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11/15/2007 15:26 #42145

Category: buffalo
According to New York Magazine if you're looking for the next new place to live it's:


That's right. They say forget Brooklyn, as a matter of fact forget New York City all together. Move to Buffalo now before the gentrification takes over and makes it took expensive. I'm going to hold off and wait for global warming to kick in. The snow scares me.
libertad - 11/16/07 08:48
I think it already has hodown. Come back quick before your are swept away in a big wave...the weather has been great!
lilho - 11/15/07 18:00
in the words of arnold, ill be back!! wait, did he even say that?
paul - 11/15/07 17:33
Here is a link to article :::link:::

And a quote.... He worries that New York will eventually price out the people who started this cycle in the first place. "If I were a young man with a lot of money," he says, "you know where I'd go? Buffalo." He's not kidding. He'd buy up a lot of underused waterfront property on the cheap, then sit down with the local politicians and community groups to draft a plan for attracting the creative types who reinvigorate neighborhoods, block by block.
joshua - 11/15/07 16:12
Are you saying that you have no desire to wear a snowsuit again?

11/14/2007 17:28 #42118

Douche with Lysol
Really Lysol can clean your vag and save your marriage? If that's the case I vote for dirty vag and being single.

paul - 11/28/07 19:02
I still can't believe this is real.
ladycroft - 11/15/07 15:48
oh my.
jbeatty - 11/14/07 19:08
If I encountered a woman that smelled of Lysol in her nether region I would run!
jenks - 11/14/07 18:24
P.S. Someone please send away for the brochure on feminine hygiene facts.
jenks - 11/14/07 18:23
Do you think they could say "daintiness" any more???

imk2 - 11/14/07 17:57
ok, if her vag is in need of lysol, maybe it's because a dirty dong was in it? maybe the husband should dip his dick in some battery acid and see if we can prevent this problem in the future?
james - 11/14/07 17:49
OMG LIBERTAD! I just spit coffee out of my nose with that comment!

seriously, I have nothing to say now. I forgot what my comment was.
mike - 11/14/07 17:48
so that's why you always smell so lemony fresh...
metalpeter - 11/14/07 17:47
I wonder if that really worked. Before I saw the picture I thought of the canned spray and thought but what happens when the guy goes down on her. But looking at the bottom it is a concentrate meaning that it is very strong and gets to the right strength with mixing with water. It still seems a little strange. I still wonder if that was true? I also wonder if that was made to use that way or if it was just someone's crazy idea.
libertad - 11/14/07 17:43
OMG that is scary. I can't even imagine how awful it would be if I had a vagina and used Lysol as a douche! It gives new meaning to the saying "It is so clean you can eat off of it".

11/06/2007 15:04 #42007

Maybe things are different in Italy
Category: work
I work with this gentleman who is from Italy. He is uber high maintenance. On top of this sometimes he has the most odd requests. Like this one I just received:

Quick question: the brother of a client passed away. Do you have a sample note I could use or maybe suggest two lines?
Do you say something like....
I was just told from Dave about the major loss you had in your family.
My deepest condolence to you and your family.

Do I have a sample note? Hmm, let me look in my files labeled "sample notes for death". Dude I have a hard enough time coming up with something to say off the top of my head, let alone coming up with things for you to say. My suggestion is just ignore it. That's what I do. Or you could go to and use something like this:

deeglam - 11/11/07 17:43
lilho - 11/07/07 20:56
ahaaaaa. ok, yea, ummm, did he not get the memo that you are like the worst person for that type of thing. i remember the first time i got dumped, you said, "well, he must have been thinking about it for a long time, and do you really want to be with someone who doesnt like you that much?" he def missed that memo.
james - 11/07/07 15:05
He put one in the hole
he said, setting up his next put.

ladycroft - 11/06/07 15:13
very nice.

11/02/2007 17:38 #41944

When Bosses are awesome
Category: work
Ok so a while back I posted about my mid-year bonus. Basically what happened is our Company told us we weren't getting our bonuses when we thought we were getting them. In turn my boss cut me a personal check and gave me my bonus early. The deal was when the company paid us I'd just repay her. Well the Firm funally gave us our bonuses and I cut her a check. I mailed it to her with a Thank You note on a post-it (because that's how working professionals communicate). Anyways like 3 weeks have gone by and she didn't cash it. This morning I get a email from her saying to call her in the morning "in regards to the check". I knew for sure it didn't bounce because I've been SUPER careful about my spending and keeping that money in my account. I'd die if a check to her bounced.

Anyways I was so worried about why we had to have a call about it. And our call got delayed until 5:30pm. All day I kept thinking "why do we need a call?". So finally she calls me and her husband is on the call. I though WHOA this is no joke. So after ALL of that she tells me she is ripping up the check as an early birthday present. Wow, my mom doesn't even give me that much for my birthday. I kinda wanted to ask her to adopt me, but I didn't feel the time was right. Maybe next time I have a conf call with her and her husband I'll bring it up..
leetee - 11/06/07 15:23
holy crap, that rocks
mike - 11/03/07 12:03
that is awesome!
lilho - 11/02/07 20:26
awww, that is so sweet, you deserve it!
jbeatty - 11/02/07 19:33
That is too cool.

10/30/2007 16:03 #41888

Brit Brit
Category: music
The long anticipated album Blackout drops today. And by long anticipated I mean I learned that its release is today because Circuit City is selling it for $8. This brings me to my question. Do I buy it? I've listened to it thanks to and my jobs internet connection. It's ok for the most part- some a lot of songs are awful. But it's only $8 and its good dancy music, in case I ever have a dance party in my shoe box apartment and need some dancy music action.

On a totally different note my mom asked me for a christmas list. I asked for the pig. She didn't seem really into it. Her reasoning was "But you don't collect pigs". Well maybe I do now mom! I want that damn pig.
jenks - 10/31/07 00:00
omg I want sophie the baby piglet!!
tinypliny - 10/30/07 23:27
I think you should go in for the real thing: :::link:::

Don't settle for a mere toy. You need quality time too!
metalpeter - 10/30/07 18:12
That is strange about the cat cause if it where me I wouldn't buy you cat stuff I would have bought you chinesse stuff or maybe even Japanese stuff cause they are big over there to from what I understand. That is a assume that lucky cat is short for Chinesse Lucky cat.
james - 10/30/07 17:34
I have actually heard some critical acclaim for it. The highest praise she got was that it was the best album she has ever put out.

But you know, the best turd ever still stinks.
jason - 10/30/07 16:21
Blackout? I thought that was a Method Man album?
janelle - 10/30/07 16:14
Just buy one pig. Send your mom a photo. Then you'll get more pig related stuff than you ever wanted, including the pig you want. Once I bought one lucky cat, the cat crap came rolling in because everyone assumed I wanted more cat stuff. You'll get your pig.