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09/19/2007 22:55 #41203

Good Luck Sweet Beagle Bitch!
I saved a 13" beagle bitch from getting run over today.

She was wandering along the sidewalk, in downtown Lockport on the sidewalk of N Transit in front of Walgreens. Almost as soon as i notice her, she plops herself onto the road in front of an oncoming pickup truck. I dropped my bag and ran into the street, waving my arms, hoping the truck would stop. It squealed to a stop, and the driver began cursing at me. I picked up the dog and showed him. He looked shocked, then started to give me a huge lecture about putting my dog on a leash. I told him it wasn't my dog, she was just wandering... but he was already driving away.

I carried her to the grassy area in front of the store and looked for a collar or tags. Nothing. She had big dangly nipples, so i assume she had puppies recently. She was sweet and licked my face. She wasn't interested in the Cool Ranch Doritos that were my lunch, but she did drink the majority of the bottle of water i had in my purse/backpack.

I took the string from my yoga pants out as a make shift collar and leash, but she was having none of it. Seems she thought it was a game.. she dodged it and licked my face when i got close enough. Then, all of a sudden, she decided she had enough of me, and ran away, across W Genessee (thank godness no cars were coming!) and into some bushes.

I hope she made it home ok. And i hope her humans won't let her escape again... she doesn't have a lot of road smarts.

Now, why i was wandering the streets of downtown Lockport by myself is another story.

(e:Uncutsaniflush) was asked, at the very last minute, to help with an inventory of the Hallmark cards at the Walgreens. His boss told him it would only take 2 hours, and promised if i let him go do the inventory, a couple of boxes of Boca Burgers would head my way. I told him to make them Morningstar Frams Grillers and he had a deal.

So, i went with, thinking i could kill 2 hours in Lockport then (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i would continue on with the plans we had for the afternoon.

The 2 hours turned into nearly 5.... so, at 6pm, we thought it wouldn't be wise to head into Niagara Falls. We both have to work in the morning.

Instead, we had dinner and went to Walmart... i don't really *need* the new clothes for work, but now i don't have to make do.
fellyconnelly - 09/20/07 08:51
my hero! beagle saver!

09/16/2007 21:53 #41139

As i have mentioned before, (e:LeeTee,25699) i make my mom a specialized calendar every year for xmas.

I used to do it all by hand -- measuring every calendar grid, writing in every number.

Then, i did it partially by hand, doing the calendar grid with a word processor, copying them out and then drawing in every day.

Then, i began to do it all with CorelDraw. I did that for many many years. I am so familiar with the program. Plus, i just alter the previous year. Which means i did all the hard stuff a long time ago, and the rest is just creative fun. We've had a dual boot thingmaggie (linux and windows) so i can have my CorelDraw to do my the boss mom calendar.

Well, for so many years, i say i need to start early so i can redo it from scratch on something open source, since we don't really use Windows anymore (except for the dual boot so i can use CorelDraw).

So, tonight, i have been trying. And trying and trying and trying. Shit, i am frustrated. None of the 3 programs we have right now has everything i need. Is it so hard to have something that will make a table or grid that is more than a word processor?

Open Office Draw seems to have a lot of things i could use... but... once i started, it doesn't. Or maybe i'm just to focused on the way i know things to be able to find them. I'm stupid, in other words.

I could not get a table from it, unless i draw every line and/or box by hand. And it doesn't have PMS colours or any way to ensure i am always selecting the same colour for different objects (i think it would be wise to always have, say, the exact same colour of blue on every number in the same calendar month). I can't seem to edit objects to a path.

  • sigh* I think starting in September might have been too late...
zobar - 09/17/07 07:37
(e:zobar)'s unhelpful suggestions:

1. Snapfish's calendars :::link::: turn out really nice.
2. If I were doing it myself, I'd probably go with InDesign :::link::: [beaucoup bucks].
3. Do it up old-school: Hyatt's :::link::: has an excellent selection of open-source inks and papers.

- Z
leetee - 09/17/07 00:18
Thanks so much for both of your suggestions, (e:Jim) and (e:Jenks). Sadly, because of the crazy ass calendar i make for my mom (see link to the pictures i took of 2007), neither would be ideal.

