The long anticipated album Blackout drops today. And by long anticipated I mean I learned that its release is today because Circuit City is selling it for $8. This brings me to my question. Do I buy it? I've listened to it thanks to and my jobs internet connection. It's ok for the most part-
some a lot of songs are awful. But it's only $8 and its good dancy music, in case I ever have a dance party in my shoe box apartment and need some dancy music action.
On a totally different note my mom asked me for a christmas list. I asked for the pig.

She didn't seem really into it. Her reasoning was "But you don't collect pigs". Well maybe I do now mom! I want that damn pig.
I think it already has hodown. Come back quick before your are swept away in a big wave...the weather has been great!
in the words of arnold, ill be back!! wait, did he even say that?
Here is a link to article :::link:::
And a quote.... He worries that New York will eventually price out the people who started this cycle in the first place. "If I were a young man with a lot of money," he says, "you know where I'd go? Buffalo." He's not kidding. He'd buy up a lot of underused waterfront property on the cheap, then sit down with the local politicians and community groups to draft a plan for attracting the creative types who reinvigorate neighborhoods, block by block.
Are you saying that you have no desire to wear a snowsuit again?