Oh man,
I am so behind on my regurgitating of sex scandals. Ya, it is always hilarious to find out that a hypocritical Republican was doing the nasty with a prostitute in a nappy, or an anti-gay senator was getting his chum bucket dredged by an escort. The democrats' sex scandals are boring. So some staffer wanted a 3-way with a 13 year old boy. Just because you make copies and phone calls for someone doesn't mean you are all in some unholy pedophile cabal. Only hypothetical pedophilia can be funny, but only rarely. Actual pedophilia is just deeply saddening.
The Rudy billing the city of New York for hotels and transportation for his mistress and her family is a fine story. The names are great: shag-gate and my favorite 69-11. But fraud doesn't get me going.
So I dug up an old friend. As more and more men are making it public that they have had sex with disgraced Senator Larry Craig (including Mike Jones, the man who regularly blew Ted Haggard) I thought of the first such story I read a few months ago. It is shows the level of class Craig operates with. I will give you the highlights, but you can read the whole thing (and it is short)
Here is the man Craig boinked
and here is the unsavory money quote from the linked article
"When we got to what reminded me of a rarely used guest room, he stripped me down, and the man's hands and mouth were all over me. He kept his pants on, though, while laying me back on the bed to suck my cock. Then, he stripped naked and asked me to suck him. I complied for a while, then he disappeared and returned with lube and a condom to fuck me me with. It was a clumsy and unremarkable fuck, except that I wasn't clean and he was frantic about not getting my shit on anything. Still, he blew his load, ripped the dirty condom off and ordered me to get dressed without wiping myself. He hurried me to the back door, again ranting, 'You were never here. You don't know me. Right?'"
If only he threw a $20 at the man on his way out.
How can people with these crazy fetishes just randomly be born? It is just too freaky to not have come from an intelligent designer.
I thought I was the only person into this.
"But no gay guys"
i don't know how you come across this stuff.... and probably don't need to know either...
Wow. Just wow.
"With a twist." great