Me and (e:lilho) were just discussing my mom's evacuation from San Diego. I was telling her they have to find out how to get out because the main road might be blocked by fire.
Below is our IM conversation:
hlokty33 : they are checking out now
shushu1015 : argh
shushu1015 : this sucks
hlokty33: ok so steve is giving his room to someone, and now they are trying to figure out how to get out
shushu1015: figuring out?
shushu1015: like they don't know how to get out of the hotel, or the city?
hlokty33: like you can't get out of SD certain ways because theres a fire in the way
shushu1015 : ok
shushu1015: so, they need to think fast
hlokty33: well its 30 miles away
shushu1015 : its like an action movie or something
hlokty33: ha ha ha
hlokty33: they just need to find another road- there is one they just have to ask where it is
shushu1015 : oh
shushu1015: ok
shushu1015: good
hlokty33: mom is going to call you when she is on the road
shushu1015: who would play mom?
hlokty33: hmm
hlokty33: jodi foster?
shushu1015: a younger sally field?
hlokty33: HA HA
shushu1015: lol
shushu1015: steve....
hlokty33: Steve Buschemi
shushu1015 : lol
shushu1015: omg
shushu1015: but steve isn't ugly
hlokty33: um- I feel like they are similar
hlokty33 : or billy bob thorton
hlokty33 : they all have the same gruffness
shushu1015 : lol
shushu1015 : or that guy from adaptations
hlokty33 : who?
shushu1015 : chris cooper
hlokty33 : hmm don't know him
hlokty33: he'd have to audition for the part
shushu1015: you would if you saw him
shushu1015: lol
shushu1015 : keifer sutherland
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/22/2007 16:20 #41751
Who would play you in a movie?Category: forest fire
10/22/2007 15:44 #41750
Playin with FireCategory: forest fires
Last week my mom mentioned to me this random vacation she was going on some place in California. Being the good daughter that I am I tuned her out when she started with the "and golf and blah blah".
Fast forward to this week and the huge fires in San Diego. I get this IM from Sarah being like "Um do you know Mom is still in San Diego?". Well after reading the headlines on the front page of the NY Times I figure I should give her a call (side note (e:lilho) found out about the fires from PerezHilton. I found out from the NYT. Just saying..). So I call my moms cell figuring she'd be all "Hi, we're safe and on our way home." Yeah I was wrong. She was more like "Hi, our room smells like a campfire, the pool is full of soot and Steve is at the spa". I ask if she is at all concerned. She told me she can't vacation when she is seeing people with everything they own in their car because their house burned down, but her BF doesn't want to leave.
I read her the news and quoted her a few lines from news stories about how the fire ain't playin and they best get out. She is currently tracking down her BF and getting the heck out of San Diego.
Who is like "Forest fires don't scare me, I need a massage"?

Nothing says massage like this..
Fast forward to this week and the huge fires in San Diego. I get this IM from Sarah being like "Um do you know Mom is still in San Diego?". Well after reading the headlines on the front page of the NY Times I figure I should give her a call (side note (e:lilho) found out about the fires from PerezHilton. I found out from the NYT. Just saying..). So I call my moms cell figuring she'd be all "Hi, we're safe and on our way home." Yeah I was wrong. She was more like "Hi, our room smells like a campfire, the pool is full of soot and Steve is at the spa". I ask if she is at all concerned. She told me she can't vacation when she is seeing people with everything they own in their car because their house burned down, but her BF doesn't want to leave.
I read her the news and quoted her a few lines from news stories about how the fire ain't playin and they best get out. She is currently tracking down her BF and getting the heck out of San Diego.
Who is like "Forest fires don't scare me, I need a massage"?

Nothing says massage like this..
lilho - 10/22/07 16:13
perezhilton is full of useful info. like hoe to save your mom from fire! and....i read the nyt... sometimes.
perezhilton is full of useful info. like hoe to save your mom from fire! and....i read the nyt... sometimes.
10/16/2007 15:18 #41677
I refuse to participate in ridiculousnesCategory: work
Apparently today is Boss Day. I was just made aware of this fact by a co-worker. She was quite upset that we hadn't yet gotten our Office Manager a gift for this important holiday. She then went to point out that during various other holidays our Office Manger gets us "gifts". I replied to her email that it is actually the firm who provides her with money to purchase things like lunches and trinkets for us, as soon as the firm provides me with cash I'll go out and buy something too. This didn't go over too well. Really though I refuse to "celebrate" every made up holiday (sweetest day, come on WTF?) that Hallmark thinks they can market. In conclusion from this point forward let it be know that I refuse to participate in ridiculousness.

jenks - 10/17/07 11:19
I'm with Jason. "refusing" oral sex is unacceptable.
