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07/04/2007 12:56 #39912

Bicycles in Buffalo
Last night at about 11:00pm I was driving along Ashland Avenue between West Ferry and Lafayette. I stopped for the stop sign at Breckenridge, checked that there was nothing coming from the left (it's one way so there should only be traffic coming from the left), the road was clear and so I was about to set off when two people on bicycles came speeding through the junction, the wrong way from the direction of Elmwood Avenue. Not only were these two idiots riding the wrong way down a one way street, but they were going very fast, and they didn't even slow down at the junction!!!

What the hell are these people thinking?

OK, I know I'm in Buffalo, and there are a lot of cyclists here who don't seem to understand that they are supposed to follow the same rules as other road users, so I drive accordingly, looking for cyclists in places where common sense would suggest that they shouldn't be. So the two numbskulls last night were safe. They went on their reckless way unharmed.

But what if the car driver wasn't someone like me? What if it had been the sort of driver who doesn't look before pulling out? (This is Buffalo - you know that there are lots of those sort of drivers here). The cyclists could have ended up splattered across the road.

I've spoken to a few cyclists here who say it is somehow safer to ride on the wrong side of the road. They say that by riding the wrong way that they can see the cars and are able to avoid being hit by the many bad drivers that they come across.

But I see a huge fault in their logic. Even a good driver can be challenged when faced with a vehicle approaching from the wrong direction, but in a city where according to the cyclists themselves bad driving seems to be the norm, the chances are that they will come across someone with poor driving skills who is unable to figure out how to avoid collision, with potentially tragic consequences.

Cyclists who don't follow the New York State Traffic Rules and Regulations which state that "Traffic Rules are applicable to bicycles. These provisions include all traffic controls for motor vehicles including pavement markings, signs and traffic signals" are surely taking their lives in their hands by riding in such a foolhardy manner.

I have a feeling that this won't be the last time I write on this subject...

drew - 08/19/07 09:26
The only time bikes should be on sidewalks is when they are being walked.

Bikers should follow all the same rules cars follow.
jenks - 07/05/07 09:52
am i the only one who's mom always said "ride right, walk left"? walk against traffic, but ride with? I hate when bikes want to have their cake and eat it too. Either be like a pedestrian and cross at lights like they do- and ride on the sidewalk, or, ride in the road like you are supposed to- and if you do that, that means STOP AT LIGHTS AND STOP SIGNS, etc.

I was pulling out of my driveway onto my one-way street a while ago, and the same thing happened. this idiot on a bike was coming the wrong way, and screamed and swore at me b/c I didn't see him. Ummm, hello??
leetee - 07/04/07 14:40
First of all, i want to say that i am glad you were able to avoid an accident. For everyone's sake, i am glad no one got hurt.

I also want to say that i totally understand your frustration -- particularly with that specific incident.

I assume no one but you had lights?

See, as crazy a cyclist as i can be, i don't think i have a death wish. I wouldn't even dream of heading out in the dark without lights leading my way. In fact, i prefer to never ride in the dark at all. Drivers, in every city i have ever cycled in -- including London England around the Chelsea area, downtown and metro Toronto, Halifax, Vancouver and Victoria, Hamilton and here in Buffalo -- drive worse in the dark.

Of course, i know also, that you and every other driver don't tend to look both ways, even when the traffic is one way. But everyone should!! What if some drunk arsehole was driving the wrong way down a one way? Happens all the time. Even in places that aren't considered to have bad drivers, like Buffalo. Of course, i have never lived anywhere that doesn't have bad or irresponsible drivers... but i guess that, as they say, is another story.

You and i and everyone that reads this knows those cyclists should not have been doing what they were doing. But because you did what you should do -- look BOTH ways, even on a one way -- you avoided an accident. Good for you!

I still maintain that i am safer if i ride facing traffic. I'm not an asshole about it. I do not ride at night since i don't have the proper lights. Never in the middle of the road the wrong way, always way over on the right. I make sure drivers have plenty of room to go around me. I only drive the wrong way down one way streets. I always stop at traffic lights. I only refrain from stopping at stop signs when no one is around. I always stop at signs when there are cars. I also know i am not doing what i am supposed to do by riding the wrong way... yet i still think i am safer doing it.

