I've been using the nickname LeeTee since i got married. Thing is, my real full name is Leette and so few people can pronouce it when they read it and i get called LeeTee when they do, so why not just go with it. Most people call me Lee, since i hate hate hate the name Leette. And, now that my last name starts with a T, i figure, LeeTee is even more appropriate.
Today, however, i got myself a new nickname. Last night, two of my co-workers were sitting in the backroom, doing the closing stuff. One had met me and the other hadn't. The one that hadn't looked up at the schedule and asked the other, "Who is this Lettuce person?" When they told me that shortly after arriving and introducing myself to the co-worker i hadn't met yet, i almost burst a lung laughing. So far, it is my favourite nickname. I want them to call me that. I want a name tag that says that. But the manager said no, my name tag has to stay boring -- "Lee".
Today was my first official day at work "on the floor". All i had done before that were training exercises and a bit of re-stocking. And would you believe it, my very first official customer ever was one of our own. An
(e:peep). Oh,
(e:Enknot), you lucky, lucky man...
Oh, where are these pretty trees? The ones on Linwood and Summer are living up to their name and are still green.