Today, at the yard sale, a grown woman stopped at the table of books out front. She said, "hey, look, someone made a book about the t.v. show!" while holding a Grey's Anatomy volume. Her companions looked embarrassed, but did not correct her.
And yes, i told that story to the lovely man, Peter, who ended up taking the book home. I had to...
If anyone is interested in not going to Taste of Buffalo tomorrow or already went, wants to see me sweat in the summer heat and wants a bargain on household bric-a-brac come on down. Well be at Heidi's Madhouse from 10am to about 4pm at 739 Elmwood hawking our wares.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/07/2007 21:33 #39997
Quote of The Day06/30/2007 12:04 #39861
Mission... Half DoneCategory: garden
OK, among all the other things i am phobic about (yeah, so i am afraid of escalators... whatcha gonna do about it, huh?), i am most scareded of bees. Anything that flies about, buzzes (*shudder*) and has the ability to sting freaks me out.
But i really needed to weed around the tomato plants today. I've been putting it off for too long. Every morning when i water the plants, i think that i just need to get in there and rip out the unwanted plants.
As the bush beside the tomatoes flowers, there seem to be more and more flying stinging things. Yesterday, i stood still ready to freak out while a big fat bee buzzed around my head. There i was, eyes scrunched together as tight as i could, making a "mmmmm" sound (sorta like your youngest did when i was cutting his hair, (e:Britian) ) ready to take off. Eventually (more like 3 seconds, even if it felt like an hour), i couldn't take it anymore. Off i ran, screaming. The neighbours probably thought i was on fire.
So, today, i went into the garden, knowing there would be flying stinging things.
I got some of the weeding done. The closer i got to the bush that is flowering, the more of a general buzz i heard. And the tighter the knot in my stomach got.
When a wasp (waaaaaaaaaay worse than bees) landed on a tomato blossom right next to my hand, that was it. Off i went. No more. I can finish tonight (i will do it with the porch light on in the dark if i have to!) or tomorrow morning.
Here are a few snaps of some of the first of our tomatoes. I am so looking forward to munching on them... they might even be worth the daily flying stinging thing traumas.

P.S. Many many thanks to my lovely and talented husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) for figuring out why this would not publish... ah, the ) after an (e:peep) problem yet again!
But i really needed to weed around the tomato plants today. I've been putting it off for too long. Every morning when i water the plants, i think that i just need to get in there and rip out the unwanted plants.
As the bush beside the tomatoes flowers, there seem to be more and more flying stinging things. Yesterday, i stood still ready to freak out while a big fat bee buzzed around my head. There i was, eyes scrunched together as tight as i could, making a "mmmmm" sound (sorta like your youngest did when i was cutting his hair, (e:Britian) ) ready to take off. Eventually (more like 3 seconds, even if it felt like an hour), i couldn't take it anymore. Off i ran, screaming. The neighbours probably thought i was on fire.
So, today, i went into the garden, knowing there would be flying stinging things.
I got some of the weeding done. The closer i got to the bush that is flowering, the more of a general buzz i heard. And the tighter the knot in my stomach got.
When a wasp (waaaaaaaaaay worse than bees) landed on a tomato blossom right next to my hand, that was it. Off i went. No more. I can finish tonight (i will do it with the porch light on in the dark if i have to!) or tomorrow morning.
Here are a few snaps of some of the first of our tomatoes. I am so looking forward to munching on them... they might even be worth the daily flying stinging thing traumas.

P.S. Many many thanks to my lovely and talented husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) for figuring out why this would not publish... ah, the ) after an (e:peep) problem yet again!
06/28/2007 18:44 #39840
Peep Sighting!Which (e:peep) drives a maroon car with a billion and one bumper stickers on the back, including an (e:strip) magnet on the right hand side of the trunk?
Well, whomever you are, i waved at you, as we were behind you on Elmwood by Albright Knox when you made a right hand turn.
In other news... thanks for the invite to lunch, (e:Ladycroft)! Good to see you and catch up!
Well, whomever you are, i waved at you, as we were behind you on Elmwood by Albright Knox when you made a right hand turn.
In other news... thanks for the invite to lunch, (e:Ladycroft)! Good to see you and catch up!
06/25/2007 23:25 #39807
More! More! More!I promise i will not continue to use my journal as a place to find homes for unwanted kittens, (e:Paul)... Well, not for too much longer anyway.
In case you didn't know already, a neighbour found some abandoned kittens -- (e:LeeTee,39790). One of them, i decided to spend some time with and took a few snap shots of, begging someone to take her home -- (e:LeeTee,39796). And (e:Dragonlady7) and (e:Zobar) did! Yay!!
Sooooo... since that worked, maybe i should try the others?
Here are the 3 cute black and white ones. I call them Larry, Curly and Moe.. but you can call them yours?

(check out the jammies on me! woo hoo!)
And here they are individually. There are 2 males and one female. Not sure which is which right now, though.

And here is the cute stripey tabby one.

Anyone interested in any of the remaining 4 kitties?
In case you didn't know already, a neighbour found some abandoned kittens -- (e:LeeTee,39790). One of them, i decided to spend some time with and took a few snap shots of, begging someone to take her home -- (e:LeeTee,39796). And (e:Dragonlady7) and (e:Zobar) did! Yay!!
Sooooo... since that worked, maybe i should try the others?
Here are the 3 cute black and white ones. I call them Larry, Curly and Moe.. but you can call them yours?

(check out the jammies on me! woo hoo!)
And here they are individually. There are 2 males and one female. Not sure which is which right now, though.

And here is the cute stripey tabby one.

