i don't know what is wrong with me.
can't focus.
can't sit still.
can't stay awake.
can't sleep.
sleep too much.
definitely eat way too much. stop eating everything. and STOP eating 70% cheese. that is so sick.
i can't take anymore of this not sex all the time. i think that is my problem. and, hope to god my mom doesn't read this shit. or my employers. but i sorta also don't care.
my new plan is definitely europe this summer, all summer. ill be an au pair or something. or something. everyone should go to at some point, and it will like an international partay!
and, oil painting is all sorts of complicated. i think my shit is gonna be shit.
ok, this is funny, this boy came over, and i really don't like him. and he really kinda irritates me. plus smallest penis ever, and i was like, "i hope we don't have to hook up." i love that i am such a slut. ok, jk. but, i didn't want to really hang out with him, but i wanted to trap someone and make them listen to me talk. apparently he wasnt down. so, he said, "we are going into your room to makeout, and we went in there. and i continued to talk, talk, talk. and, i was reading a bunch of different magazines, and enjoying my drink. then he just gets up and decides to leave. and i was laughing, and he is a douche. but, whatever he had to drive all the way out here. didn't get drunk, or stoned, and didn't get any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha. loser.
i will now attempt school shit, or just get more drunk.....
thanks for the reminder; I've been meaning to read that book for ages. And speaking of "freak"- I have a story to tell you!!!!
Levitt argues that Roe vs. Wade led directly to reduced crime - well, when 20 million babies got aborted I think perhaps thats a very macabre way of determining how to fight violent crime!
Another argument he makes is that abortion has prevented millions of people from becoming poor and unproductive members of our society. That is a highly, highly dubious assumption to make.
He also suggests that swimming pools are less safe than guns for the average person. He is using the same logic and methodology for his other arguments in the book, by the way.
In a way, using this book to defend abortion would be like using Al Gore's movie to defend the premise of global warming.
Sarah I think you need to realize that opposition to abortion isn't necessarily a religious issue at all. Drew didn't bring it up - you did!
I'm happy you found something you are passionate about. Me, I'm Pro-Choice broadly speaking, but support a total ban on PBA procedures like Dilation and Extraction.
The thing about that chapter is that it is so controversial, and not just because of the subject matter. Some time ago, many different economists saw fatal flaws in Levitt's analysis, and of course Levitt dug his heels in and defended his analysis, like a good little academic. Of course, the media attention, his celebrity, along with the desires of retailers around the world to sell the book, won the day.
In the end, Levitt's case became weaker and weaker when put up to scrutiny, but it isn't 100% debunked. I think you should check out some of the competing arguments as part of your research, if not to at least understand what the opposite opinion is - you could possibly come up with a stronger paper.
But, at least his methods and the data are open, for the purpose of debate, and are not a joke - which is something you definitely cannot say for other media-trumped reports people read (think Lancet and Iraq).
I've got no problem with the case that you make in your comment (well, not many, at least), but from what I remember of freakonomics, their work says somethings different.
And, just to make things clear, I did not make any statement (here) about religion.
i disagree. i use it to back up my opinion, because, if i were to get pregnant, along with many other women who are single and not prepared for the emotional, psychological, and social hardship a child brings. it is not fair for unwanted children to be born. look at how many there already are. it would not be right to force me, to bring a child into this world that i might end up resenting, and have my child continue on this cycle. if you take a look at what happened in romania, you will recognize the effect forcing people to procreate causes. and lets face it, some people just shouldnt be parents, but doe that mean they should have to pay for making a mistake man of us make? should they not be allowed to enjoy sex? no, people should be educated about birth control, and sex, and the responsibility sexual activity brings. but, they should also have the option to choose what they want to do with their own bodies. we cannot make this a religious issue, which so many people do. religion does not belong in politics.
I loved this book, but I don't think you want to use it as a pro-abortion argument, because it points out that most of the abortions are performed on "undesireds," who are more likely to commit crimes. This book argues that abortion reduces crime, but at the same time, it makes an abortion look a lot like genocide.