Hey there estripper,
Are you tired of people telling you how awesome Ron Paul is? Sick of having to defend your politician of choice against the flawless glory that is web-candidate Ron Paul?
Wish there was a way to get them back?
Just send that Ronnite over to Ron is Right.com where they will be greeted with an open letter telling them 1) You get it already 2) Please leave me alone.
And what would make a most delicious icing on the cake? How about the most 80's tastic, easy listening garbage music video ever!
thank you RonIsRight.com!
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/01/2007 16:33 #42356
Ron is RightCategory: politics
11/26/2007 14:46 #42286
It Pays to ProcrastinateCategory: school
So, I am taking two graduate history classes this semester. One of them is on US immigration. 1/3 of my grade is based on my participation in a debate on immigration policy and an attending paper defending my position. I should have been working on this since the beginning of the month, but school and I don't roll like that.
So, three days before it is due I start to take a huge crack at it. Unsure about the written component I email the professor who tells me she forgot about it entirly so it is being dropped. Sweet!
The book I am to base this on has two different arguments 1) immigrants are both positive and negative but the net effect is slightly good. 2) immigrants are both positive and negative but the net effect is slightly bad. It isn't material that takes your breath away, so I am ignoring it.
But what do I see when reading my favorite blog on New York state politics? but a report from the Fiscal Policy Institure which says that immigrants bring $299 BILLION dollars in output to the state, about 30% of total output. It is full of wonderful little positive things from there on. Which diffuses the negative portion of both arguments, both cultural and economic. You can read it here.
I am so going to get an A with minimal work. I think this calls for a celebratory drink tonight. Nothing light a slight hang over to mask your smug sense of superiority!
So, I am taking two graduate history classes this semester. One of them is on US immigration. 1/3 of my grade is based on my participation in a debate on immigration policy and an attending paper defending my position. I should have been working on this since the beginning of the month, but school and I don't roll like that.
So, three days before it is due I start to take a huge crack at it. Unsure about the written component I email the professor who tells me she forgot about it entirly so it is being dropped. Sweet!
The book I am to base this on has two different arguments 1) immigrants are both positive and negative but the net effect is slightly good. 2) immigrants are both positive and negative but the net effect is slightly bad. It isn't material that takes your breath away, so I am ignoring it.
But what do I see when reading my favorite blog on New York state politics? but a report from the Fiscal Policy Institure which says that immigrants bring $299 BILLION dollars in output to the state, about 30% of total output. It is full of wonderful little positive things from there on. Which diffuses the negative portion of both arguments, both cultural and economic. You can read it here.
I am so going to get an A with minimal work. I think this calls for a celebratory drink tonight. Nothing light a slight hang over to mask your smug sense of superiority!
jbeatty - 11/26/07 21:08
Inspired by this post I will put off reading my lab till tomorrow morning :)
Inspired by this post I will put off reading my lab till tomorrow morning :)
james - 11/26/07 16:26
Jason: it is very dull actually. The scope of the argument is on legal immigration. But will invariably descend into illegal immigration.
What I will argue is that they have a positive economic impact (thank you Fiscal Policy Institute). But what I think needs to be mentioned is the positive cultural and social impact. Multiple ethnicities in a society leading to a diversifying of that societies culture in the face of racism and nativism.
Basically, I want to paint the Nativists of the past as knuckleheads who had no idea what they were talking about to make the Nativists in my class look like doo-doo heads.
Jason: it is very dull actually. The scope of the argument is on legal immigration. But will invariably descend into illegal immigration.
What I will argue is that they have a positive economic impact (thank you Fiscal Policy Institute). But what I think needs to be mentioned is the positive cultural and social impact. Multiple ethnicities in a society leading to a diversifying of that societies culture in the face of racism and nativism.
Basically, I want to paint the Nativists of the past as knuckleheads who had no idea what they were talking about to make the Nativists in my class look like doo-doo heads.
drew - 11/26/07 16:17
If anyone tries to bring faith into it, I've got your back. The Bible is incredibly pro-immigrant, unlike many evangelical voters.
If anyone tries to bring faith into it, I've got your back. The Bible is incredibly pro-immigrant, unlike many evangelical voters.
jason - 11/26/07 16:08
There is a part of me that is curious about what your argument is (strictly economic?)
There is a part of me that is curious about what your argument is (strictly economic?)
james - 11/26/07 15:58
Mike: That is why I am in the social sciences, it is the very stuff of bull shit.
