Leetee's Journal
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08/02/2007 10:26 #40354
Insomnia! Insomnia!(E:Uncutsaniflush) and i went to his company picnic yesterday afternoon. All they had to drink was Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, water and Labatt Blue (ewww).
It was hot, and i was thirsty. I had 3 caffeinated beverages. Waaaaaaay over my usual intake in of caffeine in a day.
So, at 3am when i still hadn't fallen asleep, i was quite frustrated. I couldn't keep myself still long enough to lay in bed, and not keep my long suffering husband from waking up.
I hope i have enough energy to accomplish the tasks i have set out for myself today...
07/31/2007 13:02 #40326
Positive Restaurant ReviewCategory: food
Buffalo has some amazing places to eat. Bill Rapaport's Restaurant Guide

So, i thought i would send him my review of a new place we tried yesterday, Fables Cafe.
Here's what i sent him:
Fables Cafe
1 Lafayette Square
Downtown Public Library, Main Floor
Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 858-7127
Positive Review
Fables Cafe was not difficult to find in the Downtown Public Library in the middle of the lunch hour, even on a Monday. Follow your nose and you will find it. The smells alone convinced my husband and i to stay for lunch. The decor was clean, modern, but not frilly in the least. Comfortable, i would say, in that downtown officey sorta way.
The line was long, most of the tables were full, but since we were not in a hurry, we didn't scramble for a table. The line moved quickly enough, but we did have time to consider our options at the drink cabinet. Luckily, there was also a menu board there, too, since i wasn't able to read the menu sign from the counter. Maybe i need glasses?
Turn over was fast and we found a table before our order was out. On the opposite side of the counter, however, the drink selection was different. Even though i had already paid, i asked and employee if i could swap out my ice tea for a different flavour. I would recommend looking at both drink coolers before deciding on beverage, just in case.
The menu is limited but from appearances of what other customers ordered and what we saw coming out from behind the counter, looked very good.
I decided on the Quattro Fromage, a yummy melty gooey vegetarian sandwich with an unknown combination of cheeses and fresh tomato slices on crisply fried (i assume with a panini pressed) slightly garlicy bread. My reaction, on first bite, was to say "Oh my god, this is a great grilled cheese!" The side salad it came with was good, but simple -- merely a blend of lettuces with some carrot and radish with a sweet balsamic vinegarette. The " Skrumption" as described on the website might change daily, i am not sure, but today it was a wee wedge of brownie. Just enough to have a sweet ending to the meal.
My husband, not a vegetarian like me, had, as they say on the website, a "mystery" (aka daily special?) which was, in this case, a "Brooklyn" Roast Beef Sandwich. He said the oil and vinegar combination was nice with the slightly spicy mayo, perhaps with a bit of horseradish in it, and the beef itself was tender. It came with cheese, lettuce and tomato on untoasted bread. Which would have been the death of me, if i ate meat -- looked like it got a little soggy nearing the end.
The price for us both to have a sandwich with the side salad and wee dessert with a drink each was just under $18. Not cheap, but not overpriced at all. We would return gladly, next time perhaps on a cooler afternoon when i felt more like trying one of the vegetarian soup options.
But aren't you folks lucky, you get to see pictures, too.

(e:Uncutsaniflush) 's roast beef with one of my olives

(e:LeeTee) 's grilled cheese
And now, looking at the pictures, i realized i forgot to mention that the salad has cucumbers. Oh well.. not bad for a first try.
hmm i'll have to try that Fables place sometime
I am lacto-vegetarian. I suppose I could call myself ovo-lacto, since I eat all sort of cakes with eggs in them, but somehow I can't stand the eggy taste of eggs - does that make sense?
I love dairy products! (But I go easy on them.)
I know! (e:Ladycroft) left town, though she has promised to come back and have a veggie party. I don't know of anyone else. Almost all of the other estrippers I have met or talked to so far aren't.
Speak up if you read this!! :)
Ok I admit the last time I was there they where renovating removing that stuff that causes cancer so it has been sometime since I have been there. Is the place to eat in the libary once you enter it? Or is it Just in the same building? Do you know if the libary runs and owens it or is it run by someone else? Any info would be a help, it does sound interesting. I really should check it out sometime if I'm down that way when they are open.
Yeah, i am. :O) Ovo lacto, to be specific. Not sure i could live without cheese. How about you? Vegan? Lacto?
I would love to have a veggie pot luck! Do you think any other estrippers are veggies? I know (e:Ladycroft) is, and i think (e:Ajay) is, but neither live in Buffalo anymore, silly people.
You are vegetarian too? :) We should have a veggie potluck someday!
\m/ Go Veggies! \m/
07/29/2007 18:12 #40300
Happy Birthday, Linda!While walking by a Subway on Delaware that had been closed for a while, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i noticed they seem to be renovating. The signs on the chairs that were stacked up on the tables amused us.

