I just applied for a job at the new PetSmart location on Elmwood.
Their online application was interesting. It was more a personality test than anything else, asking if i strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree to questions like "people are annoying".
Since i tend to be way too honest, i hope the fact that i told them i do need to have specific days off in the future isn't an issue.
They have a pretty strict dress code, too, so i think my tattoos will be covered. If i get an interview, i need to make sure my hair covers all my earrings, too. Only one allowed per ear... yipes!
In other employment news, i had dinner with my neighbour last night (mmmm........ Falafel Bar). She has been telling me for years that i would be good working in the same field she works in -- with the developmentally disabled. I'm very interested. She says i need to get my drivers licence first. But that she might take me to work one day, just to understand, exactly, what the job entails. Her recommendation, if i want to pursue it, would be to take a volunteer position until i can write the test that all potential state employees must write. Then, she can hire me....
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/17/2007 10:47 #40592
Applied08/14/2007 15:23 #40537
Lucky Bitch!For all those times i am feeling downtrodden, unloved or just plain blah, i need to remind myself, or have a perma-link in my brain to the great things i have. Simple and complex, i am fortunate.
First and most importantly, i have a husband who loves, respects, cherishes and supports me. That alone makes me very fortunate.
OK, so i don't have a lot of friends. I'm an odd sort; a strange combination of a offbeat awkward weirdo that enjoys boring 50's housewifey things. However, the friends i do have i trust. Completely. And they rock.
I also have more material things that i need. And sometimes, finding more makes a girl happy.
Like shoes! What girl doesn't just adore a new pair of shoes?! OK, so my version of shoes aren't so girly. But they are cute and i love them and they were a bargain (the Marshals on Delaware for $19.99 a pair!).

First and most importantly, i have a husband who loves, respects, cherishes and supports me. That alone makes me very fortunate.
OK, so i don't have a lot of friends. I'm an odd sort; a strange combination of a offbeat awkward weirdo that enjoys boring 50's housewifey things. However, the friends i do have i trust. Completely. And they rock.
I also have more material things that i need. And sometimes, finding more makes a girl happy.
Like shoes! What girl doesn't just adore a new pair of shoes?! OK, so my version of shoes aren't so girly. But they are cute and i love them and they were a bargain (the Marshals on Delaware for $19.99 a pair!).

mrdeadlier - 08/16/07 10:58
New userpic: Awesome... just... awesome.
New userpic: Awesome... just... awesome.
mrmike - 08/14/07 17:22
I love chucks -- bought a pair of green ones on my last NYC trip. The Converse website has a Ramones tribute shoe. I've been pining for an orange tie dye pair I saw on Ebay.
I love chucks -- bought a pair of green ones on my last NYC trip. The Converse website has a Ramones tribute shoe. I've been pining for an orange tie dye pair I saw on Ebay.
tinypliny - 08/14/07 17:02
!! I love shoes (all kinds of shoes)!!! If I went slightly berserk and forgot for a day that I need to get groceries and eat and pay my bills, I might end up as the next Imelda Marcos. :)
!! I love shoes (all kinds of shoes)!!! If I went slightly berserk and forgot for a day that I need to get groceries and eat and pay my bills, I might end up as the next Imelda Marcos. :)
mrdeadlier - 08/14/07 16:38
I should, nay I MUST, go out and purchase a pair of those Jackass Cons. I had no idea they existed but now the knowledge will haunt me until I own some.
I should, nay I MUST, go out and purchase a pair of those Jackass Cons. I had no idea they existed but now the knowledge will haunt me until I own some.
08/13/2007 12:36 #40512
Locations?I'm looking for a place to practice driving. Somewhere that doesn't have a lot of busy traffic (yeah, Elmwood on the strip isn't an option -- YET!), maybe some light traffic, open spaces and perhaps a parking lot. Anyone know of such a place?
mrmike - 08/13/07 22:04
Lee, ECC North is a good spot on the weekends, lot of space, parking space to practice with and the like
Lee, ECC North is a good spot on the weekends, lot of space, parking space to practice with and the like
chico - 08/13/07 18:23
I'm only half-joking when I suggest downtown Buffalo on any night except Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
I'm only half-joking when I suggest downtown Buffalo on any night except Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
jenks - 08/13/07 16:22
I learned to drive in an industrial park, after hours. Is there anything like that around here? Lots of different parking lots connected by roads with stop signs etc... Or a big empty parking lot, at least at first.
I learned to drive in an industrial park, after hours. Is there anything like that around here? Lots of different parking lots connected by roads with stop signs etc... Or a big empty parking lot, at least at first.
mimi - 08/13/07 15:41
Oh hey - that brings back memory of drivers ed - I think I drove on Ashland, Norwood, lots of stop signs, practice parallel parking.
Oh hey - that brings back memory of drivers ed - I think I drove on Ashland, Norwood, lots of stop signs, practice parallel parking.
08/11/2007 10:43 #40485
Art Attack!I think we are going to take (e:Theecarey,40396)'s advice -- a trip to Lewiston's Art Festival
is on tap for the day. And yesterday afternoon, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were at Albright Knox
. And the day before we were at The Casellani Art Museum 
I think i need to get my arse up to my studio... seeing is NOT doing!

I think i need to get my arse up to my studio... seeing is NOT doing!
metalpeter - 08/11/07 14:30
You are right seeing is not doing. I don't do a lot of seeing cause I have no talent. If i did I wouold like art more because I would have a better undstanding of it. Glad you are having fun seeing and maybe even buying some art. Hopefully as you said you will be inspired and make some art yourself.
You are right seeing is not doing. I don't do a lot of seeing cause I have no talent. If i did I wouold like art more because I would have a better undstanding of it. Glad you are having fun seeing and maybe even buying some art. Hopefully as you said you will be inspired and make some art yourself.
mrmike - 08/11/07 11:41
Seeya in Lewiston -- and we two were at the Albright yesterday also. Stop stalking me :)
Seeya in Lewiston -- and we two were at the Albright yesterday also. Stop stalking me :)
08/10/2007 19:24 #40481
I Heart Charley!And i heart his humans for the video and taking care of him!
lauren - 08/11/07 11:18
this is absolutely adorable!
this is absolutely adorable!
Wait until you see the crap I get from my church when I get a tattoo.
and here I thought only doctors were blighted with dress expectations!
Harrold, did you see that young employee with all those earings and tatoos!
Well, I for one refuse to purchase kitty litter from someone who isn't conservatively dressed. Let us take our buisness to someplace for frumpy Harold. Good day!
Dress codes violate the Geneva Conventions, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Ten F-in Commandments.
I sold a few years of my life to petsmart....i mean i worked for petsmart for years. Actually in their call center in Brockport. They are closing that i heard. Seriously though, that will probably be a fun job for you so long as you aren't applying for management and have no desires to move up. What was your response to "do you think people are annoying?" I think I would have to lie on that one ;)
i love petsmart!
I've worked with people with developmental disabilities for four years going on five soon. It's a long story about why I have an MA in Criminal Justice but work in this field. The short answer is, I love it. Feel free to e-mail if you want another person's perspective on the field!