That said- there are girls that don't give blowjobs? I'm not sure I'd ever heard of such a crazy thing. but I know a lot of guys who, while they may do it, sure do bitch about it. So I think it's fair to expect that of your girlfriend- but you sure as hell better return the favor- with at least as much enthusiasm/frequency as she does.
That's my new rule.
And hodown, I'm totally with you. And I love someecards.
I'm with Jason. "refusing" oral sex is unacceptable.
That said- there are girls that don't give blowjobs? I'm not sure I'd ever heard of such a crazy thing. but I know a lot of guys who, while they may do it, sure do bitch about it. So I think it's fair to expect that of your girlfriend- but you sure as hell better return the favor- with at least as much enthusiasm/frequency as she does.
That's my new rule.
And hodown, I'm totally with you. And I love someecards.
lilho - 10/16/07 23:37
ummm, record amount of comments. i would like to say i refuse to be participate in ridiculousness-but i think i do. plus, i would like to be the boss, and make gift giving mandatory.
ummm, record amount of comments. i would like to say i refuse to be participate in ridiculousness-but i think i do. plus, i would like to be the boss, and make gift giving mandatory.
anne - 10/16/07 23:28
today at work one of my fellow co workers pointed out that every day is bosses day, because basically our (or at least mine) job is to come in to work and do stuff they don't want to/don't have time to do. So I say eff Bosses day and I'm cool with S&BJ day because I'm single so I'll just get some steak without the extra work involved.
today at work one of my fellow co workers pointed out that every day is bosses day, because basically our (or at least mine) job is to come in to work and do stuff they don't want to/don't have time to do. So I say eff Bosses day and I'm cool with S&BJ day because I'm single so I'll just get some steak without the extra work involved.
fellyconnelly - 10/16/07 22:23
okay I am all for S&SC day!
oh and i just sent my boss a someecard saying 'i think afternoon naps will drive up stock prices' or something like that.
okay I am all for S&SC day!
oh and i just sent my boss a someecard saying 'i think afternoon naps will drive up stock prices' or something like that.
drew - 10/16/07 21:16
(e:metalpeter), I admire your willingness to "think outside the box" (what a horrible pun when speaking of oral sex), but even if this were legal in terms of prostitution laws (which I doubt), it would also most likely violate health codes (which I think is good--I really don't want to be eating where there is mass oral sex occuring). Finally, I think that places like hooters are for people that only want a little bit of action (otherwise they would be at the strip club, no?). I also doubt that this would make it any easier for hooters to hire waitresses. While I really don't know, my guess is that these women are like their customers--only wanting to go so far.
In short, I don't think that this is likely to happen at a national chain or anywhere.
(e:metalpeter), I admire your willingness to "think outside the box" (what a horrible pun when speaking of oral sex), but even if this were legal in terms of prostitution laws (which I doubt), it would also most likely violate health codes (which I think is good--I really don't want to be eating where there is mass oral sex occuring). Finally, I think that places like hooters are for people that only want a little bit of action (otherwise they would be at the strip club, no?). I also doubt that this would make it any easier for hooters to hire waitresses. While I really don't know, my guess is that these women are like their customers--only wanting to go so far.
In short, I don't think that this is likely to happen at a national chain or anywhere.
joshua - 10/16/07 20:20
I don't think S&SC Day is unreasonable, but you'd have to trade V-Day for it. I think maybe some women would definitely be okay with this. Hehe.
I don't think S&SC Day is unreasonable, but you'd have to trade V-Day for it. I think maybe some women would definitely be okay with this. Hehe.
imk2 - 10/16/07 20:13
hey, what about a steak and suck a clit day? i want one....TOMORROW.
hey, what about a steak and suck a clit day? i want one....TOMORROW.
mrmike - 10/16/07 19:36
Terrible to have a Steak and BJ day and only get a card.
Terrible to have a Steak and BJ day and only get a card.
james - 10/16/07 18:37
Your boss makes more money than you because, chances are, he is whiter than you and more male than you. As soon as he chops off his dick and is willing to give Marvin Gaye a spin... but until then forget about it
Your boss makes more money than you because, chances are, he is whiter than you and more male than you. As soon as he chops off his dick and is willing to give Marvin Gaye a spin... but until then forget about it
metalpeter - 10/16/07 17:34
Call me crazy but I think some Chain place should have national Stake and BJ day why not hooters they would be the perfect place. The steak would be a special sized steak and then you get a beer or some kind of drink and a Free blow Job. Think about it you are at the table eating them some ducks underneath and blows you as you eat they could even do it safely and put a condom on (if really skilled) with their mouth. When you cum that is it, it is time to pay the check, is $50 bucks to much? Again the key thing is that the BJ is free and you could turn it down but who would. I wish there was a company that had the balls to pull it off.