Today, (e:Uncutsaniflush) had a rare weekend day off... and i am FINALLY beginning to feel a bit better.
I strongly suspect my mind-numbing headaches are from TMJ(WIKIPEDIA - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporomandibular_joint_disorder) but since i don't have medical insurance, i don't want to go through the process of being officially diagnosed. I have all of the mild to moderate symptoms (thank goodness no severe ones, knock wood) and the recommended home remedies seem to knock back the pain enough for me to be able to do more than lay on the sofa in tears.
So, we went to lunch then to the History Museum. It was a fun time. Shame we couldn't use our admission for today towards a membership, or i think we might have. Call me morbid, but i loved the whole death and mourning part of the basement....
We ate at the Olympic on Military and Sheridan. I was impressed with the variety of vegggie options. I might even add a comment to Bill Rapaport's Buffalo Restaurant Guide

I had a super yum greek salad wrap with waffle fries.

(e:Uncutsaniflush) had a Ruben on sourdough with fries, but i wasn't quick enough with the camera to show you the sandwich.
We couldn't resist heading down to the Japanese Garden while we were in the 'hood.

And this is what our bench told us...

That chair thing is too funny.
nice japanese garden shot. If you ever needed to can you go to Canada for their national health care? Sometime it would be nice to hear your thoughts on that system since we hear so often that the system doesn't work.
Nice pictures of that Japanese gardens. I think it might have been part of the Garden Walk so if it was then you saw part of it. Hopefully I'll remember to get there this summer and take some pictures. I remember it used to be pretty cool.
your user pic is soooo cute!!!!
awww... LOVE! how sweet! it exists!
07/27/2007 12:12 #40268
Anyone Wanna Buy a House?Not sure (e:Uncutsaniflush) would agree. Poor guy is at work and has had to deal with paniced phone calls from his wife...
(e:Twisted)? You still interested? The basement floods every time it rains... and it doesn't get deep enough to use a sump pump -- it just spreads out in an even inch or two. But other than that, it's a nice house, i guess...
07/27/2007 20:16 #40271
Snakes In A Drain..!!!Although both are dreadful.
As mentioned in my previous post, (e:LeeTee,40268) we had a mishap with the direction of water flow through the drains in our basement this morning during some heavy rainfall.
Instead of paying a plumber, we DIY'ed it. (e:Uncutsaniflush) did most of the heavy work. I did walk it half way home from Chi-Chi's on Grant because it wouldn't fit into our car. And, i am planning on walking it back in the morning when (e:Uncutsaniflush) is at work.
Yep, i took pics.

doesn't it look like fun?

hey look! an (e:strip) bumper sticker!

small tree roots and perhaps a tampon.

second snake only produced small tree roots.

lovely stuff, eh?
In a completely unrelated note... HeadOn seems to work for me, despite what critics say about it being merely a placebo.
Or, at least it took the edge off a headache that i have had all week long that could have been allergies, a virus, both or just a headache. I took both ibuprofen and naproxen sodium and neither worked... so i figured i had very little to loose. Well, except a headache that has had me crying from pain most of the week...
And on a happy note, our tomato garden is beginning to look pink. I picked our first tomato today.

Doesn't he look yummie?

More will ready to be picked soon.
And i just noticed... this is my 300th journal!
The snake equipment is a lifesaver. They unclogged my kitchen sink with one of these things couple weeks back. The former tenant (or the cat that lived here) had stuffed some hideous stuff down the kitchen drain. ugh.
Wow, I never thought about having to snake outdoors. Seems like there will be lots of fun surprises someday. Congratulations on your 300th journal. Thabks for helpin to make estrip a success.
Alas, I wish caffeine worked for me. It makes me fall asleep. I usually drink a cup of coffee to help me feel drowsy - it works most of the time.