to work so hard to not take it home. I left it up to whip off and kill some one. Which was really the moral choice?

This on is for (e:leetee) in regards to her comment on (e:paul,42336). Does my back look straighter?

I think I should just write in my journal more. It makes me happier. Thanks guys.

The elmwood sign almost blew off in the wind storm

I had to work so hard to not take it home. I left it up to whip off and kill some one. Which was really the moral choice?

This on is for (e:leetee) in regards to her comment on (e:paul,42336). Does my back look straighter?

I think I should just write in my journal more. It makes me happier. Thanks guys.
axboi85 - 03/31/08 10:57
hot ass bro
hot ass bro
theecarey - 12/02/07 16:33
well said, (e:dragonlady17)
and to (e:leetee) for her astute observation that encouraged this picture posting, haha
well said, (e:dragonlady17)
and to (e:leetee) for her astute observation that encouraged this picture posting, haha
dragonlady7 - 12/02/07 16:17
No man, you don't need to write more, you just need to post more pictures of your ass. :D That makes EVERYONE happy. Amirite?
No man, you don't need to write more, you just need to post more pictures of your ass. :D That makes EVERYONE happy. Amirite?
tinypliny - 12/01/07 23:30
Wonder who got that sign - either by intent or by misfortune.
Wonder who got that sign - either by intent or by misfortune.
james - 11/30/07 22:50
Your back looks straight. But your backside looks like it needs a spanking.
Your back looks straight. But your backside looks like it needs a spanking.
Seems pretty advanced to me!
I'd say that PHP's array_push($myArray, $myValue) is about procedural as it gets.
Though the above java code runs a close second.
I am doing the optional labs now, they a more interesting. Compressing RNA sequences with bit shifting. I swear it sounds sexier than it is.