Jason: oh ya! There is a ton! The report lists a bunch of them. It just made my life easier because now I have page after page of statistics to back it up rather than saying "I read once in some report or another".
Mike: That is why I am in the social sciences, it is the very stuff of bull shit.
Jason: oh ya! There is a ton! The report lists a bunch of them. It just made my life easier because now I have page after page of statistics to back it up rather than saying "I read once in some report or another".
jason - 11/26/07 15:53
There are a ton of positives to (legal) immigration, other than contribution to the economy.
There are a ton of positives to (legal) immigration, other than contribution to the economy.
mike - 11/26/07 15:08
oh procrastination, I love it! Unfortunately it is the only style I know and it doesn't seem to be working quite as well in organic chemistry! I just can't learn it all over night like I could whip out a semester long paper the night before or something for sociology or communications! grr
oh procrastination, I love it! Unfortunately it is the only style I know and it doesn't seem to be working quite as well in organic chemistry! I just can't learn it all over night like I could whip out a semester long paper the night before or something for sociology or communications! grr
11/24/2007 15:59 #42271
Family GatheringI have been at my folks house since Wednesday evening.
I have so much work to do this evening and I haven't had a chance to do much more than read 30 out of 300 pages of a book I need to have a debate about on Tuesday for 30% of my grade.
Living six hours away from family is nice, they seldom bug you and understand when you can't be there every other weekend.
Living six hours away also means you have no opportunity to escape. My old bedroom has been converted into a den of sorts, with my kid brother playing Halo in most of the day. No escape, no escape.
But, when I leave tomorrow and can finally breath my own air I will be glad to have come.
But until then I am going to wish I had a sodering iron to eat.
Hope your holiday is going well.
I have so much work to do this evening and I haven't had a chance to do much more than read 30 out of 300 pages of a book I need to have a debate about on Tuesday for 30% of my grade.
Living six hours away from family is nice, they seldom bug you and understand when you can't be there every other weekend.
Living six hours away also means you have no opportunity to escape. My old bedroom has been converted into a den of sorts, with my kid brother playing Halo in most of the day. No escape, no escape.
But, when I leave tomorrow and can finally breath my own air I will be glad to have come.
But until then I am going to wish I had a sodering iron to eat.
Hope your holiday is going well.
metalpeter - 11/24/07 16:22
Even though we are in different situations it seems that there is one that we both share and that is having a break makes work more intense and a lot more of it. Last week everyone had to sort of do 5 days work in 3 days. Then some people where going to work today to kinda get caught up and start next weeks work, we get busy at the end of the month so the combo of the holiday then end of month is a tough one.
Even though we are in different situations it seems that there is one that we both share and that is having a break makes work more intense and a lot more of it. Last week everyone had to sort of do 5 days work in 3 days. Then some people where going to work today to kinda get caught up and start next weeks work, we get busy at the end of the month so the combo of the holiday then end of month is a tough one.
11/21/2007 11:36 #42220
Breaking the Teaching CherryHi,
So I did it! Had my first day teaching and man was it fun. It lesson was on the end of WWI and the treaty of Versailes. Here is how it went down.
As kids came into the class I handed one a crumbled piece of paper and whispered "when I say 'the last bullets of the war have been fired' throw this at my head". Most kids looked stunned when I asked. I had a total of five classes that day. Only one kid actually hit my head, the other four missed me entirely. Two kids I had to cue again. As in, I would say the phrase and wait to get hit. Then I would look at them and make a weird face saying 'wake up and throw the damn paper kid'.
They all really enjoyed watching a teacher get pelted with paper, and I related it to the stuff I had to teach. So, it got there attention, got the point across, and was fun for them.
One problem I ran into was how open ended I left some of the thinking. What we had to do was think of appropriate things to do to Germany to make sure there was never a second world war. I gave the parameters of border, technology, military, and economy. What I should have done was tell them what NOT to think about. Some frequent, lame answers I got were
1) kill all the Germans
2) Nuke 'em
3) put them all in jail
Awesome, I got kids thinking genocide and concentration camps are cool!
One kid was absolutely crazy. He drew a picture of a Manhattan on fire with wires connected to a Germany blowing up. He explained something about us taking revenge for the German's blowing up New York by connecting them to Tesla coils.