I used to always obey the rules. Now, i know how unsafe it is.

I recall one time, when some poor driver had to deal with me coming right at him. I got off my bike and apologized to him after he slammed on his brakes. One of his fellow drivers almost ran me down on the correct side of the road and i swerved to avoid him and ended up in someone else's path.
james - 07/04/07 14:23
I can understand why a cyclist would drive against traffic. It is a lot easier to see cars comming and what not. But on a one way road? That is just stupid. And driving through a junction?

IF you did hit them that would be two less idiot cyclists in the world.
metalpeter - 07/04/07 13:16
This is going to sound harsh cause it is. What would happen is you would have two dead or really messed up bike riders. Not that I want anyone to get hurt but they would have gotten what they deserve. I will use my self as an example. I have often walked and looked at pictures on my camera. But if when I get to a light and am too stupid to stop and cross the street with out looking then I deserved to be plowed through. If I am the one with the right of way and I don't step out in front of a car then that is a different story (like say at a stop sign).

In terms of riding a bike the rule is that if you are in the street you have to flow with traffic. If this wasn't the case could you imagine what would happen if you had a lot of bike traffic. It is important to do this for a number of reasons. First of all drivers can't be looking all over the road to make sure no one is driving at them. That will wind up causing an accident. Secondly if a car is going towards a bike and vice versa no ones reaction time is quick enough to move out of the way. That assumes you both don't avoid each other in the same direction bye bye biker it was nice to know ya hope you like flying through the air into a tree or a windshield.

I can understand why someone on a bike wants to ride the wrong way.
1. if they are going to get hit they can see it and don't have to worry about who is behind them
2. Drivers often don't notice bikes or motorcycles also. So when you drive towards them it forces eye contact
3. It seems like what is the safer way to ride (very true when by ones self) this is very true if they are used to walking since when you walk you are supposed to face traffic so that you can see the cars and the drivers see you face.

Yes there are bad drivers and bad bike riders also. Often since you don't need anything to ride a bike often they don't follow traffic laws. A perfect example is people who ride on the street and transfer back and forth to the sidewalk. It would be nice if both sides understood this and tried to work together a little bit more.

06/14/2007 00:03 #39651

I'm a grandad!
I'm a grandad!

My lovely daughter Eve gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Sunday. It's quite possible that I am the happiest man on the planet at the moment :o)

joshua - 06/14/07 09:10
Congrats =)
jason - 06/14/07 08:31
Congratulations, Grampa!
mrmike - 06/14/07 06:24
congrats, now you have a kid you can return after a few hours
leetee - 06/14/07 00:14
Congrats to Eve... and to you, Gramps!

04/30/2007 00:47 #39097

the interwebs...
Aren't the interwebs wonderful? Just think of it - all those little pipes connecting all those computers together. It's amazing really how they do it. I mean, just today I printed something from my computer for a friend ((e:leetee)). D'you know, the clever piece of paper got all the way from my computer screen, via its little pipe (that looks like a normal electric cable), and out of the front of my printer. You'd never even know how tightly the paper must have been rolled up (to fit inside the pipe), it came out as flat as you like. Amazing!

I'm so glad I've been working with (e:leetee) recently. If not for her I would never have known how the interwebs actually work. Heck, I didn't even know they were called the interwebs until she explained it to me.

But now I know. And it's totally great because now I also know why I can't get on many web sites tonight. It has nothing to do with Time Warner not caring about it's customers, heck no! It's just that the pipes on the interwebs are getting clogged up. They probably just need a good cleaning...
leetee - 04/30/07 09:18
Maybe we should buy Time Warner a long narrow scrubbie brush so they can get everything cleaned out sooner.

04/29/2007 00:33 #39082

Ghosties and ghoulies
D'you ever get a feeling that someone is watching you? I did today. Problem is...there was nobody there.

