It's like all this skeletal pain mixed with intestinal pain.
I can't figure it out. Nothing particular makes me sick when I eat. Actually, the eating part is good, as is after. It is the when I have not eaten part that is really bad. My intestines get all bloated and my stomach starts making crazy noises. Between that and the noise my neck/shouler make now - I sound so broken.
I have finally made a doctors appointment with my cousin who is a gastrointestinal specialist for next week. I wish it was tomorrow, but tomorrow I am busy with the dumbness that is my life. I decided to forgo the primary care physician with the hope he can suggest one. I seriously just can't wait anymore. I am sure that will mean the stupid health insurance will not cover my visit but maybe it will because I went to him before. If it doesn't I am going to switch to another company just out of spite.
What is it going to be? What, and how did I go from feeling relatively fine to totally broken so fast. Could it be a lack of Vitamin D from my almost zero sun exposure this year?
This is interesting

I have all these pictures I want to post but I can't move my head around enough to go get the camera.
Visco power will save you!!
And seriously- if he doesn't help, go ahead and abuse the system and go to the ER. Seriously, if it takes 3 months to see a freaking primary care doc, then the ER deserves to be over-run.
don't die during the holidays , it will forever spoil them for me. Hopefully the specialist will be able to help you.
please dont die paul.
also.... feel better.
your primary care doctor is able to give you a referral to this doctor even after you've seen him. mine has done that. they can post date it.
Mushrooms are the only plant source for vitamin D. A little fact I learned ten minutes before you posted this. You see, it is synchronicity! The gods want you to feel better.
Feel better Paul.