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08/13/2007 12:36 #40512

I'm looking for a place to practice driving. Somewhere that doesn't have a lot of busy traffic (yeah, Elmwood on the strip isn't an option -- YET!), maybe some light traffic, open spaces and perhaps a parking lot. Anyone know of such a place?
mrmike - 08/13/07 22:04
Lee, ECC North is a good spot on the weekends, lot of space, parking space to practice with and the like
leetee - 08/13/07 18:59
Excellent point, (e:Chico)!
chico - 08/13/07 18:23
I'm only half-joking when I suggest downtown Buffalo on any night except Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
jenks - 08/13/07 16:22
I learned to drive in an industrial park, after hours. Is there anything like that around here? Lots of different parking lots connected by roads with stop signs etc... Or a big empty parking lot, at least at first.
mimi - 08/13/07 15:41
Oh hey - that brings back memory of drivers ed - I think I drove on Ashland, Norwood, lots of stop signs, practice parallel parking.

08/11/2007 10:43 #40485

Art Attack!
I think we are going to take (e:Theecarey,40396)'s advice -- a trip to Lewiston's Art Festival is on tap for the day. And yesterday afternoon, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were at Albright Knox . And the day before we were at The Casellani Art Museum

I think i need to get my arse up to my studio... seeing is NOT doing!
metalpeter - 08/11/07 14:30
You are right seeing is not doing. I don't do a lot of seeing cause I have no talent. If i did I wouold like art more because I would have a better undstanding of it. Glad you are having fun seeing and maybe even buying some art. Hopefully as you said you will be inspired and make some art yourself.
mrmike - 08/11/07 11:41
Seeya in Lewiston -- and we two were at the Albright yesterday also. Stop stalking me :)

08/10/2007 19:24 #40481

I Heart Charley!
And i heart his humans for the video and taking care of him!

lauren - 08/11/07 11:18
this is absolutely adorable!

08/07/2007 14:25 #40426

Today, i got up and thought to myself, "this is the day". So, i did the online quiz while eating some breakfast, got ready and caught the bus downtown.

(e:Uncutsaniflush) was calling me from work on his break when i was leaving and again when he got off work just after i got home.

Other than some confusion and a disagreement between staff members that involved me and what line i should be in, everything went quickly and smoothly.

I left home after 11am and got home around 2pm. Plus i stopped to have a small lunch and browse then purchase some veg from a table on Main street.

I passed the vision and written test. I now have a learner's permit. Soon, the streets will not be safe as i learn to drive...
mike - 08/07/07 23:51
jenks - 08/07/07 14:30

08/02/2007 10:26 #40354

Insomnia! Insomnia!
Caffeine is the devil.

(E:Uncutsaniflush) and i went to his company picnic yesterday afternoon. All they had to drink was Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, water and Labatt Blue (ewww).

It was hot, and i was thirsty. I had 3 caffeinated beverages. Waaaaaaay over my usual intake in of caffeine in a day.

So, at 3am when i still hadn't fallen asleep, i was quite frustrated. I couldn't keep myself still long enough to lay in bed, and not keep my long suffering husband from waking up.

I hope i have enough energy to accomplish the tasks i have set out for myself today...
mk - 08/04/07 23:33


tinypliny - 08/02/07 19:13
Alas, I wish caffeine worked for me. It makes me fall asleep. I usually drink a cup of coffee to help me feel drowsy - it works most of the time.