Anyone interested in any of the remaining 4 kitties?
dragonlady7 - 06/30/07 09:19
i'm working on one of my coworkers.
I admit I was half-wishing that the gray girl would be lonely and we'd have to come back for that tabby boy, but she's actually totally contented as an only cat. (I'm about to update with photos.)
Whoops her tail is wrapped up in the string of her toy-- g2g.
i'm working on one of my coworkers.
I admit I was half-wishing that the gray girl would be lonely and we'd have to come back for that tabby boy, but she's actually totally contented as an only cat. (I'm about to update with photos.)
Whoops her tail is wrapped up in the string of her toy-- g2g.
metalpeter - 06/26/07 17:12
First of all those 3 kittens are very cute. That being said I don't want them. I hope that homes are found for them. It would be even better if you could find someone who could take all 3. I'm no expert but I do think that kittens are happier when they are with family then when they are seperated.
First of all those 3 kittens are very cute. That being said I don't want them. I hope that homes are found for them. It would be even better if you could find someone who could take all 3. I'm no expert but I do think that kittens are happier when they are with family then when they are seperated.
fellyconnelly - 06/26/07 16:06
awww the black and white kittens look like my sidward before he got neutered/fat as hell... maybe we could trade him in for a younger model?
awww the black and white kittens look like my sidward before he got neutered/fat as hell... maybe we could trade him in for a younger model?
james - 06/26/07 13:19
Which reminds me, if anyone wants a three year old panda bear I have a crate full of the suckers.
What can i say, I was drunk and on ebay.
Which reminds me, if anyone wants a three year old panda bear I have a crate full of the suckers.
What can i say, I was drunk and on ebay.
museumchick - 06/26/07 01:54
awww...I wish I could take one of them. Too cute!
awww...I wish I could take one of them. Too cute!
06/24/2007 19:41 #39796
Please Take Me Home! Update!!!Look away cat haters or allergy sufferers!
I wanted to go over to the neighbours to play with the kittens today (see my last post, (e:LeeTee,39790) ) and instead found myself with a kitten roaming around our house. Of course i took pictures. And of course, (e:Uncutsaniflush) reminded me to not get too attached.
This cute lil girl needs a home. She is very sweet, friendly.. and quite frankly, a little fearless.

Anyone interested?
(e:dragonlady7) and (e:zobar) just left with this furry bundle of joy -- in a converse shoe box. Hope she enjoys her trip to Wegmans to try on litterboxes! :O)
I wanted to go over to the neighbours to play with the kittens today (see my last post, (e:LeeTee,39790) ) and instead found myself with a kitten roaming around our house. Of course i took pictures. And of course, (e:Uncutsaniflush) reminded me to not get too attached.
This cute lil girl needs a home. She is very sweet, friendly.. and quite frankly, a little fearless.

Anyone interested?
(e:dragonlady7) and (e:zobar) just left with this furry bundle of joy -- in a converse shoe box. Hope she enjoys her trip to Wegmans to try on litterboxes! :O)
dragonlady7 - 06/25/07 19:10
I seriously do want her.
How old is she?
I want her!
I am in negotiations to get a beautiful fearless gray two-year-old cat from my sister who is at the last minute not parting with her, so, you know, I am honestly in the kitten market.
I seriously do want her.
How old is she?
I want her!
I am in negotiations to get a beautiful fearless gray two-year-old cat from my sister who is at the last minute not parting with her, so, you know, I am honestly in the kitten market.
hodown - 06/25/07 11:43
Ok- I hate cats, but even I admit that little kitty looks super adorable and snuggly. If they could stay little and fuzzy forever, I may be tempted to get allergy shots for one.
Ok- I hate cats, but even I admit that little kitty looks super adorable and snuggly. If they could stay little and fuzzy forever, I may be tempted to get allergy shots for one.
leetee - 06/25/07 11:07
yes, she is so cute... those pictures don't do her justice.
right now, she lives in a house that has 2 big dogs (max the shepard mix practically eats her head licking her and she purrs back at him! silly kitty!) and a cat that hates hates hates her and all her littermates, so she would be fine with 3 other animals. :O)
(e:jim) and (e:vycious) -- if either of you are serious about wanting her, email me. the kittens are just 2 doors down. :O)
To everyone else -- there are also 3 black and white kitties and a stripey tabby one!
Maybe i will torment you all with more pictures of them?
yes, she is so cute... those pictures don't do her justice.
right now, she lives in a house that has 2 big dogs (max the shepard mix practically eats her head licking her and she purrs back at him! silly kitty!) and a cat that hates hates hates her and all her littermates, so she would be fine with 3 other animals. :O)
(e:jim) and (e:vycious) -- if either of you are serious about wanting her, email me. the kittens are just 2 doors down. :O)
To everyone else -- there are also 3 black and white kitties and a stripey tabby one!
Maybe i will torment you all with more pictures of them?
fellyconnelly - 06/25/07 10:51
note to lauren: NO!
(dammit shes so cute!)
note to lauren: NO!
(dammit shes so cute!)
jim - 06/24/07 20:00
Oh my god I want a kitten.
Oh my god I want a kitten.
I'm definitely with you on the whole 'flying stinging things' thing. I once was stung on the tummy by a wasp - I killed the little bugger, but my tummy swelled up like a balloon and it hurt a LOT!
ack! bees! I feel ya.. although I surprised myself recently in not being as scared as I normally am-- usually I'd yelp and run too :O But I did have to stop what I was doing for the day, *shiver*.
Tomatoes are looking good. Nothing like the taste of home grown! Sadly, I did not grow anything edible this year. Oh wait, I did.. some herbs. But not tomatoes like I usually do :(
Hopefully you can work out a peaceful pact with the buzzing, stinging, flying things!
Help Paul!
I know how you feel. i spent some time writing it and it feels like i did nothing at all. and took no pictures...
I read the entry and it feels like I didn't read a thing