With the first caucus less than a month away, a huge upset with Mike Huckabee beating the shit out of Romney in the polls, and Obama in a statistical dead heat with Clinton in Iowa and South Carolina (Thanks Oprah!) I am really tweeking, man!
But there is one thing about this primary season that has me groovin' and that is Mike Gravel. Oh! To be sure he is an irrelevant crank who would make a superb commune secretary, or the best boss you ever had, but presidential material he is not.
Please, check out this campaign video. You will be glad you did. The thing about it is that I am not sure if it is official or not. He ads have been all bizzare.
Here it is kidos
tell me that doesn't make you want to smoke and watch Schoolhouse Rock?
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/08/2007 17:36 #42435
Mike Gravel ON ACID!Category: politics
12/08/2007 12:00 #42433
Ain't that cool!We have a few illustrious estrippers in San Francisco, but I thought I would beat them to their local news stories.

Yup, it generates more than enough energy it needs to keep itself illuminated, about a day's worth of electricity for a family of four.
Soon, we can smile in the knowledge that the chubby mug of Paul Walier divorce attorney is green, green, green.

Yup, it generates more than enough energy it needs to keep itself illuminated, about a day's worth of electricity for a family of four.
Soon, we can smile in the knowledge that the chubby mug of Paul Walier divorce attorney is green, green, green.
12/07/2007 16:02 #42426
Two of my favorite thingsCategory: music
John Cale + Magritte = Love
If I accomplish one thing with this journal it will have been to expose more people to John Cale. This is about the 4th Cale video I have posted here. Just a great song to a slide show of Rene Magritte's art. You know Magritte, the guy with bowler hats and umbrellas.
If I accomplish one thing with this journal it will have been to expose more people to John Cale. This is about the 4th Cale video I have posted here. Just a great song to a slide show of Rene Magritte's art. You know Magritte, the guy with bowler hats and umbrellas.
12/06/2007 19:53 #42418
Ladies and Gentlemen,

To actually read the Gurnica of personal adds, go here
tell me you don't want to move down to Texas now?

To actually read the Gurnica of personal adds, go here
tell me you don't want to move down to Texas now?
james - 12/08/07 15:29
How can people with these crazy fetishes just randomly be born? It is just too freaky to not have come from an intelligent designer.
How can people with these crazy fetishes just randomly be born? It is just too freaky to not have come from an intelligent designer.
jbeatty - 12/08/07 14:42
I thought I was the only person into this.
I thought I was the only person into this.
fellyconnelly - 12/07/07 21:34
i don't know how you come across this stuff.... and probably don't need to know either...
i don't know how you come across this stuff.... and probably don't need to know either...
hodown - 12/07/07 10:07
Wow. Just wow.
Wow. Just wow.
mike - 12/07/07 09:05
drew - 12/06/07 22:03
"With a twist." great
"With a twist." great
12/05/2007 15:48 #42405
Did somebody say Absinthe?Category: food
Holy cow?
How did this happen without me knowing? But, aparently, it is now legal to make and buy absinthe! You know, the same substance that turned the unreadable Coleridge into a poet tapped directly into the muse. Well, it is legal now my friends so let us get some glasses, sugar cubes, and some foppish hair!
How would you like to get your hands on a bottle? Oh sure, there is homemade stuff, but it is so alcoholic you would pass out before feeling the effects. Now that a distillery is operational we are good to go!
And now, for the first time in many, many years, let me say that I love America!
How did this happen without me knowing? But, aparently, it is now legal to make and buy absinthe! You know, the same substance that turned the unreadable Coleridge into a poet tapped directly into the muse. Well, it is legal now my friends so let us get some glasses, sugar cubes, and some foppish hair!
How would you like to get your hands on a bottle? Oh sure, there is homemade stuff, but it is so alcoholic you would pass out before feeling the effects. Now that a distillery is operational we are good to go!
And now, for the first time in many, many years, let me say that I love America!
twisted - 12/07/07 11:42
Figures as soon as I leave the island the debauchery begins. Chronicle had a good piece on it too. :::link:::
Figures as soon as I leave the island the debauchery begins. Chronicle had a good piece on it too. :::link:::
james - 12/05/07 20:27
Thanks Jason.
A wise man once said
If you drink absinthe tonight
don't wake up tomorrow
I have had homemade absinthe before, and tried to make some. These are two different stories.
One involves waking up in a room with two girls exploring lesbian sex for the first time. The other involves a disturbing quantity of vomit and an axe.
Thanks Jason.
A wise man once said
If you drink absinthe tonight
don't wake up tomorrow
I have had homemade absinthe before, and tried to make some. These are two different stories.
One involves waking up in a room with two girls exploring lesbian sex for the first time. The other involves a disturbing quantity of vomit and an axe.
jbeatty - 12/05/07 20:22
I have to say it isn't very good. When I went to the Czech Republic it was all the rage with the backpacking community. So I figured I better at least try it. I brought a bottle back to force my friends and family to try it as well. The consensus was it sucked. Although if you have a fondness for Sambuca or Jaegermeister you may like it. Although I am far from a connoisseur the stuff we started selling at work a couple of months ago is not quite as green, or vomit inducing as the swill I had a couple of years ago. We sell some that is imported from France. It's actually more cloudy than it is green.
I have to say it isn't very good. When I went to the Czech Republic it was all the rage with the backpacking community. So I figured I better at least try it. I brought a bottle back to force my friends and family to try it as well. The consensus was it sucked. Although if you have a fondness for Sambuca or Jaegermeister you may like it. Although I am far from a connoisseur the stuff we started selling at work a couple of months ago is not quite as green, or vomit inducing as the swill I had a couple of years ago. We sell some that is imported from France. It's actually more cloudy than it is green.
jbeatty - 12/05/07 20:06
Absinthe Haiku:
Absinthe get me drunk
I don't remember last night
I need more advil
Absinthe Haiku:
Absinthe get me drunk
I don't remember last night
I need more advil
jason - 12/05/07 16:53
You can get Absinthe at the Duty Free for 70 bucks.
You can get Absinthe at the Duty Free for 70 bucks.
that's freaking my shit right out
- Z