As i mentioned in my previous post, (e:LeeTee,40815) my parent's old dog, Ralphie, now has kidney disease. The vet said he should be kept at the animal hospital for a week, but both of my parent's thought it would be too stressful for the spoiled pooch. Personally, i think it was too much for the puppy parents, since they don't treat him like a dog.
So, they brought him home, to have subcutaneous fluid i.v. every twelve hours. My mom continued with her regularly scheduled annual Labour Day weekend trip to Michigan and left my dad with the bulk of the work. Well, with my offer to come help, since i have done this before... with a cat, but i know the drill.
Friday, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i went to Hamilton's West Mountain to hang out with my dad and help him with the i.v. My dad was a basket case at first. Then, while Ralphie was on my dad's lap, we quickly and quietly, almost stealthily (hell, the dog IS old) poked the needle in while my dad was holding/petting him. It went smooth as silk. My dad looked 10 years younger after that; he was so worried and stressed.
Saturday morning, however, Ralph was wise and wouldn't let us jab him with that needle. Which, of course, shook our confidence that we could accomplish what we needed to... i guess all my talk of having calm assertive energy went out the window.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) had to leave, since he had to work at 4pm, and with the way bridge traffic has been, he left by about 10am, so he could rest up, eat and shower before heading into work.
My dad and i went on with the day... trying to think of another method of injecting the fluids into Ralphie without giving my dad a heart attack. We talked a lot. My dad is the emotional one and my mom is the logical one. My dad got the chance to talk out his feelings more than he can with my mom. I thought it was good for him. And very much a bonding experience for my dad and i. The whole day was, really.
We went to visit his mom, my Nana, in the nursing home. Sadly, she is not doing very well. But i have a feeling a lot of what she is feeling is emotional. She has no emotional or mental health support there, which i find disappointing. We even went to the cemetery to visit his dad, my Papa, his sister, my Aunt Val and his brother, my Uncle Tony, something my dad rarely, if ever, does.
While visiting Nana, my dad thought that some tough love was needed. Forget the soft shoe approach, we needed to be more assertive with Ralphie. Somehow, all the talking and releasing of emotions, my dad was able to find his bravery. He found the courage to do what he thought he couldn't do.
That evening, he took Ralphie by the scruff of the neck and held him down, gentle but forcefully, so he was still enough and not turning around to bite me while i poked him in the fleshy part of the shoulder to get the fluids underneath his skin. We had success. Success and a method made easier Sunday morning.
This afternoon, my dad drove me home and stayed for a short visit before heading back out on the road home.
I am proud of my dad. He let go of his selfishness once his emotions were all out and found the courage to do something that scared him so much. I know some of you may think that Ralph is just a dog. And there is part of me that shares the sentiment. He is a dog... and my parents spoil him too much and don't treat him enough like a dog. But my dad loves Ralphie... and never wanted to do something he thought would hurt him physically. Knowing it was best for both of them to do what is right and not what is easy, he stepped up to the plate and got the dead done.
Even though the reason for visit was unpleasant, i am glad i got the time to bond with my dad... in ways i never have before.
Sorry i missed the party. I meant to come. I appreciate the personal invite i got from (e:Paul) and (e:Terry) when i saw you guys at the Elmwood Art Fest. Looks like everyone had a good time. Happy belated birthdays, (e:Terry) and (e:Mike)!
Oh, and a shoutout to (e:Jill) who we (myself, my dad, Ralphie and (e:Uncutsaniflush)) saw walking down Elmwood by Bidwell.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/02/2007 22:30 #40897
Father Daughter Bonding08/29/2007 19:58 #40815
Roomette and Bad News(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i, thanks to the generosity of my parents, are going on a cruise in February. It will be a birthday and xmas gift from them to both of us.
My cousin, Rob, and his bride to be, Karin, decided to forgo the usual rubbery chicken and bad d.j. to get married on a cruise ship, before it leaves on a cruise in the Caribbean. Most of the family is in Canada and are all flying out of Toronto to Miami, but we so do not want to cross the border just to have to go through customs again just to be on the same flight as my parents. Besides, i hate flying and it and to be fraught with hassles these days, particularly in the colder weather.