By class two I had to tell them what was not acceptable and hope they listened. But I still had stuff like "steel all their chickens" or "turn Germany into a swimming pool" or "abduct their president and cut off his hands". Damn.
But, 60% of the kids were always focused and doing good work. All but a few did good work most of the time with just a few kidos off the hook. Thankfully, I run a tight ship and they behaved well enough to not distract everyone else.
It was a fun experience. I learned a lot of great, practical stuff that my dumb uni profs didn't mention.
So I did it! Had my first day teaching and man was it fun. It lesson was on the end of WWI and the treaty of Versailes. Here is how it went down.
As kids came into the class I handed one a crumbled piece of paper and whispered "when I say 'the last bullets of the war have been fired' throw this at my head". Most kids looked stunned when I asked. I had a total of five classes that day. Only one kid actually hit my head, the other four missed me entirely. Two kids I had to cue again. As in, I would say the phrase and wait to get hit. Then I would look at them and make a weird face saying 'wake up and throw the damn paper kid'.
They all really enjoyed watching a teacher get pelted with paper, and I related it to the stuff I had to teach. So, it got there attention, got the point across, and was fun for them.
One problem I ran into was how open ended I left some of the thinking. What we had to do was think of appropriate things to do to Germany to make sure there was never a second world war. I gave the parameters of border, technology, military, and economy. What I should have done was tell them what NOT to think about. Some frequent, lame answers I got were
1) kill all the Germans
2) Nuke 'em
3) put them all in jail
Awesome, I got kids thinking genocide and concentration camps are cool!
One kid was absolutely crazy. He drew a picture of a Manhattan on fire with wires connected to a Germany blowing up. He explained something about us taking revenge for the German's blowing up New York by connecting them to Tesla coils.
By class two I had to tell them what was not acceptable and hope they listened. But I still had stuff like "steel all their chickens" or "turn Germany into a swimming pool" or "abduct their president and cut off his hands". Damn.
But, 60% of the kids were always focused and doing good work. All but a few did good work most of the time with just a few kidos off the hook. Thankfully, I run a tight ship and they behaved well enough to not distract everyone else.
It was a fun experience. I learned a lot of great, practical stuff that my dumb uni profs didn't mention.
tinypliny - 11/23/07 19:01
I would have loved to be in your history class!
Bet it was interesting and fun! :)
But you need to be careful with all these throwing exercises. If I were back in my anatomy class and the evil hag (the prof I hated) had ever handed out the paper bits and told us to throw them at her, I would have made sure I wrapped a nice heavy object in the paper and hit her head well and good.
I would have loved to be in your history class!
Bet it was interesting and fun! :)
But you need to be careful with all these throwing exercises. If I were back in my anatomy class and the evil hag (the prof I hated) had ever handed out the paper bits and told us to throw them at her, I would have made sure I wrapped a nice heavy object in the paper and hit her head well and good.
tinypliny - 11/23/07 18:46
Physics has permeated popular culture. I just checked out the fiction connection to the Tesla Coil. Pop culture has an unbelievable number of connections! Seems mentions appear in:
Blazing Angels 2, Blood, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Destroy All Humans!, Tomb Raider: Legend, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Tremulous (a-Quake3-ex-mod), World of Warcraft, Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, Dystopia (a Half-Life 2-mod), Ratchet and Clank, BloodRayne 2, Crimson Skies, The Sims Bustin' Out, The Fallout..
The Prestige
Coffee and Cigarettes
I am Weasel
Robot Chicken
Star Trek: The Motion Picture"
Physics has permeated popular culture. I just checked out the fiction connection to the Tesla Coil. Pop culture has an unbelievable number of connections! Seems mentions appear in:
Blazing Angels 2, Blood, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Destroy All Humans!, Tomb Raider: Legend, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Tremulous (a-Quake3-ex-mod), World of Warcraft, Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, Dystopia (a Half-Life 2-mod), Ratchet and Clank, BloodRayne 2, Crimson Skies, The Sims Bustin' Out, The Fallout..
The Prestige
Coffee and Cigarettes
I am Weasel
Robot Chicken
Star Trek: The Motion Picture"
ladycroft - 11/21/07 15:24
I'll bet that kid has played Ratchet & Clank. The Tesla Claw is in the arsenal. You CAN learn some things from video games. Long time ago I thought EPONA was just a random name given to Link's horse.