Call me crazy but I think some Chain place should have national Stake and BJ day why not hooters they would be the perfect place. The steak would be a special sized steak and then you get a beer or some kind of drink and a Free blow Job. Think about it you are at the table eating them some ducks underneath and blows you as you eat they could even do it safely and put a condom on (if really skilled) with their mouth. When you cum that is it, it is time to pay the check, is $50 bucks to much? Again the key thing is that the BJ is free and you could turn it down but who would. I wish there was a company that had the balls to pull it off.
janelle - 10/16/07 16:28
Good luck getting an L & BJ day!
Good luck getting an L & BJ day!
drew - 10/16/07 16:24
Wow. I am double being ripped off! I have not received a bosses day gift, nor have I received any pastor appreciation month appreciation!
I am in favor of made up holidays when they mean that I get stuff!
As for S & BJ day--I would prefer a lasagna. But since I am dieting, I will go for veggies instead of steak. I'm sure when all is said and done I won't care too much about the meal anyway.
Wow. I am double being ripped off! I have not received a bosses day gift, nor have I received any pastor appreciation month appreciation!
I am in favor of made up holidays when they mean that I get stuff!
As for S & BJ day--I would prefer a lasagna. But since I am dieting, I will go for veggies instead of steak. I'm sure when all is said and done I won't care too much about the meal anyway.
jason - 10/16/07 16:20
Maybe they just don't like the end result. That's what Semenex is for. Remember that??
Or, some girls just don't give head. What a shame.
Maybe they just don't like the end result. That's what Semenex is for. Remember that??
Or, some girls just don't give head. What a shame.
joshua - 10/16/07 16:15
The magic of S&BJ Day in comparison to Valentine's Day is that both days can really be any day, and if you are creative it can be affordable and enjoyable for all people involved. After all, once the steak is eaten and the BJ starts, at that point I'm not in it just for the BJ and nothing (barring the wrong time of the month) is going to stop me from trying to go further! Ha.
I think many times if a girl doesn't give BJs it probably has to do with a lack of confidence. It can be overcome (tee hee).
The magic of S&BJ Day in comparison to Valentine's Day is that both days can really be any day, and if you are creative it can be affordable and enjoyable for all people involved. After all, once the steak is eaten and the BJ starts, at that point I'm not in it just for the BJ and nothing (barring the wrong time of the month) is going to stop me from trying to go further! Ha.
I think many times if a girl doesn't give BJs it probably has to do with a lack of confidence. It can be overcome (tee hee).
jason - 10/16/07 16:05
Yeah, there are lots that don't. And, I'll tell you this, I hate to sound petty, but I'll never date another girl who doesn't. For me, from now on, that is a requirement, and I don't ask the world of someone so I don't see it as unfair.
Yeah, there are lots that don't. And, I'll tell you this, I hate to sound petty, but I'll never date another girl who doesn't. For me, from now on, that is a requirement, and I don't ask the world of someone so I don't see it as unfair.
hodown - 10/16/07 15:58
Whoa- seriously there are girls who don't do BJs? Really? That's unacceptable.
Whoa- seriously there are girls who don't do BJs? Really? That's unacceptable.
jbeatty - 10/16/07 15:55
I too normally avoid participating in newly made up holidays (eg. Sweetest Day, Festivus). I may have to make an exception this year for Steak and Blowjob Day however.
I too normally avoid participating in newly made up holidays (eg. Sweetest Day, Festivus). I may have to make an exception this year for Steak and Blowjob Day however.
jason - 10/16/07 15:51
March 14th! Mark it on your calendars!
You know, I haven't actually observed Steak and BJ day. That requires someone willing to indulge your fantasy. Plus, not all girlfriends give blow jobs. It's sort of hit-and-miss.
March 14th! Mark it on your calendars!
You know, I haven't actually observed Steak and BJ day. That requires someone willing to indulge your fantasy. Plus, not all girlfriends give blow jobs. It's sort of hit-and-miss.
hodown - 10/16/07 15:37
I'm not sure if people do celebrate it, but Watson's Candy on Delaware does. Just wait until Valentine's Day (a somewhat legit "holiday") (e:jason) and (e:joshua) have a whole thing about it. They prefer to observe Steak and Blowjob Day instead (which honestly I cant blame them who doesnt like a steak and BJ combo?).
I'm not sure if people do celebrate it, but Watson's Candy on Delaware does. Just wait until Valentine's Day (a somewhat legit "holiday") (e:jason) and (e:joshua) have a whole thing about it. They prefer to observe Steak and Blowjob Day instead (which honestly I cant blame them who doesnt like a steak and BJ combo?).
janelle - 10/16/07 15:33
I totally forgot about Sweetest Day until you just mentioned it. Do people do that in Buffalo?
I totally forgot about Sweetest Day until you just mentioned it. Do people do that in Buffalo?
janelle - 10/16/07 15:32
Mmmhhmm, Boss's day is BS.