Today, (e:Uncutsaniflush) had what i think is a brilliant idea. The train! It would take longer than flying. We would travel from Buffalo to New York (8.5 hours) and from New York to Miami (27 hours).
We thought, with such a long trip, that it would be good to get a room... or, as we found out we could get, a Roomette.
Small, but at least it would be private. And what better, someone named Leette making reservations for a roomette! tee hee hee.
So, has anyone here ever taken a long train ride and might have any insight, good, bad or indifferent?
And now, the bad news.
My mom emailed us late this afternoon. Their dog, Ralphie, has gone into kidney failure. Poor spoiled puppie... old puppie, but to me, all dogs are puppies. He has to be kept at the vet with an i.v. drip for a while... not sure how long. I think my dad is falling apart over this. I hope he does well, and they can take him home soon. Poor thing has always had anything and everything he has ever wanted, so he is probably stressed out right now... he's never been alone for more than an hour or 2. I hope, too, that my dad can handle having to give him a needle every day... or Subcutaneous Fluid Administration like i did with my friend Mark's cat, Emo.
My cousin, Rob, and his bride to be, Karin, decided to forgo the usual rubbery chicken and bad d.j. to get married on a cruise ship, before it leaves on a cruise in the Caribbean. Most of the family is in Canada and are all flying out of Toronto to Miami, but we so do not want to cross the border just to have to go through customs again just to be on the same flight as my parents. Besides, i hate flying and it and to be fraught with hassles these days, particularly in the colder weather.
Today, (e:Uncutsaniflush) had what i think is a brilliant idea. The train! It would take longer than flying. We would travel from Buffalo to New York (8.5 hours) and from New York to Miami (27 hours).
We thought, with such a long trip, that it would be good to get a room... or, as we found out we could get, a Roomette.

So, has anyone here ever taken a long train ride and might have any insight, good, bad or indifferent?
And now, the bad news.
My mom emailed us late this afternoon. Their dog, Ralphie, has gone into kidney failure. Poor spoiled puppie... old puppie, but to me, all dogs are puppies. He has to be kept at the vet with an i.v. drip for a while... not sure how long. I think my dad is falling apart over this. I hope he does well, and they can take him home soon. Poor thing has always had anything and everything he has ever wanted, so he is probably stressed out right now... he's never been alone for more than an hour or 2. I hope, too, that my dad can handle having to give him a needle every day... or Subcutaneous Fluid Administration like i did with my friend Mark's cat, Emo.
ladycroft - 08/30/07 18:15
poor ralphie! (was he named after 'a christmas story'?) couple things. if you don't have passports you can't fly out of toronto into miami. as for trains...i would avoid it. like previous peeps have noted, food sucks, and 27 hours (if on time) is a bitch of a time to spend on a train. i've done several trips, and while they are a step up from the bus, it's no picnic. most of the time they cost more than a plane ticket anyway. i'd really only recommend using this method if you were taking one of those scenic cruisers through the mountains or something. how's your knee??
poor ralphie! (was he named after 'a christmas story'?) couple things. if you don't have passports you can't fly out of toronto into miami. as for trains...i would avoid it. like previous peeps have noted, food sucks, and 27 hours (if on time) is a bitch of a time to spend on a train. i've done several trips, and while they are a step up from the bus, it's no picnic. most of the time they cost more than a plane ticket anyway. i'd really only recommend using this method if you were taking one of those scenic cruisers through the mountains or something. how's your knee??
paul - 08/30/07 00:43
One time my supposed 16 hour Amtrak trip from South Carolina to Buffalo took 3 days. Including two engine switches and no heat in th middle of freezing winter. At least they gave us blankets or were those towelettes. Eventually, they put us up in a hotel in New York City.