Calendar services don't have an option for the kind i do for my mom (although, i did do one like that for my dad at kinkos last year)

and i would still need to learn a new program and do everything from scratch and not just update last years if i used a mac.

Darn it.
jenks - 09/16/07 23:24
iPhoto makes pretty amazing calendars too- I'm sure there are some peeps that would let you borrow a mac if you wanted...
jim - 09/16/07 22:27
Hi Leetee, I don't know if you've considered just using a service? :::link:::

Lulu will let you upload the photos you want, and you can add your own special dates to be printed in the calendar itself.

09/11/2007 14:21 #41052

Billy Connolly

theecarey - 09/12/07 00:24
haha! those were fun! Love his accent and laugh. btw, I cant quite make out what your user pic is. It appears to be a creature (rabbit-goat) of some sort taken from the angle below a piece of glass. thats as far as I've gotten.


09/08/2007 11:37 #41002

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs...!!!
For those of you with dogs and wheels that don't know yet, the dog park in Lasalle Park rocks. Kirsten and i went there last night with her 3 pug brood (yep, not just Ava and Nolan, she kept one of their puppies and named him Taj).

It was so cool to watch the dogs zipping around the place. And extra cool to watch Ava try to keep up with an Italian Greyhound. Sure, he was smaller than the standard Greyhound, but... well... he's a Greyhound.

Although i went with her and her dogs, i felt like a bit of a dog stalker... a wannabe dog person.

No, (e:Uncutsaniflush), it's not a hint... ok... maybe it is, just a little.
fellyconnelly - 09/12/07 15:34
aw man i would totally be a doggy park stalker.
tinypliny - 09/09/07 14:46
Kind of off-topic, but your avatar picture threw me off. I thought it was a silhouette of some kind but I peeked close and saw teeth! Mean ones. Somewhat like a teratoma.
jenks - 09/08/07 17:31
OMG, YES! I want a doggie time-share!!!!
leetee - 09/08/07 12:48
ha ha ha... wanna do a time share with a dog, (e:jenks)?

pug love indeed.... sadly, (e:Theecarey), i did not take pictures. How... how... unlike me!! Next time i see him, i promise to snap and post one of the lil monkey face.
theecarey - 09/08/07 12:35
  • pug love* awe, must post pic of the Taj-meister!

jenks - 09/08/07 12:20
ohh, lee I sympathize! I went to a bunch of 'get togethers' with 'my' rescue (haha), but I always felt like a poser since I didn't have a dog of my own.

But, it WAS kind of nice to have my hands free so I could play with whichever cutie I wanted- and then give him/her back to his/her mom/dad when I was "done".

09/06/2007 11:43 #40967

To the person that stole the horn on my bike, i give you a big raspberry. It was locked up at the Co-op this morning and you separated the bulb from the tube of the horn and left the metal bit that connects it to the handles. You must really need a horn. But i still raspberry you.

So..... pppppppppppffffffffffffffffffffffttttttttttttttttt
lizabeth - 09/07/07 02:33
Well, at least they didn't steal the whole bike. :)
leetee - 09/06/07 21:40
ha ha ha... thanks everyone. personally, i find the whole thing amusing. if someone needed the horn more than i did, then they should have it. no vengeance, no smiting... just... enjoy the horn! i think i wanted a bell more anyway. now i have a reason to get one. this, however, will be on tightly!
joshua - 09/06/07 20:11
Karma is a boomerang!
drew - 09/06/07 14:32
Grace is better than karma, and vengeance. I'm saying that for myself as much as I am to my vengeful wife. I'm in a lightning bolt mood today.
lauren - 09/06/07 12:51
don't you worry, I am a full believer that karma will certainly require that the horn will be stolen from the initial stealer, or even perhaps something else that this person treasures. justice will be served.
janelle - 09/06/07 12:32
If you like, I'll have Drew ask god to strike down the offender with lightning, yes?
mike - 09/06/07 11:56
that is absolutley ridiuculous!
mrmike - 09/06/07 11:46
P-tooey! on the horny bandit