Quick question: the brother of a client passed away. Do you have a sample note I could use or maybe suggest two lines?
Do you say something like....
I was just told from Dave about the major loss you had in your family.
My deepest condolence to you and your family.
Do I have a sample note? Hmm, let me look in my files labeled "sample notes for death". Dude I have a hard enough time coming up with something to say off the top of my head, let alone coming up with things for you to say. My suggestion is just ignore it. That's what I do. Or you could go to www.someecards.com and use something like this:

ahaaaaa. ok, yea, ummm, did he not get the memo that you are like the worst person for that type of thing. i remember the first time i got dumped, you said, "well, he must have been thinking about it for a long time, and do you really want to be with someone who doesnt like you that much?" he def missed that memo.
He put one in the hole
he said, setting up his next put.
very nice.