One time my supposed 16 hour Amtrak trip from South Carolina to Buffalo took 3 days. Including two engine switches and no heat in th middle of freezing winter. At least they gave us blankets or were those towelettes. Eventually, they put us up in a hotel in New York City.
theecarey - 08/29/07 22:41
I've only taken shorter train rides; primarily to NYC. I've also taken the bus. I really have no preference and both seem to take about the same amount of time and in my experience kept to the schedule. With the longer trip and that you are leaving for a cruise, schedule in any possible late-factors.
Now.. 27 hrs all the way to Miami? wow. I would totally do it if I had a cool sleeper car!! I would pack a bag or little cooler of munchies for sure. Ooh, if you can, give yourself some time between train transfers so you can roam around the city. I believe that the trains out of Buffalo go into Penn Station. You can hop the subway and hit up a few neat spots before your next departure! Unless ofcourse you have a lot of luggage (didnt think of that till just now) as the station no longer has lockers to store your stuff.
I'm rambling..
whatever you decide, it seems like it will be fun!
I've only taken shorter train rides; primarily to NYC. I've also taken the bus. I really have no preference and both seem to take about the same amount of time and in my experience kept to the schedule. With the longer trip and that you are leaving for a cruise, schedule in any possible late-factors.
Now.. 27 hrs all the way to Miami? wow. I would totally do it if I had a cool sleeper car!! I would pack a bag or little cooler of munchies for sure. Ooh, if you can, give yourself some time between train transfers so you can roam around the city. I believe that the trains out of Buffalo go into Penn Station. You can hop the subway and hit up a few neat spots before your next departure! Unless ofcourse you have a lot of luggage (didnt think of that till just now) as the station no longer has lockers to store your stuff.
I'm rambling..
whatever you decide, it seems like it will be fun!
zobar - 08/29/07 21:59
Don't do it, man.
There are two trains that run to New York City. The Metroliner/Maple Leaf runs between New York City and Buffalo/Niagara Falls/Toronto. It is usually less than an hour late. The Lake Shore Limited runs between Chicago and New York City, and is known to Amtrak employees as the Late for Sure Limited. It runs an average of 8 hours late. Oh yeah, and the electricity in the cabin cars was out. In December. [I was in a coach car. We only had to deal with a leaky toilet.]
With that track record [pun intended], I would be astonished if you made it to Miami any less than 12 hours late. Oh yeah, and the food is pretty wretched.
- Z
Don't do it, man.
There are two trains that run to New York City. The Metroliner/Maple Leaf runs between New York City and Buffalo/Niagara Falls/Toronto. It is usually less than an hour late. The Lake Shore Limited runs between Chicago and New York City, and is known to Amtrak employees as the Late for Sure Limited. It runs an average of 8 hours late. Oh yeah, and the electricity in the cabin cars was out. In December. [I was in a coach car. We only had to deal with a leaky toilet.]
With that track record [pun intended], I would be astonished if you made it to Miami any less than 12 hours late. Oh yeah, and the food is pretty wretched.
- Z
tinypliny - 08/29/07 21:00
A train-ride is better than doing the greyhounds. I am sure you will have a swell time.
I have been in many a long train ride, but in a different country, so I can't offer you any particular insights here. I imagine trains here would surely be much better than the ones I rode. :)
A train-ride is better than doing the greyhounds. I am sure you will have a swell time.
I have been in many a long train ride, but in a different country, so I can't offer you any particular insights here. I imagine trains here would surely be much better than the ones I rode. :)
jenks - 08/29/07 20:19
Aww, I'm sorry about Ralphie. :(
But roomette!!! I have ALWAYS wanted to do that. I think it looks super fun.
Aww, I'm sorry about Ralphie. :(
But roomette!!! I have ALWAYS wanted to do that. I think it looks super fun.
08/29/2007 08:44 #40797
The Day After08/25/2007 11:27 #40722
Float Like a ButterflyThe Butterfly Conservatory

tinypliny - 08/26/07 06:48
What are those things hanging from the ceiling? Are those butterfly "nests"? They almost look like bats hanging off those bushy things.