Anyway, I'm glad you had fun and they had fun. Congrats on your first day :)
I'll bet that kid has played Ratchet & Clank. The Tesla Claw is in the arsenal. You CAN learn some things from video games. Long time ago I thought EPONA was just a random name given to Link's horse.
Anyway, I'm glad you had fun and they had fun. Congrats on your first day :)
joshua - 11/21/07 14:07
Right... the students have twisted minds in general. My problem growing up was that I was horny, not violent. I'm not sure why I'm impressed that a young person would know what a tesla coil is, but I am. Stupid curiousity!!
Right... the students have twisted minds in general. My problem growing up was that I was horny, not violent. I'm not sure why I'm impressed that a young person would know what a tesla coil is, but I am. Stupid curiousity!!
drew - 11/21/07 11:48
They probably were just screwing around, but the possibility also exists that they are coming of age in a culture that condones torture.
They probably were just screwing around, but the possibility also exists that they are coming of age in a culture that condones torture.
james - 11/21/07 11:44
ya, some of them were just trying a bit of that. Some of the time I could get them on track, others times I could only just get them to not be distracting.
And ya, that kid was awesome. I wanted to give him a stack of paper and a giant bucket of markers and let him go to town devising hilarious ways to kill, kill, kill.
ya, some of them were just trying a bit of that. Some of the time I could get them on track, others times I could only just get them to not be distracting.
And ya, that kid was awesome. I wanted to give him a stack of paper and a giant bucket of markers and let him go to town devising hilarious ways to kill, kill, kill.
jason - 11/21/07 11:44
Congratulations, James, I'm glad you had a good teaching cherry pop.
Congratulations, James, I'm glad you had a good teaching cherry pop.
joshua - 11/21/07 11:41
I think some of those kids were clearly taking the piss, although I wasn't there to really confirm that one way or the other. My uncle, who recently retired after 35 years of teaching, always impressed upon me that you shouldn't underestimate a students imagination or interest in screwing with the teacher.
I can't believe that one of the students brought up tesla coils!
I think some of those kids were clearly taking the piss, although I wasn't there to really confirm that one way or the other. My uncle, who recently retired after 35 years of teaching, always impressed upon me that you shouldn't underestimate a students imagination or interest in screwing with the teacher.
I can't believe that one of the students brought up tesla coils!
11/19/2007 22:22 #42206
Pirates!: an Adventure with Communists!Category: books
Winter break is a few short weeks away!
Normally during break I like to make up for the complete lack of learning that took place during the semester (as in, I had to take a class that points out that India is in Asia, or that adolescents tend to dislike their adolescent siblings... seriously!). So, I find delicious academic books I have always wanted to read. This summer ended with disaster as I found out why so many people talk about but so few people actually read Foucault.... the man reads like a phone book with no numbers.
But this break I deserve a treat. I have been a good boy. So I will be reading this

I am so excited I can't stand up without embarrassing myself!
Pirates are alright
and Communists are so lovable!
It isn't a zombie novel, but zombie protagonists are so hard to read. What with all the nonsensical moaning and whatnot.
I just thought I would share. Tomorrow I teach my first class of kidos. It will be exciting.
Normally during break I like to make up for the complete lack of learning that took place during the semester (as in, I had to take a class that points out that India is in Asia, or that adolescents tend to dislike their adolescent siblings... seriously!). So, I find delicious academic books I have always wanted to read. This summer ended with disaster as I found out why so many people talk about but so few people actually read Foucault.... the man reads like a phone book with no numbers.
But this break I deserve a treat. I have been a good boy. So I will be reading this

I am so excited I can't stand up without embarrassing myself!
Pirates are alright
and Communists are so lovable!
It isn't a zombie novel, but zombie protagonists are so hard to read. What with all the nonsensical moaning and whatnot.
I just thought I would share. Tomorrow I teach my first class of kidos. It will be exciting.
lilho - 11/20/07 15:34
that is so cool. i bet you are a fun teacher, and funny too-just the kind i like! you should teach a class to all of us!
that is so cool. i bet you are a fun teacher, and funny too-just the kind i like! you should teach a class to all of us!
fellyconnelly - 11/20/07 07:54
awesome book! good luck and don't kill the little scamps!
awesome book! good luck and don't kill the little scamps!
paul - 11/19/07 23:43
Good luck with your first day.
Good luck with your first day.
Ok I have to admit, that was pretty funny. I especially liked the "the rest of the internet" closing.