I was washing dishes at the house we've been working on. I wanted a change, and I'm certain that (e:leetee) must be fed up with being elbow deep in soapy water by now. So, there I was, happily washing dishes while (e:leetee) and (e:heidismadhouse) were downstairs doing other estate sale preparation stuff, when I suddenly got the feeling that there was someone behind me.....watching! I turned, as you do, to see who was there. And there in the doorway to the attic was a figure....a woman in a white nightgown. As I looked at her she just disappeared.

There was no sound. She didn't turn and walk away. She just was there one moment....then she wasn't. And there was no way I was going up into that dark attic to see if she was up there.

No, I bravely left my dish washing duties and ran downstairs. I didn't run away you understand. No, I wanted to make sure that the women folk were safe.........yeah, right!

I think that tomorrow we will be working together...all in the same room. If one of us has to go to a different part of the house, then we'll all go....

Funny thing is, none of us really believe in all that gobble-de-gook.....

leetee - 04/29/07 11:33
I so would have gone up in that attic... even though the one light was burned out... and it was pitch black up there... Hmm... OK, maybe i wouldn't have. I can't beleive i was freaked out. You SURE it wasn't just an excuse so you could quit doing dishes?
britian - 04/29/07 11:20
We're still sorting. There's a lot of stuff in this one. But mainly it's just the usual estate sale stuff. Maybe a bit more tavern related stuff here actually, and the old man who lived here liked to tinker with old TV sets and lawn mowers (!?!), so there's a lot of what we call 'man stuff' too.
paul - 04/29/07 10:32
WHat kind of stuff are you selling at the estate sale?

04/26/2007 01:05 #39045

I wish Rochester was a bit closer to Buffalo. There's an English pub there y'see, it's called The Old Toad (great name for a pub), and they're having a Yorkshire week at the beginning of May.

Well, as a Yorkshireman I consider it to be my duty to be there flying the flag for those of us Tykes on this side of the pond. Trouble is that if I go there I'd have to drink some of that lovely Yorkshire beer that they'll be selling. I understand that they're going to have some Black Sheep on tap, and I haven't tasted that particular delight for many many years. In fact I believe that the last time I partook of a pint of that fine ale was in 1990 when I went with a few friends to the Black Sheep brewery at Masham as we were heading over to Whitby on our motorcycles. I seem to remember that we never got to Whitby that day, in fact I seem to remember waking up the following morning in a field with a hangover that you could hang a hat on...but I digress...

A visit to The Old Toad would mean a night of drunken merrymaking, and would have to include an overnight stay in a hotel (I don't drink and drive, I'm not that dumb) so, as that's not possible I will probably have to give it a miss.

Ah well, I'll just have to wait for my next visit home to England. I am due to become a grandad at the end of May, and I have every intention of getting back home to welcome the baby to planet Earth. I have a feeling that I will be drinking a pint or three during that visit...
theecarey - 04/26/07 11:33
Just think how wonderful a pint of Black Sheep will taste after almost two decades since the last drop was savored? hmmmm? Gosh, you have me salivating! (e:leetee) has sound reasoning. Listen to her. haha :)
leetee - 04/26/07 10:45
Go, damnit!

Here's the thinking i did in the shower just now (ok, i admit it, some of my best thoughts have come to me in the shower).

If the Yorkshire bash is still on the weekend of the 5th and 6th of May, spend it in Rochester! Consider it a slightly late birthday pressie to yourself. If you can't get hammered around your big Five Oh, when can you?

I know you have responsibilites.


I know that weekend there is no sale, since it was put off until the following weekend. I know your adorable anklebiters will be taken care of. No school to have to pick them up from on the weekends...

I will make you walk up and down the stairs and extra coupla times if it is the calories you are concerned about!!

Hell, i will even buy you the pretty pink pepto and wrap it up as a birthday pressie if that is something you are concerned about.

Surely the pub has a cheap motel within staggering distance?!?
jenks - 04/26/07 05:40
ohhh... it sounds like you have to go. Maybe you can find someone willing to drive? I've done rochester for dinner before... it's a bit of a hike, but not THAT bad...