What are those things hanging from the ceiling? Are those butterfly "nests"? They almost look like bats hanging off those bushy things.
tinypliny - 08/26/07 06:47
I think butterflies are the prettiest piece of happiness you can see flying about. They unfailingly cheer me up in any situation. It's the whole concept of being weightless and fluttering about in a flurry of colour.
Trivia: Did you know that the intense pockets of shaded and nuanced colour on butterfly wings are most often not real colour, but the result of a million scales on their wings acting like a diffraction grating for light?
Oh, and cockroaches should *NOT* have wings. That's just wrong. They can't even fly without making the obnoxious whirring sound and then they land on your face. ew!
I think butterflies are the prettiest piece of happiness you can see flying about. They unfailingly cheer me up in any situation. It's the whole concept of being weightless and fluttering about in a flurry of colour.
Trivia: Did you know that the intense pockets of shaded and nuanced colour on butterfly wings are most often not real colour, but the result of a million scales on their wings acting like a diffraction grating for light?
Oh, and cockroaches should *NOT* have wings. That's just wrong. They can't even fly without making the obnoxious whirring sound and then they land on your face. ew!
libertad - 08/25/07 17:16
damn you leetee! I wanted to go there :( Nice pics
damn you leetee! I wanted to go there :( Nice pics
jenks - 08/25/07 12:55
ooh! I have always wanted to go there.
ooh! I have always wanted to go there.
08/28/2007 12:07 #40779
Random Crazy MorningToday, i went for my second driving lesson. I figured i would need a few lessons -- maybe 3 or 4 -- and a lot of practice. I think i am an ok driver, considering i have been behind the wheel for about 4 hours, total, in my 38 years.
The appointment was 10am. My instructor came to get me and i drove from Bird, right onto Dewitt, right onto Forest and down past Grant, Elmwood and Lincoln Parkway and right onto Windsor. There, i did a pretty decent 3 point turn and an ok parallel park. We decided to do a second parallel without him telling me where to turn the wheel and when. I was a tiny bit too far from the car beside us, but he said we could manage it. I went up onto the curb, darn it. But i think i will get the hang of it.
I must say, i do like the way our little Prius handles better than the driving school car. But i digress....
We decided to drive some more. He said he noticed my right turns are better. Yay (e:Uncutsaniflush) for his help during practices with that!
We made a left onto Forest and then a right onto Elmwood. The instructor and i both noticed the wheel noise was louder. So, up at Amherst, we pulled into the Sunoco. Yep, i flattened the rear right tire. I apologized, and he said it wasn't my fault. No ones, he said, his maybe... it happens. Even the service guy laughed and said it was unfortunate that it had to happen to me on my second lesson! *sigh*
Instructor had to cancel his next appointment, because the guy at the service center said it would take a little while. I didn't see the need to stand around and wait, it was obvious the lesson was over.
Funny thing, though. I did something this morning i rarely do. I didn't have my purse -- that big backpack of a purse i always have with me. I didn't have anything with me! Just my keys to the house, my learner's permit, sunglasses and his fee, which i had already given to him.
He gave me bus fare, so i hopped on a 20 Elmwood bus down to Bird. I got off the bus and since the bus didn't pull over to the curb, i had to hop out of the way of a car that quickly pulled up beside the bus to park. While doing that, i twisted my ankle in a pothole and went, face first into the road. Thank goodness the car was mostly stopped, or he would have run me over. But, i did get a nasty scrape on my knee. It's still a bit black from the asphalt, despite the cleaning i tried to give it. And it burns.
Oh, and i still had about a mile to walk. And, no, i was NOT wearing comfortable walking shoes. So, every bend of my knee felt like skin was ripping and the blood was dripping down my leg. I was an attractive sight.
So, at about Baynes, two guys sitting on their porch start trying to chat me up. Asking me if i am single. WTF? I so rarely get hit on, i can count the times... like, twice. So? What's the deal? Do they think i am one of the many hookers in the area and since i have a scrape on my knee, i will be willing to give a blow job anywhere?!?
