This weekend, my parents came to visit. Of course they did, there were
(e:peep) happenings....
I decided, earlier in the week, since it had been getting colder, i would make some cabbage rolls for them.
They would be bringing Ralphie the dog (their dog sitter is getting old and not well, and the dog himself is getting old and not well as i mentioned in a previous post,
(e:LeeTee,40897)), so i knew that my dad would not want to arrive and leave "poor Ralphie" alone in a strange house so we could go eat out.
I have made cabbage rolls once in the past before
(e:LeeTee,25631) and i tried to remember all the lessons i learned from that time, even though it was over a year ago. I think have the seasonings better and the fake meat i used was a better blend. But, during the process, i ran out of cabbage. Too much filling, not enough cabbage.
So, i put my shoes on to walk to Guercio's. Forgetting that i had taken the string out of my yoga pants to try to makeshift leash the beagle i sorta rescued the other day,
(e:LeeTee,41203), the fast pace i was walking made my pants fall down. OK, now, our 'hood of Grant and Bird isn't the best, but i reckon i might get mistaken for one of the many tradeswomen if i kept that up. So, i had to hold my pants up... which, in a very odd way, made me fit in a tiny bit better with a certain segment of the population here. Either that or i looked like some crazy lady wannabe.
The end result of my second attempt at cabbage rolls (oh, please, do not ask me to spell the polish word i know how to say that translates to pigs in a blanket!) was good. No one complained or got sick. My dad loved them, my mom even liked them, the meat eater that she is. Of course, one could never mistake my version for one with meat, but it has it's own charms.
The rest of our weekend with them was nice... low key. I helped my parents give Ralphie his Subcutaneous injection for his kidney disease. My dad claims things are more calm when i jab him with the needle. Once again, being a former i.v. drug user finally comes in handy.
The biggest surprise... no, shock, of the weekend is that i am now in possession of my late maternal grandmother's wedding and engagement rings.
I have always loved these rings. I have no idea of their monetary value. I just think now, as have i always, that they are pretty.
When my grandmother died, my grandfather gave them to my mother.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i got married, i asked my mom if i could have grandma's rings. She said no.. grandpa might be offended if he saw that i was wearing them and not her.
My mom rarely wears them, not being a fan of them. When she does, as when my grandmother wore them, i would try and take them off and put them on my finger.
While sitting on our front porch this weekend, i did that very same thing. I reached over to my mom's hand, and took off the rings and put them on my finger.
She said, "You can have them" to which i replied, "Yeah, i know, when you kick it, i will get them" and she said, "No, now, you can have them. You love them. You keep them."
Shock and tears came next... grandma's rings. I have grandma's rings. Even now, thinking that they are on my finger as i type this, makes me well up a bit.
Turns out my mom had been thinking of giving them to me recently. When she was visiting her brother and sister in law over labour day weekend, she was wearing them and mentioned to my Aunt Pat that she might give them to me. Soon... before she died. That she would like to see me happy to have them, not wait until she died to have them.
The stipulation of me having these rings, as writen in my mom's will, is that since i cannot have children of my own, is that i pass them onto my neice, my brother's daughter. I promise.
Wow... grandma's rings...
I think I missed the post or maybe you never mentioned it but where do you work?
those rings are really beautiful.
thanks lee!