I also try to stay away from staff appreciation events or staff parties. My old workplace practically made those events mandatory which was a real burden on the staff who worked two jobs, went to school and had kids. How stupid is that shit?
I refuse to give out Xmas cards or buy little gifts for co-workers or supervisors, too.
Sometimes, I feel bad when I get little things, but not bad enough to reciprocate!
Mmmhhmm, Boss's day is BS.
I also try to stay away from staff appreciation events or staff parties. My old workplace practically made those events mandatory which was a real burden on the staff who worked two jobs, went to school and had kids. How stupid is that shit?
I refuse to give out Xmas cards or buy little gifts for co-workers or supervisors, too.
Sometimes, I feel bad when I get little things, but not bad enough to reciprocate!
joshua - 10/16/07 15:20
Couldn't agree more.
Couldn't agree more.
10/09/2007 17:19 #41562
Pure PlagerismCategory: other peoples blogs
As you may or may not know I'm obsessed with blogs. What I did at work before the dawn of blogs is beyond me. I think I talked on the phone. Thank god I don't have to do that anymore.
Anyways, one of the blogs I read is Manhattan Offender. It's a friend of this kid I went to high school with and who also happens to be a writer for gawker (kinda a blog situation for people who like trashy info and nyc- perfect for me). Today I was reading his blog and found this amazing entry. If you aren't fiercely into New York and protecting it from commercialism and false perceptions that people have from watching shows like Friends then you probably won't be interested in it. However if you are you will find his post to be pure genius. It's about the show Gossip Girl. I'm not sure what channel it's on, but if I had to guess I'd say the CW because it has all the worst shows on TV rotting the brains of America's youths and teaching them that being a superficial soulless backstabbing coke whore is totally great. Ok back to my point. Read this post titled "Gossip Girl: The rape and murder of Manhattan":

Anyways, one of the blogs I read is Manhattan Offender. It's a friend of this kid I went to high school with and who also happens to be a writer for gawker (kinda a blog situation for people who like trashy info and nyc- perfect for me). Today I was reading his blog and found this amazing entry. If you aren't fiercely into New York and protecting it from commercialism and false perceptions that people have from watching shows like Friends then you probably won't be interested in it. However if you are you will find his post to be pure genius. It's about the show Gossip Girl. I'm not sure what channel it's on, but if I had to guess I'd say the CW because it has all the worst shows on TV rotting the brains of America's youths and teaching them that being a superficial soulless backstabbing coke whore is totally great. Ok back to my point. Read this post titled "Gossip Girl: The rape and murder of Manhattan":

mike - 10/09/07 19:56
i didn't bother to read the link cuz I love gossip girl more than life itself! i don't want to hear no trash about it!
i didn't bother to read the link cuz I love gossip girl more than life itself! i don't want to hear no trash about it!
10/03/2007 15:03 #41473
Buff a ho ItineraryJessica arrives on at 11am on Saturday. I'm not checking any bags so please be prompt in picking me up PMT-okthanks. If you're interested in stalking me I'm cool with that, just please be a friendly stalker.
I leave at 9:45am on Monday that means I should leave around 7:45/8am EST.
Also I have two very important things to do while in Buffalo:
1. Stop by Hoferts in Kenmore. I have many repairs I need done on stuff and only trust them to do it. I keep having dreams about it and not getting there or being able to stop in Kenmore. I'm getting really OCD about it. I've had a baggie of stuff collecting in my apt for months now.
2. See Josh-u-a-ho. I know we don't always get along, but family is important and I'd like to see him. Plus I have a bag of DC Skate stuff I bougth for him at the DC store in Soho (after he tells me he wants Zoo York stuff). And yes I was totally out of place in there. Also it was full of hot skater dudes. I hope to find my next boyfriend there.
Ok so mainly that was a post for Paul because he told me to post my Itinerary on my journal. I guess he now only communicates with computers.
I leave at 9:45am on Monday that means I should leave around 7:45/8am EST.
Also I have two very important things to do while in Buffalo:
1. Stop by Hoferts in Kenmore. I have many repairs I need done on stuff and only trust them to do it. I keep having dreams about it and not getting there or being able to stop in Kenmore. I'm getting really OCD about it. I've had a baggie of stuff collecting in my apt for months now.
2. See Josh-u-a-ho. I know we don't always get along, but family is important and I'd like to see him. Plus I have a bag of DC Skate stuff I bougth for him at the DC store in Soho (after he tells me he wants Zoo York stuff). And yes I was totally out of place in there. Also it was full of hot skater dudes. I hope to find my next boyfriend there.
Ok so mainly that was a post for Paul because he told me to post my Itinerary on my journal. I guess he now only communicates with computers.
haaaaaaaaaaaa. that's so funny, and now we have it forever!!!!