So, tomorrow, i have another lesson. One i don't have to pay for since i didn't get the entire lesson today.
Oh... and before i forget. Happy Birthday (e:Terry)!
Oh... and since i started typing this i have been on hold and disconnected from Time Warner 3 times! They say we didn't pay our bill... but we didn't GET a bill to pay!
What a day!!
The appointment was 10am. My instructor came to get me and i drove from Bird, right onto Dewitt, right onto Forest and down past Grant, Elmwood and Lincoln Parkway and right onto Windsor. There, i did a pretty decent 3 point turn and an ok parallel park. We decided to do a second parallel without him telling me where to turn the wheel and when. I was a tiny bit too far from the car beside us, but he said we could manage it. I went up onto the curb, darn it. But i think i will get the hang of it.
I must say, i do like the way our little Prius handles better than the driving school car. But i digress....
We decided to drive some more. He said he noticed my right turns are better. Yay (e:Uncutsaniflush) for his help during practices with that!
We made a left onto Forest and then a right onto Elmwood. The instructor and i both noticed the wheel noise was louder. So, up at Amherst, we pulled into the Sunoco. Yep, i flattened the rear right tire. I apologized, and he said it wasn't my fault. No ones, he said, his maybe... it happens. Even the service guy laughed and said it was unfortunate that it had to happen to me on my second lesson! *sigh*
Instructor had to cancel his next appointment, because the guy at the service center said it would take a little while. I didn't see the need to stand around and wait, it was obvious the lesson was over.
Funny thing, though. I did something this morning i rarely do. I didn't have my purse -- that big backpack of a purse i always have with me. I didn't have anything with me! Just my keys to the house, my learner's permit, sunglasses and his fee, which i had already given to him.
He gave me bus fare, so i hopped on a 20 Elmwood bus down to Bird. I got off the bus and since the bus didn't pull over to the curb, i had to hop out of the way of a car that quickly pulled up beside the bus to park. While doing that, i twisted my ankle in a pothole and went, face first into the road. Thank goodness the car was mostly stopped, or he would have run me over. But, i did get a nasty scrape on my knee. It's still a bit black from the asphalt, despite the cleaning i tried to give it. And it burns.
Oh, and i still had about a mile to walk. And, no, i was NOT wearing comfortable walking shoes. So, every bend of my knee felt like skin was ripping and the blood was dripping down my leg. I was an attractive sight.
So, at about Baynes, two guys sitting on their porch start trying to chat me up. Asking me if i am single. WTF? I so rarely get hit on, i can count the times... like, twice. So? What's the deal? Do they think i am one of the many hookers in the area and since i have a scrape on my knee, i will be willing to give a blow job anywhere?!?
So, tomorrow, i have another lesson. One i don't have to pay for since i didn't get the entire lesson today.
Oh... and before i forget. Happy Birthday (e:Terry)!
Oh... and since i started typing this i have been on hold and disconnected from Time Warner 3 times! They say we didn't pay our bill... but we didn't GET a bill to pay!
What a day!!
libertad - 08/29/07 09:09
WOW! At least you have good humor.
WOW! At least you have good humor.
paul - 08/28/07 23:41
quite a day! quite a day indeed! -this is mike on paul's account
quite a day! quite a day indeed! -this is mike on paul's account
jenks - 08/28/07 16:06
sorry about your knee :(
sorry about your knee :(
mrmike - 08/28/07 16:06
Give me some specifics -- like last name on the account and I'll see what trouble I can cause.
Give me some specifics -- like last name on the account and I'll see what trouble I can cause.
During the last year of my cat's life, we had to do the sub-cutaneous I.V. It's hard on pet and owner alike. Eventually, my parents had to hire someone to come in and do it regularly, because when my parents did the procedure themselves it really poisoned their relationship with the cat. I don't know whether I'd ever want to go through that again with future pets, because I don't want to spend the last small pieces of time I have with them in that much fighting and conflict.